
Interview with Bestselling Author Susan Neal

Can you share a little about your recent book? Why do you write? Do you have a theme, message, or goal for your books?

My most recent children’s picture book, Eat God’s Food: Kids Activity Guide to Healthy Eating educates and entertains children. Previously, I published seven healthy living nonfiction books for adults. Now I am launching into the children’s book genre to teach kids to eat wholesome foods. I want to change the American statistic: 50 percent of adults suffer with a chronic ailment and 40 percent experience obesity.

My mission is to improve the health of the body of Christ so others can serve God to the best of their ability. I fulfil that mission through publishing.

How long have you been writing?

I wrote a Star Wars Bible study around 2010, but I never published it. After that I dabbled in writing young adult fiction, but again never published the book. I self-published my first book, Scripture Yoga, in 2016. I received loads of persecution for writing about yoga; but I wanted to provide a godly environment for Christians to perform yoga, as I had been teaching Christian yoga at my church since 2004.

And how long did it take you to get your first major book contract? Or are you published non-traditionally? How did that come about?

I did not land my first traditional book contract until 2020. But I did not wait for a publisher. Instead, I self-published seven healthy living books from 2016 to 2019.

  • 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates won the Selah award and sold over 17,000 copies in three years.
  • The sequel Christian Study Guide for 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates won the 2019 Directors Choice award.
  • The third book in the series, Healthy Living Journal, won the Golden Scrolls award “2019 Best Inspirational Gift Book.”
  • Healthy Living Series: 3 Books in 1 is a mega-book.
  • Solving the Gluten Puzzle: Discovering Gluten Sensitivity and Embracing the Gluten-Free Lifestyle helps those who are gluten intolerant.
  • Scripture Yoga became a #1 Amazon bestseller.
  • Yoga for Beginners

Which of your books is your favorite?

My favorite and cornerstone book is 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates. This book provides a day-by-day plan to wean one’s body off of these addictive products and regain health. It includes a spiritual and physical approach. There are few Christian healthy living books on the market, so this book met a need. It is beneficial to write a book that solves a problem for a large target market.

How long does it take you to write a book? What’s your writing work schedule like?

Typically, I take five months to write a book. I am most productive and creative from 10 am to 2 pm, therefore, that is the time I write. I tell myself I can answer emails and do the rest of my work before 10 am and after 2 pm.

Do you have an interesting writing quirk? If so, what is it?

I like to stay physically active, so while I am proofreading I either get on my stair stepper that is in front of my elevated desktop, or I walk around my house to gain steps. To learn additional tips, check out my article on Edie Melson’s blog The Write Conversation, Tips to Stay Physically Active When Writing.

What has been your greatest joy in your writing career?

I love it when a reader contacts me and lets me know how one of my books helped them. Last year, a reader informed me that his seven-year diabetes type-2 condition was reversed after following the guidelines in 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates. I was thrilled!

What has been your darkest moment? How many times in your career have you experienced rejection? How did they shape you?

It took over seven years to find a traditional publisher who would publish one of my books. I write about my experience in the Southern Writers Suite T blog, Finding Your Writing Path through Rejection. With time, I realized God did not want me to write fiction. He wanted me to use my nursing and medical background, along with Christian spirituality, to help others improve their health through the nonfiction health genre.

What advice can you give aspiring writers you wished you had gotten, or that you wished you would have heeded?

Don’t give up. Rejection is part of this career. It will strengthen you and may lead to a divine writing path like it did me.

Where do you get your ideas?

Most of my book ideas are divinely inspired, but as I perform research on topics, more ideas pop up. At that point, the words flow like water off my fingertips onto the keyboard.

What are common mistakes you see aspiring writers make?

As the Director of the Christian Indie Publishing Association and Christian Indie Awards, the number one mistake I see authors make is not getting fifty Amazon book reviews. After you get that many reviews, the reviews begin posting organically without solicitation. So work very hard to get those first fifty reviews. If I give my book to someone, I add to my calendar to contact them in two months and request a review. It is the least they could do. Be brave and ask.

Where/How do you recommend writers try to break into the market?

If a writer cannot land a traditional publishing contract, they need to decide if they will self-publish. If they choose to do so, they need to publish well. I am a certified writing coach and teach many authors how to independently publish on my website under authorcoaching. Also, Christian Indie Publishing Association (CIPA) provides tools to publish professionally and market effectively. Learning about the publishing industry is challenging. CIPA discounts, educational materials, and marketing tools make an author’s experience easier and more profitable. Why do it alone when you can join CIPA?

As a Certified AWSA Writer Coach, Susan Neal RN, MBA, MHS, desires to help others publish and sell their God-given message. She is the author of seven healthy living books. Her self-published number one Amazon best-seller, 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates, won the Selah award and sold over 17,000 copies in three years.

Susan won the 2020 Christian Author Network Crown Award for Outstanding Broadcast Media for her book marketing campaign. She is a trusted advisor for authors and helps many sell more books. Susan is the new Director of Christian Indie Publishing Association (CIPA) and the Christian Indie Awards. CIPA teaches authors how to self-publish like a professional.


Interview with Award-Winning Author Lauren Crews

Can you share a little about your recent book?

Strength of a Woman: Why You Are Proverbs 31 looks at Proverbs 31 as an acrostic poem of the Hebrew alphabet. Verses 10-31 each begin with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. In Hebrew, the letters are pictographic. The pictures hold meaning that shows up in the verse that we miss in English.

Why do you write? Do you have a theme, message, or goal for your books?

I’m a teacher and a big Bible study nerd. I love the process of discovering those “a-ha” moments. There is great joy in watching others make those same discoveries. Proverbs 31 is so often looked at as a harsh standard. I want women to know it is actually a heroic hymn recognizing their strength. Knowledge is power and the struggles of our lives do not disqualify us from God’s use.

How long have you been writing?

Not very long. Maybe five years. I write curriculum and academic papers but I’ve never considered myself a creative story teller.

And how long did it take you to get your first major book contract? Or are you published non-traditionally? How did that come about?

It took me a year to research and write the book. I attended the Florida Writer’s Conference as a test. Does God really want me to do this, or have I just wasted a year of my life? My submission won first place in the Bible study category and first place overall for nonfiction.

Through that I obtained my agent Karen Neumair with Credo Communications. She and I worked on my proposal for about 6 months than she began the pitch process which took a year. I received two publication offers in that time, but she encouraged me to decline them and keep working the process. Turning down those offers down was crazy to me, but I trusted her. In the end, we finally received the offer from Iron Stream for two books, Strength of a Woman, and an accompanying devotional. I’m so glad I hung in there with Karen.

Which of your books is your favorite?

The main book, Strength of a Woman: Why You Are Proverbs 31.

Tell us about an award you won that was particularly meaningful.

Winning 1st Overall in Nonfiction! It was God’s amazing YES over me. I’d never written. Never attended a conference had no idea what I was doing, but God said yes. The other was winning the Christian Market Book Award 2020. My book launched April 15, 2020, in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. As it was for everyone, all my speaking engagements and marketing were canceled. I was sure the project would die before it even launched. That award gave me such a boost, another big yes from God. I spent the summer hustling and chasing down every marketing opportunity.

How long does it take you to write a book?

Forever! I research for months and dump everything in to structured notes. Then I’ll begin writing through the notes. I always get beta readers and have things edited before I submit to contests, or to my agent.

What’s your writing work schedule like?

 I work fulltime so I do most of my writings early Saturday morning. Otherwise I have to make myself write after work.

Do you have an interesting writing quirk? If so, what is it?

It must be silent, even the radio is too distracting. Most of my writing is prayer and a constant conversation with God. It’s His message and I want to get it correct. And peanut M&M’s help.

What has been your greatest joy(s) in your writing career?

Watching God work through this process. The nudges, catapults, and opportunities He has provided as answer to prayer have been amazing. My faith has grown as I’ve surrendered all of this to Him. Then, when someone shares how the book spoke to them – Yes, Lord!

Could you tell us about a dark moment in your writing career?

The launch. In a pandemic. I really questioned God. Why would you have me go through all this just to have it flop? I had to really surrender the book to Him. He isn’t surprised, or worried and I can’t be either. It’s a hard process.

How many times in your career have you experienced rejection? How did they shape you?

All.the.time. A no just means no for them, not no for me personally or no for my book. Things just weren’t a fit for them. It is disappointing and after multiple no’s you really start second guessing. So, I have to find the one who will say yes. I really seek God through all my projects, and He has the plan. My challenge is discovering the plan and being faithful to walk it out. It takes FOREVER, but I’m learning God wants time with us. The walk and the wait are how He gets our attention and time.

Where do you get your ideas?

Studying, research and prayer. I have a fairly long commute into work, and I keep my radio off and pray. I don’t think I’m a very good writer, so I ask God to give me a story tellers eye. God has sparked some interesting ideas on those rides.

Who is your favorite author to read?

Charles Martin, Tosca Lee (she has an incredible vocabulary), John Grisham.

What advice can you give aspiring writers that you wished you had gotten, or that you wished you would have heeded?

Don’t give up and don’t assume someone else will do things for you. The publishers want to see your platform because YOU are responsible for selling your book. They will help but less than you realize. If you want the book launch, podcast interviews, the speaking engagements, book signings, radio interviews, social media presence, etc., it only happens when YOU do it. And the life of your book baby is a marathon not a sprint. You must be in it for the long haul.

What are common mistakes you see aspiring writers make?

Not networking. Writing is such an isolating activity, but we must network, help and support each other. There are enough readers and styles, for everyone. We aren’t competing with each other. If you have a chance to help someone, do it.

Where/How do you recommend writers try to break into the market?

You can’t go wrong with writing conferences. You will learn so much and make great connections. The appointments, whether with mentors, agents, or publishers, will save you months of time.

Lauren Crews is a multi-award-winning author who loves God’s Word. She holds an MDiv and more than twenty years in women’s ministry. She works as a high school English teacher and an adjunct Bible professor for Northwest University. Lauren lives in Jacksonville with her husband and two chocolate labs who have their humans well trained.


Interview with Award-Winning Author Kevin Wayne Johnson

Can you share a little about your recent book?

Leadership with a Servant’s Heart is about being a servant leader to equip the current and next generation of leaders.

Why do you write? Do you have a theme, message, or goal for your books?

It’s therapeutic and fun. It aligns with my personal life mission – to support and advocate for the dreams, goals and aspirations of others.

How long have you been writing?

19 years

And how long did it take you to get your first major book contract? Or are you published non-traditionally? How did that come about?

No book contracts – all of my books are independently (self) published. The 17 books that I written as the principal author, or a contributing author, have earned 23 literary awards. Goes to show that many traditional publishers don’t recognize or acknowledge talent.

Which of your books is your favorite?

Book #1 – Know God and Do the Will of God Concerning Your Life, published in 2001 and revised in 2011 and Book #17 – Leadership with a Servant’s Heart, released in 2019 and winner of 6 literary awards so far in 2020.

Tell us about an award you won that was particularly meaningful.

All are invaluable and quite humbling. The publishing industry and our readers are saying that they appreciate our literary skills and messaging. Here are links to a few so far in 2020:

Living Now Book Awards

International Book Awards

eLit Book Awards

Human Relations Indie Book Awards

Christian Indie Awards

How long does it take you to write a book?

Approx 6-8 months from start to finish

What’s your writing work schedule like?

It’s random, but usually carve out 90 minutes, 6 days/week to writing. No writing on Sunday’s – it’s my rest day.

What has been your greatest joy(s) in your writing career?

Comments from my readers and book tours where I meet people from across the USA

What has been your darkest moment(s)?

Unscrupulous public relations folks and social media experts that overcharge for their services. In both cases, these groups of people take advantage of what the author does not know.

How many times in your career have you experienced rejection? How did they shape you?

I have received over 30 rejection letters from traditional publishers. In hindsight, it was a blessing. At the time of the rejection, it really hurt.

Where do you get your ideas?

Study, research and reflection

Who is your favorite author to read?

Dr. Myles Munroe

What advice can you give aspiring writers that you wished you had gotten, or that you wished you would have heeded?

Get started, it’s the only way to finish.

What are common mistakes you see aspiring writer’s make?

Thinking that their book will be an immediate bestseller. It crushes their dreams

Where/How do you recommend writers try to break into the market?

Attend a writers conference near their home.

Reverend Kevin Wayne Johnson Celebration Church @ Columbia (MD) / Celebration United (a church development network)Pastor of Leadership Development / Deputy Director Faith Community Commissioner – Commission for SUICIDE PREVENTION (2019-2023)Governor Larry Hogan (Maryland) Board of Directors (National and Baltimore, MD) Nexus Youth & Family Solutions, Plymouth, MN (2019 –        )Advocating for people with disabilities, at-risk youth, and their families Founder/CEO/Publisher – Writing for the Lord Ministries

Purchase my latest book here.

My Writing Journey

Writing with Confidence

My first parenting book began as a work of fiction. It was a single dad story about a correctional officer who discovers a plot for his murder during an impending prison break. I planned to use the story in hopes that single fathers who read it would learn tips for parenting alone, all while being entertained.

Silly idea.

My attempt at fiction was not so much out of creativity, but fear. Fear that a self-help book would not fly unless I had a Ph.D. or other related credentials.

Of course, the novel kept hitting a brick wall because my motive was wrong. Anytime you sneak a lesson into a piece of entertainment, it’s going to show up in blinding neon lights. I knew something wasn’t right. The plot wasn’t believable—it felt forced and smacked of deceit.

At the advice of my literary friends and professionals, I abandoned my novel and dove into the first few chapters of what was then titled Help, I Think I’m Lost: How to Navigate Fatherhood After Divorce.

Once I decided to be truly authentic, I slowly gained confidence as an expert in the field of single parenting issues. Research and interviews caused the content to flow easily from my fingers.

With each new chapter completed, I’d take it to my critique group to have it polished. I talked to single dads, studied the topic, and added several interactive elements to the book. Finally, my non-fiction manuscript was organized enough to pitch to agents and publishing houses.

The Single Dad Detour: Directions for Fathering After Divorce released in February 2015 and became a work that is being utilized internationally to help dads all over the world. This humbles me and I’m so grateful for what God continues to do through the book.

Since then, I’ve expanded my audience to include traditional two-parent homes, writing dozens of articles and devotions on child-rearing from a Christian worldview. 

The lesson for me was obvious. I must move with confidence in the topic for which God calls me to write. None of us need hide behind one genre because we’re afraid of being labeled a fraud—we’re not. Let us step out and be genuine, watching God use us for his glory.

I’m not saying I’ll never try writing a novel again one day. Until then, I look forward to what God might do with my next project. Only time will tell. 

How about you? Have you struggled with insecurities in your genre?

As an award-winning author and international speaker, Tez Brooks writes on family issues, with his work appearing in Guideposts, The Upper Room,, Clubhouse, and Focus on the Family. His editorials on are read by over 20k each month. Tez’s book, The Single Dad Detour was winner for the 2016 Royal Palm Literary Awards. He and his wife have four children and live in Colorado Springs. You can learn more at

Book Proposals

Book Proposals for Different Genres

“What’s the difference between a fiction book proposal and non-fiction?”

“Do I need the illustrations when I submit my children’s book proposal?”

Join Cherrilynn Bisbano and Caleb Walton for an informative chat. As they answer these and other proposal questions.


Cherrilynn Bisbano is an award-winning writer.  She founded The Write Proposal after reading hundreds of book proposals with avoidable errors. These errors cost the author a contract or representation. As a submission reader and junior literary agent, Cherrilynn wants you to succeed.  Her desire is to help you present a professional and memorable proposal.  She has written proposals for Paws for Effect, a Hollywood movie company, and helped edit many proposals.  As the managing editor of Almost an Author, she helped the website earn the #6 spot on the Top 100 best writing websites for 2018 by The Write Life and Top 101 Websites for writers with Writers Digest.

Cherrilynn hosts Genre Chat where she’s privileged to interview expert writers like Jerry B. Jenkins, Cecil Murphy, Michelle Adams and Steven James.

She earned her associate’s degree in communications and continues to study business management.

She is a two-time winner of Flash Fiction Weekly. She’s published in many online magazines and blogs. Cherrilynn contributed to Chicken Soup for the Soul- MiraclesBreaking the Chains, and Heart Reno books.

Cherrilynn proudly served in the military for twenty years, earning the John Levitow Military leadership award.


Holland Webb is a full-time freelance copywriter and digital marketing strategist living near Greenville, SC.

His clients are leaders in the online retail, higher education, and faith-based sectors. Holland has written for brands such as U.S. News & World Report, iLendX, Radisson, Country Inn & Suites, MediaFusion, Modkat, Great Bay Home, IMPACT Water, and BioNetwork.

He is a featured writer on, and his copywriting column appears on Almost An Author.

You can reach him at


Cristel is “Saving the world from bad writing, one project at a time, all while drinking copious amounts of coffee.”

Cristel is part of the Serious Writer team, lending her editing expertise to writers at conferences and online. Mentoring and coaching authors through the editing and proposal process is what makes her shine. She is also a member of The Christian Pen and owner of The Editing House, where she edits manuscripts and other projects for the Christian industry.

Managing editor for Decapolis Publishing in Lansing, Michigan for 7 years.

Editing reviewer for CBA for 5 years.

Editing for Elk Lake Publishing for 4 years.

Deep POV edit is her specialty.