Writers Chat Writers Chat Recap: February Part 1 Writers Chat, hosted by Jean Wise, Johnnie Alexander, and Brandy Brow, is the show where we talk about all… February 18, 2023
Platform and Branding Creating Your Launch Team: Tactics to Help You and Other Writers Marketing your book can be as difficult as writing it, but equally as important. If you don’t write the… May 18, 2021
Writing for YA Do’s and Don’ts When Forming Your Launch Team Congratulations, your book baby is now ready for release! What comes next? It’s time to celebrate your book release… October 27, 2020
Devotional/Christian Living Spreadsheets: Organizing Wisdom from Author Karen Whiting I am one of those writers who sits among piles of stuff. That piece of information I need? I… August 19, 2020