Writing with a Disability (Different Ability)


Often, what we intend to say never comes through in what we write. Sometimes our enthusiasm inhibits the thoughts we are trying to communicate. Unless you’re one of the writing savants who never makes a mistake, you will have to revise your writing—you will have multiple drafts.

Multiple drafts ensure that your takeaway is clearly communicated. Revisions require rereading of our writing.

This aspect of writing gives me the most trouble with my disability. Again, my brain injury affects my eyesight. I have trouble reading an entire line without losing my place. I can look at a sentence a billion times and never see a typo. The situation is complicated more by my use of speech dictation. If my software dictates incorrectly, I overlook the error. But, like any other writer, I must sharpen my writing skills.

After college, I wanted to learn more about my craft. I knew I needed to learn how to communicate clearly with my audience. My goal was to be a professional writer.

Almost 10 years ago I learned about a professional writing course that utilized Christian authors as mentors for writing enthusiasts like me. After I received all the information, I applied for a grant for people with brain injuries in Georgia.

I was so excited when I received my introduction packet from the writing program I immediately got to work on crafting an introductory email to send to my assigned mentor and emailed it before I went to bed that night.

The next afternoon I received a reply to my introduction and I was heartbroken. My mentor stated that due to my poor grammar and careless mistakes, she didn’t feel I was ready for the program and suggested I go to a community college to learn the basics.

Bewildered, I sat in my living room and pulled out my introduction packet. When I flipped to the second page my heart sank. My first assignment was to email my mentor an introductory message to share my background and plans for the course. The next day I received a correspondence from the program informing me I was no longer enrolled.

In disbelief I emailed the head of the program and explained my situation, his reply gave me hope and forever changed how I l viewed writing. He offered to assign me another mentor and give me another chance along with sage advice I’ve put in my writer’s toolbox.

“From this point on, you have to look at yourself as a professional writer. I don’t care if it’s a simple love letter to your sweetheart or a thank you card to a coworker, it needs to be polished, edited and proofread.”


Writers are only as good as they are readers. Stephen King once noted, “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” Just saying that makes me cringe.

Sometimes it can feel like you’re just talking to yourself. After all, you already know what you said. Or do you? Do you think you know what you said or know what you said? You never know until you actually go back and reread what is written. That is my purpose for proofreading, but along the way you may notice other reasons why you need to proofread.

  • Spelling
  • Punctuation
  • Grammar
  • paragraph/sentence structure
  • content (did you say ever everything you wanted?)
  • content flow
  • contextual meanings (sometimes we say something in our heads and it comes out completely different in print)
  • is your voice present

Maybe it’s just my brain injury, but I hope I’m not the only one who’s, …

“Did I say that?”

Sometimes we know our message so well it’s what we see on a page even if it’s not what is actually there. Our brains hear it even when it’s not written. This is why it is important to get a second set of eyes to look over our writing (especially in my case).

Find readers who understand what you’re trying to say and let them give your work a look over. Family and friends are great, writer friends even better or better yet, a professional editor. They will let you know if they can hear your message clearly.

In the 21st-century, most writing programs and speech software like I use incorporate playback functions, this is another way we can make sure we hear our message:

  1. Microsoft Word: Speak text-to-speech feature
  2. Scrivener: Start Talking feature
  3. Pages: How to use text-to-speech
  4. Dragon Naturally Speaking: Playback Text-to-speech

Each of these features can help us better listen to what we are actually saying in our writing. However, they can never replace a professional writer’s need for proofreading.

Martin Johnson survived a severe car accident with a (T.B.I.) Truamatic brain injury which left him legally blind and partially paralyzed on the left side. He is an award-winning Christian screenwriter who has recently finished his first Christian nonfiction book. Martin has spent the last nine years volunteering as an ambassador and promoter for Promise Keepers ministries. While speaking to local men’s ministries he shares his testimony. He explains The Jesus Paradigm and how following Jesus changes what matters most in our lives. Martin lives in a Georgia and connects with readers at Spiritual Perspectives of Da Single Guy and on Twitter at mtjohnson51.

Magazine and Freelance


“Wah wah woh wah wah” Is all I hear at times. I feel like Charlie Brown, a blockhead.  My brain refuses to think.  Does that happen to you when you are trying to come up with article ideas?  Well, Charlie Brown never gave up and neither shall I.

Writer’s block is a common occurrence.   So how do we brainstorm ideas to keep magazine editors interested in our articles and not pull the football out from under us when we try to punt?

As Charlie Brown helped his little sister Sally do her homework, I have received help from many amazing writers.  Here are just a few of their suggestions to keep the creative juices flowing.   I have narrowed them down to three block buster activities: read, listen and observe.


Read magazines.  Chose a favorite. Read it cover to cover before you submit an article or query. Magazines have a target audience. Each magazine has a rhythm to it.  Make sure you express the voice of that magazine.  Ask yourself, “What would I like to read in this magazine”?  Research their archives to see if an article exists.  Even if it does, you might have a different point of view on the topic.  Step up to the plate and pitch your idea. You may get a home run.

Read magazines that don’t interest you.  I now read Trade Magazines.  These are periodicals that are specific to a company or organization.  While I read one of these publications I got an idea. I submitted an article, and they published it.

Read the Newspaper.  It has current news upon which you could expand.  It also contains press releases on books and events. Find a good press release feed or website to keep up with current information. They can be a solid source of article ideas.

Blog and blog comments– Your blog may have great ideas for a magazine article.  Comments on your blog may give ideas also.   Follow blogs in the area of your writing expertise for inspiration.

Google Alerts–   Set an alert for each keyword on the topics that interest you. When you are alerted, don’t read the entire article. Scan the titles to see the popular topics.  Many great article ideas are birthed by using Google alert.  Here is a link for more information on Google Alerts.

Books will give great insight for articles.  Read fiction, non-fiction and even children’s books.


Listen to TV or radio talk shows so you can have your finger on the pulse of what is popular and trending.  Watch morning shows or popular television talk shows for current ideas.  Radio is a great source to get the brain working.  Talk radio will give you an inside ear to what issues concern people.

Listen to webinars or podcasts on topics that intrigue you.  There are many free audio downloads on line.

Listen to conversations around you.  God has placed a variety of personalities, cultures, and opinions on this earth.   Go to the mall, coffee shop or sit on a bus and just listen.  You will be astounded by all the ideas.


Observe Surroundings.  Nature, people, and situations are a wealth of ideas.  I watched a bird hit my kitchen window and get knocked out.  My husband picked him up.  The warmth of my husband’s hands and the fear the bird must have felt gave life and flight to this little chickadee.  I can think of at least three articles I can write about the situation.  I bet you can think of one right now.

Personal experience.  Don’t ignore your daily routine.  There are great stories in the mundane.  We all experience similar situations in life, but we all don’t tell the story the same way or live it out with the same emotion.  A unique point of view makes for great reading.

There are many ways to brainstorm ideas.  Charlie Brown went to his friends Linus and Lucy for advice.  He contemplated the world as he listened to Schroeder play Beethoven.

We all need friends that can help us.  A friend like Snoopy who fights the battle for us.  Through prayer, he keeps the Red Baron from attacking our mind.  We need to stick together as a writing community and celebrate one another’s success.  We must give encouragement to one another when Writer’s block hits or our article does not get published.  Remember what the other Peanuts did when Charlie Brown picked a horrible Christmas tree?  They gathered around and made it beautiful.

One of my go to teachers is Edie Melson. Check out her post. “Tips for Catching and Storing Writing Ideas,  right here on A3.  She is one of the amazing writers that I mention in my article.

She continues to teach me daily through her blog The Write Conversation.

How do you get ideas for writing?

Please share in the comment section. I look forward to learning from you.


5 For Writing

My 5 Rules for Writing


My favorite canine writer, Snoopy of Peanuts fame, received a boatload of rejection slips in his pursuit of a publisher over the years, and some of them are gems.

“Dear contributor, thank you for submitting your story to our magazine,” one publisher wrote to Snoopy. “To save time, we are enclosing two rejection slips…one for this story and one for the next story you send us.”

In publishing, it’s a dog-eat-dog world.

That’s why there is no shortage of advice on writing and getting published. For instance, five commonly quoted rules on writing and finding a publisher came from Robert Heinlein, the famed science fiction writer. Heinlein’s five rules are:

  1. You must write.
  2. You must finish what you write.
  3. You must refrain from rewriting, except to editorial order.
  4. You must put the work on the market.
  5. You must keep the work on the market until it is sold.

Four of these rules are excellent for both beginning and experienced writers, but I find Rule 3 on the strange side, as do many people; in fact, one online post about these rules comes with an Aspiring Author Warning—“Don’t try #3 at home.” From what I understand, Heinlein admitted that he did revise and rewrite, so I’m not sure where that rule even came from.

Regardless of the oddness of Rule 3, this time-tested list got me thinking about what rules I have subconsciously followed during my 38 years of writing since graduating from journalism school in 1977. So I came up with my “5 for Writing.

  1. Get writing. Find the time to write. Then do it.
  1. Learn by listening—and doing. Solicit feedback, discern what helps you.
  1. Finish your story. Edit and rewrite, but don’t tinker forever. Reach the finish line.
  1. Thrive on rejection. Get your story out there. Be fearless. Accept rejection.
  1. Become a juggler. After one story is finished, be ready to start another. Consider writing two at once.

Note that my Rules 1 and 3 correspond to Heinlein’s 1 and 2. Every list of writing rules probably needs those two because starting and finishing are the two greatest obstacles. As the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once said, “Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.”

As for Rule 2, it takes time to find a reliable circle of friends and colleagues who give you honest and helpful feedback. But it’s critical. Rule 5 may not be for everyone, but I work best when I’m juggling several projects. And if the idea of writing more than one story at a time makes your brain hurt, at least try to get multiple manuscripts on the market; it only increases your odds of finding a publisher.

Finally, my “thrive on rejection” rule was inspired by an old episode of the TV show M*A*S*H when Hawkeye Pierce said something to the effect of “I thrive on rejection.” Hawkeye was talking about not giving up when it came to finding a woman, but I have found that this philosophy also applies to finding publishers. (Both can be heart-breaking pursuits.)

In my forthcoming blogs, I intend that each installment will fall under one of these five rules—and if it doesn’t I’ll find a way to shoehorn it in. In the meantime, try to maintain the same indefatigable spirit of Snoopy—the only writer to ever have a mailbox run away from him when he tried to send off a new manuscript.

So what was Snoopy’s response to his many rejections? He once wrote back to a publisher by saying, “Gentleman, regarding the recent rejection slip you sent me. I think there might have been a misunderstanding. What I really wanted was for you to publish my story, and send me fifty thousand dollars.”

After a pause, Snoopy added…

“Didn’t you realize that?”

Now that’s a dog who thrives on rejection.



Create. Motivate. Inspire.

3 Simple Ways to Grow as a Writer

Most days, writing brings us joy. Our brains stay on overdrive as we scribble ideas on scraps of paper, napkins, and the edges of our church bulletins. A song on the radio sparks an idea and we scramble to record our thoughts. Middle-of-the-night inspiration brings a groan from our spouse as lamplight is needed to locate a pen fast.

But then, creativity stalls. The blank screen seems to mock us and make us wonder if the words will ever come. Or we are restless—writing the same old words, the same old way.

How do we avoid stagnation? Here are 3 simple ways to grow and to rediscover joy in our work:

  1. Read. And not what we always read. Read short stories and full-length novels. Read poetry and screen plays, magazines and newspapers. Read biographies and draw inspiration from stories of men and women who made a difference in our country and the world. Read about the amazing—about dragons and brave warriors. Be a kid again and devour tales of animals that talk and heroes who fly. Read words that make you think and ponder. And when you find a great book, slow down and ask, why is this good? Why did this book make me laugh, or forget the time? And how can I use these techniques in my work?
  1. Listen. There are stories all around us. When our parents or other family talk about the good old days? Listen closely—there are incredible story ideas tucked inside. When we hear bits of conversation waiting in line at the grocery store or sitting in a restaurant, let it spark our imaginations. Most importantly, listen for the heart-cries of our world. Are there needs God wants us to meet through an encouraging article or devotional? How can our words minister to someone today? Listen for God’s direction in each sentence composed.
  1. Daydream. Writers must be dreamers. Go a little crazy and lose the cellphone, turn off the television and computer, and simply be still. Something magical happens when we allow ourselves time to think and dream. Our imaginations take wing as we step away from everyday chaos and lift our hearts to the Author of creativity.

To be good stewards of our gifts, we must be intentional about growing in our craft.

Are we ready? Fire the laptop.

Prime the pen.

Keep writing!

How do you avoid stagnation in your writing? How do you keep the joy?

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[bctt tweet=”Our imaginations take wing as we lift our hearts to the Author of creativity. @A3forMe @LThomasWrites #write #create” via=”no”]