Mastering Middle Grade

The Writer’s Gift of Intention

Somewhere between Christmas pageant rehearsal, decorating the tree, shopping, and making travel preparations, a still, small voice whispers. The conversation goes something like this:

My Conscience: What about your story? You remember, the one you were over-the-moon excited to write? The story with the characters you loved that you have not touched in a week?

Me: *sigh* I remember.

MC: When are you going to write? You are so close to finishing.

Me: *breaking out in a cold sweat* Not now, conscience. This is not the time.

MC: I know, I know. So…you will write it later, then?

Me: Yes, later. Absolutely. I will finish you later. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed right now.

MC: I get it. Thanks. I’ll look forward to later, then. If it is not too much to ask, I have one quick follow-up question.

Me: Sure.

MC: When, exactly, is later?

The holidays may be a little slow for publishers but for writers, especially those of us young in our journey, they can be a joyous but trying time. We want to use this time for planning, querying, networking, and (of course) writing – but there are about a gazillion competing activities (Christmas party, anyone?) and none of them want to leave room for the other.

So let’s give ourselves the gift of leaving room. Let’s give ourselves the grace we would give a friend. Along with that grace, let us honor the work we’ve already done by planning the work yet to come. The conversation with our conscience could look like this:

Me:  Let’s compromise. I’ll take a few minutes now and make a to-do list, jot down your ideas, and let’s let them soak for a bit. After family has gone home, and I get a little rest, we will get back on our regular writing schedule.

MC: Let the ideas ‘soak?’ Like a Christmas turkey brine type of soak, or a hot buttered dinner roll sort of soak?

Me: Take your pick. I’ll see you bright and early January 2.

As you can probably guess, I am eager to get back to my normal writing routine, but I’m also excited about the celebration and rejuvenation that the Christmas season brings. My goal is to use this time to live life well and fully, so I can bring my most creative self back to the keyboard in the new year.

My intention for 2019 is to give myself the gift of a schedule, with set times for quiet, writing, work and play. What does your new year writing intention look like?

Kell McKinney earned a B.A. in journalism from the University of Oklahoma and an M.S. in documentary studies from the University of North Texas. She’s a part-time copywriter, double-time mom and wife, and spends every free minute writing and/or hunting for her car keys. Connect with her on Twitter @Kell_McK or