Have you ever received a negative review of your writing? You know, the kind that makes you want to crawl under a rock and never write another word?
I have, and it hurts. It didn’t matter that I also received several good reviews, nope, it didn’t matter at all. I focused on the negative words and allowed them to affect my mood and actions – I beat myself up for days or weeks. The key is to mine the gold from a negative review, and then move on.
That’s where the problem comes in: it’s hard to “move on”, much easier to wallow in the condemnation pit. Yes, it’s a choice, and it all comes back to what I believe to be true about God (He called me to write), myself (I am gifted but not perfect), and others (people have different opinions). Here’s what I learned from my experiences…and I’m still learning how to walk this way.
- Negative words aimed at us are going to hurt. Let them hurt. It’s OK. It’s human. Have a good cry, punch a wall, talk to a trusted friend. Then when the emotions have subsided…
- Look for nuggets of truth in what was said – take the words to God and ask what He has for you. None of are beyond needing correction, or improving our work. Also remember that what the enemy intends for harm, God intends for good. Once you’ve mined for truth…
- Thank God for their review. Maybe God will lead you to thank them, too. Either way, going through the experience is a gift God can use to make you stronger in Him and better at what He’s called you to write. Don’t forget to…
- Bless the one who spoke / wrote the negative words, out loud. The spoken word is powerful. Believe the best about them, bless them, and ask the Lord how you can pray for them. Keep on praying until you feel released to stop, which is usually when the emotions of the event are gone. Finally…
- Expect negative reviews – not everyone will like your writing. Plus you have a message of hope to get out and an enemy who wants to discourage you at every turn. What better way than to try and shift your focus away from God and what He’s called you to do.
Like a miner, sometimes you have to blast through a whole lot of rock to get to the diamonds and gold. Ask God for help, and choose to do things His way: forgive, bless, be thankful.
[bctt tweet=”Take the time to mine the gold from a negative review. Then move on. #almostanauthor #amwriting “]