“I write only because there is a voice within me that will not be still.” –Sylvia Plath
Are there writers that capture your fierce loyalty? Do you wait with anticipation for their newest book to release?
If you answered yes to the above questions, it is my guess you were first attracted to the author because of their writer’s voice. Author voices that shine through characters and plots keep you searching their author’s pages and websites for notification of their latest offering.
Perhaps you are a novice in the art of writing but dream of someday writing novels, blogs, or short stories that showcase your unique voice? There are numerous blog articles on this illusive matter of voice.
Three excellent examples are:
10 Steps to Finding Your Voice – Jeff Goins. Jeff gives an exercise on his website he developed to help you find your writing voice. I found this exercise to be extremely helpful for myself and I recommend it to students in workshops I teach.
What is Writer’s Voice? – Rachelle Gardner. In literary agent Rachelle Gardner’s post she gives a helpful definition of what voice is and isn’t. I always find helpful information on Rachelle’s site.
Ten Steps to Finding Your Writing Voice- Holly Lisle. Holly says, “Voice is bleeding onto the page and it can be a painful, frightening, naked experience.” Her post offers excellent suggestions and helps.
A book that I would recommend is: Finding Your Writer’s Voice: A Guide to Creative Fiction, by Thaisa Frank and Dorothy Wall. The authors state, “Every writer has a natural voice, and every natural voice has its own way of telling a story.” Frank and Wall give exercises to help you on the quest of finding your voice.
Another book on the writer’s voice: Finding Your Voice: How to Put Personality in Your Writing, by Les Edgerton.
The resources mentioned above are a wonderful starting place for your journey in finding your voice. Remember, the more you write, the easier it will be to recognize your voice.
Is there a Web site or book that you’ve found helpful in the area of finding your writer’s voice? If so, please share!