Book Proposals

Knock Four Times

A good cover letter is like an intriguing door, it invites the agent or publisher into your proposal.  The publisher or agent will open wide the door with four loud and clear knocks (paragraphs)

Knock One- Hook and Outline

 The hook– One sentence that grabs the readers attention. Use antidotes, humor, facts, or a question.

The Outline- Summerize book in two to three sentences.

Knock Two-Book Facts/Marketing

Facts should include one sentence with gene and word count.

Status of completion includes one sentence with a completion date for nonfiction books. Most publishers and agents want a fiction book completed before submitting a proposal.

Marketing should include two to three sentences that include the target audience and one or two comparative titles.

Knock Three-Outline/Plot of Book

Fiction Outline should be 2-3 sentences and include

The central theme of the story

The protagonist and his goal

The antagonist and his issue

Plot twist


Non-Fiction should be 2-3 sentences and include

Focus of Book


How book solves the problem

Knock Four-Biography

This portion should be three to four sentences and include

Major achievements-book, articles, blogs and other published work

Education and Work

Social Media presence

An overview of what makes you the person to write this book.

Before you Knock

Check for grammatical errors

Take time to run your document through Grammarly or another grammar program. Have someone else read your cover letter for errors.

Double check agent or publisher website for submission guidelines

Did you spell the name correctly?

Does that agent or publisher represent the genre of your book?

The entire letter must be one page

Thousands of cover letters beckon the publishers and agents,  these four loud knocks will get you one step closer to an open door.



Cherrilynn Bisbano  is the Managing Editor at Serious Writer & Almost an Author -Top 100 writing websites

Host of Genre Chat & Fulfilled Prophecy Friday

Speaker with Women Speakers & By Design ministries.  20 years military service. Resides in Rhode Island with her Husband and son.