Mastering Middle Grade

Inside the Ten-Foot Line: From Conception to Publication (Part Two)

Last month, I detailed the first half of my journey to publication for my MG/YA sports novel Inside the Ten-foot Line. I discussed where my idea came from, knowing the genre, and drafting the story. This article focuses on what happened next.

Remember, every author’s path to publication differs. My experience might resonate with you or provide an ah-ha moment. You can also visit Kelli’s article on lessons she learned on her way to publication.


One of the best ways to get your work in front of an editor’s eyes is by attending a writing conference. Beyond offering classes on the craft of writing, attendees can meet editors and agents and pitch their work. For an extra fee, many allow you to submit a manuscript for feedback. Conferences also hold contests. Winning a category gives you exposure. Best of all conferences allow writers to network with other writers.

I pitched the idea for my series first at the Write-to-Publish conference. At the time, there were few sports novels geared toward girls available. A year later, I pitched it at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writing Conference. This time, I found a publisher who, like me, recognized a gap in the market, and requested a proposal.

Action: Set a goal of attending one writing conference this year.


After that initial pitch, it took almost another year before a contract went to my agent.

But let’s touch on the debate between traditional publishing and self-publishing. In today’s market, both are valid options. With the traditional route, writers share the profit with their publisher, but they don’t have to carry the burden of cost to produce the product. A good publisher will also handle most of the marketing, something I appreciate.

Self-publishing means writers keep the profit, but they also must hire an editor, illustrator, and do their own marketing. If you’re a go-getter, this may suite you best.

Action: Find out more here to find out more about these options.


Shortly after turning in the completed work, the manuscript underwent several rounds of editing. That’s all I’m saying on this aspect.

Action: If you are traditionally published, be easy to work with. Listen to suggestions from the professionals assisting you. If you are self-publishing find an affordable and competent freelance editor.


“It doesn’t matter how well written your book is if you can’t sell it.”


Publishers need to make money. As an author, you must do your part to help your book succeed. That’s where platform comes in.

Even before its release on September 20, 2022, Inside the Ten-foot Line  had earned three #1 bestselling banners on Amazon. How? My publisher knows how to market. Among other things, they targeted Amazon Ads and leveraged their newsletter and Instagram accounts to reach my target audience.

On my part, I organized a book launch team, posted on my social media sights, and contacted people with podcasts and or book review sites. I even coordinated ideas with my friend Kelli McKinney since our books were scheduled to release the same month. Her encouragement relieved some of the stress and anxiety I felt over marketing.


If you have not started working on your platform, start! For more marketing ideas, check out this article and/or this one.

I hope seeing my journey helps encourage you on your way to publication. If you have any more ideas to share, please leave them in the comments.

Elementary school teacher Lori Z. Scott usually writes fiction. Her down time is filled with two quirky habits: chronic doodling and inventing lame jokes. Neither one impresses her principal (or friends/parents/dogs/casual strangers), but they do help inspire her writing.

Somehow, her odd musings led her to accidentally write a ten-title bestselling chapter book series and on purpose write over 175 short stories, articles, essays, poems, and devotions. Lori also contributed to over a dozen books.

Lori enjoys speaking, leading workshops, and visiting local elementary schools to share her writing journey. Follow her on Instagram .

Write for His Glory

The Journey From “I Can’t” to “I Will”

The journey from “I can’t” to “I will” starts with brutal honesty.

“I can’t give up my coffee.”

“I can’t give up my bedtime snack.”

“I can’t ______________.”

These responses are often heard when someone is instructed to give up certain things so they can become more healthy. Sometimes it’s a doctor, sometimes a friend who has achieved success. Either way, the person starts out defeated by a belief that they are a victim to some unseen force that is stopping them from making the right choices.

I’ve often been like that toward God with my writing.

“I can’t write every day, I don’t have time.”

“I can’t follow a schedule, I’m too unstructured.”

“I can’t do this, I don’t know how and it’s too hard.”

It’s easy to say “I can’t” and take on that victim mindset. But what I’ve really said is…

“I won’t take something else out of my day to make time to write.”

“I won’t discipline myself.”

“I won’t pray, trust God, and step out in faith.”

Saying “I won’t” is rebellion, pure and simple. I am not a victim, I have the power to choose. Unless I see that, take ownership of my choices, and repent, I will remain a helpless victim and see little or no change in my writing life. God wants to give me His best, and by digging my heels in and refusing to obey I’m saying, “Not interested, don’t trust you, I want my way.”

Hmmmm, isn’t that where everything started back in the garden?

To move forward, we need to be brutally honest with ourselves and admit that whether we say “I won’t” or “I can’t”, the result – and the rebellion – is the same. [bctt tweet=”When we say “I can” and “I will”, we demonstrate our faith and trust in God. The doors He can then open for us are truly amazing!” username=”@marygscro”]

Is anything we can do on our own worth the cost of missing His will for our writing?

I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has granted me [the needed] strength and made me able for this, because He considered me faithful and trustworthy, putting me into service [for this ministry],    (1 Timothy 1:12, AMP)

Can we all make the journey from “I can’t” to “I will”?

Yes we can…if only we WILL!







Mary Graziano Scro, a graduate of Christian Communicators Conference, is an inspirational author, speaker, and blogger who intuitively weaves analogies and personal testimony with practical biblical teaching. Whether “live” or at the keyboard, Mary loves sharing what God has done in her life to encourage others about the awesome life God has planned for us, IF we are willing to choose wisely in our everyday lives (John 8:31-32). And it’s not only about us – the more we invest in our own unique relationship with Jesus, the more visible He is to a world that desperately needs Him. You can reach Mary on:

Facebook: Mary Graziano Scro

Twitter: @marygscro

LinkedIn: Mary Graziano Scro

Blogs: Life Is Not A Formula at


A Word in Season

Words for the Weary

We can share life-changing words to weary people.

I love it when God packs a whole sermon into one Bible verse.

The prophet Isaiah wrote, “The LORD God has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. He awakens me morning by morning. He awakens my ear to hear as the learned” (Is. 50:4).

What a word for writers.

God wants us to be learners. We keep growing, reading, and learning. If our well runs dry for long, we won’t have anointed words to share with others.

God gives us words to share with weary people. It’s amazing how one word from the right source can change our lives. My shelves are filled with books and magazines that God used at specific points in my life to speak life into me. The Lord knows how to connect the right word with the right person at the needed time.

As we write, we ask God to use our words to encourage weary people – people who need a word from God through our pen.

God wakens us in the morning. Here is a tremendous verse of why DSCN4765God wants us to start the day with Him. Beginning the day in praise, in Scripture meditation, and in prayer, we position ourselves to fix our eyes on God. Sometimes we are the weary ones who need a word from the Lord to encourage us. We start our day with Him, knowing that having words to share with others begins by allowing His Word to soak into our hearts and minds.

God wants us to be listeners before we are writers.  We are to “hear as the learned” or “listen like one being taught.” God wants us to develop listening ears. The Holy Spirit walks through life with us. Pay attention to that voice inside. He may give you ideas for future projects, promptings on where to submit your work, or ways to encourage other readers and writers. As we allow God to teach and train us through the winding pathways of life, we grow in our understanding and ability to have words to share with others.

He gives us words in season to share with fellow pilgrims. Let’s stay on the journey together.

[bctt tweet=”God gives us words to share with weary people. #words #writer” via=”no”]