
Build a Brand 3: Define Your brand’s Personality

In my last article, I introduced the idea of an author creating a brand personality and outlined three ways an author can create a solid personality. Simply put, your book’s personality is the way it makes readers feel when they pick it up or read it. This article will focus on how you, as an author, can decide what you want your brand’s personality to be.

Here are three steps to keep in mind as you decide how to define your brand’s personality.

First, keep it simple. Try to define your own human personality in 2-3 words. That can be tough, and it might be helpful to ask someone else to define you. The same is true with branding a product. It can be a challenge to describe your books in 2-3 adjectives. But that’s what you want to do.

Simple messages are more likely to get through to readers because we are bombarded by complex issues daily. Think, what do you want readers to think of as soon as they hear your name? Do some introspective analysis until you can answer this question in two or three words.

Are you a Victorian romance writer? You can probably describe your books as passionate and elegant. If you’re a mystery writer, three adjectives that could easily describe your book are intriguing, suspenseful, and dark. You may want to consider keeping those adjectives in mind as you work on your next book cover, plan your book launch, or your next market campaigns. Reach out if you’d like personalized help planning your next campaign.

Also, be sure to consider your interests. A writer has the most impact when writing from the heart. Your unique passions and experience will combine to making your product memorable.

A good tip is to ask friends who have read your books how they would describe them in a few words. Make their feedback a key part of developing your brand’s personality. And that’s a perfect segue to where I want to go next.

Listen to readers. Readers will define you. Whether a business lives or dies depends, in large part, on its ability to listen to consumers. Sometimes we’re surprised by the kind of people that respond to our writing. Maybe you were writing a story for a YA audience and it ended up resonating with adults!

That’s great, but the feedback you hear from readers (positive or negative) can provide critical information about how they see your work. Once you know how readers see your work, you can better target your marketing campaigns and even let that information guide your future writing projects.

I once ran an online marketing campaign for a historical romantic suspense novel I’d written called Bride Tree. When analyzing the demographics of the people that responded to my campaign, I realized that the bulk of them were, not surprisingly, women. What I did find noteworthy was the fact that the ad appealed to mostly women between the ages of 18 and 35. Why?

Because the brilliant pop of red on Bride Tree’s cover, and the aura of mystery and intrigue created by the masked face of Queen Marie-Antoinette, appealed to the “exciting” and “sophisticated” personalities in the market. When I am a marketing campaign for Bride Tree, it makes sense for me to make sure that the wording of my ads and the audiences that I try to reach already show a penchant for that kind of product such as women in that age range who shop products lines such as Chanel or Coach.

Finally, don’t stress. While figuring out how you as an author want to be perceived by readers, remember that you are not locked into a “set” brand personality. Just as each of us grows and changes but remains the same person, so your brand can grow and change as you write more books while retaining the same core aspects that make you unique as an author.

When I think of C.S. Lewis for example, the first thought that enters my mind is fantasy or science fiction. However Lewis was also known for his non-fiction titles that shared common themes with his fiction. My point is, while you do want some consistency between books, don’t be afraid to launch out into something new as it will collectively work together to develop your brand’s personality.

It’s important to realize that, while each of your books contributes to your overall brand personality, each book also has a personality of its own that will be determined by its genre, cover, plot etc. . .

For example, Bride Tree was a bit of a maverick. I don’t typically write historical romantic suspense and, as such, Bride Tree has its own personality. Yet it brings in elements that are common to all my books—espionage, political intrigue, and action laced with romance.

Many authors write in multiple genres at least once in their careers. There are several solid benefits to doing so, including diversifying your portfolio, reaching new readers, seeing which personality type resonates best with your target audience, and helping you grow as a writer. Varying up your brand’s personality can also entice readers to move from one series you’ve written to others that might be of a different genre.

Once you’ve identified what you want your overall brand personality to look like, use that as a basis for creating your social media presence, your website and, of course, your books.
Write with confidence,

JP Robinson gained experience in the marketing field doing promotional work for multi-million dollar medical facilities and non-profit groups over the past decade. He is an international speaker, educator, and prolific author of both fiction and non-fiction.

JP also conducts writing seminars in various parts of the country and heads Logos Publications, LLC, an emerging publishing and book marketing team.

When he isn’t writing or teaching, JP loves spending time with his wonderful wife and children.

The Writer's PenCase

Creating Extraordinary Characters––Wrap-Up

It’s been a L-O-N-G series, but I wanted to especially focus in on different tools you can use to identify your characters’ personality types, by looking at least a couple different tools. I started with the D-I-S-C, but you’ll need to finish it. Just Google the DISC personalities, and you’ll find a wealth of information. [bctt tweet=”Giving your characters unique and individual personalities will make them more interesting, plus your readers will care about them..” username=”@donnalhsmith @a3forme”] #amwriting #characters

Talking Character

The Power of a Two-Word Character Thumbnail

Can you describe you characters with only two words?

I ran across this simple question in James Scott Bell’s excellent book Voice: The Secret Power of Great Writing. He suggests identifying a character’s dominant impression in two words—a noun that describes the character’s main vocation or purpose, and an adjective that sums up the character’s unique personality and/or attitude. I see the two words as sort of a thumbnail description of the character.

An example:

I decided the main character in my work-in-progress is an unconventional sleuth, while her sidekick is a sassy maid. Those descriptions are oversimplifications, but they point to something essential in the nature of the characters.

It wasn’t easy to boil each character down to two words, but I found the exercise worth it. Here’s why:

  1. Identifying a character’s two-word thumbnail helps me to be consistent. When I come upon those inevitable moments when I’m trying to decide how a character will react in a specific scene, my two-word thumbnail is often useful in determining which option best suits their dominant characteristics. Roxana, my sassy maid, will normally err on the side of stating her mind and speaking when she shouldn’t. Since this is the opposite of my normal tendency, keeping her sassiness in mind helps me maintain her unique character and voice.
  2. Searching for a two-word thumbnail for each character pinpointed which characters I don’t yet know well enough. For some characters, such as my heroine and her sidekick, creating a thumbnail was a matter of jotting down possible descriptors and then narrowing them down to the most apt choice. When it came to other characters, however, my descriptors were all over the place. I wasn’t sure whether Curio was a frustrated victim or a reformed rogue. The thumbnail exercise showed me where I need to flesh out back stories more fully in order to determine the primary essence of each character.
  3. They are a handy way to differentiate between secondary characters. I am working on a mystery, and several of the suspects are landlords. Assigning them adjectives like domineering, kindly, and secretive gives me a simple way to make sure each landlord remains distinct from the others.
  4. It helps my critique partners keep track of who’s who. Since we meet once a month, and it may be months between scenes with a given character, the thumbnail list helps them remember which character is which. It will also help when I am working on character descriptions and synopses.

Are you ready to come up with two-word thumbnails for your characters?  Are they straight-laced lawyers? Bitter sisters? Overconfident suitors?

Give it a try, and you’ll gain a few useful insights about them along the way.

[bctt tweet=”Author tools: Two-word thumbnails help a writer identify their character’s essence. #writetip ” username=””]

Blogging Basics

Six Questions for Effective Blogging

Very few people take a trip without a destination in mind. When we travel, good planning makes for a good trip. When it comes to blogging, there are key questions to planning an effective blog.

[bctt tweet=”Defining purpose, audience, and style creates a foundation for successful blogging.”]

Purpose and niche keeps bloggers focused and consistent with content.

When I started blogging, my purpose was to discover voice, learn craft, and share inspirational thoughts. As I got started, I learned the value of having a plan and a focus.

I would have benefitted from understanding the value of defining purpose and audience. With today’s massive volume of how-to information on blogging, it is worthwhile to do some research and planning before you get started.

Six questions to build a strong foundation for your blog:

1. Why am I blogging?

Begin with the why. Effective blogging requires commitment, time, and effort. If you don’t have strong reason for writing, you won’t stick with it. Answering the why, is the cornerstone of a purposeful blog.

2. What is the purpose of my blog?

Purpose gives focus to blogging. Are you creating a community, teaching ideas, inspiring action, selling a product, encouraging hope, sharing truth, swaying opinion, expressing passion, or exploring ideas? A strong purpose attracts an audience. Purpose also provides motivation to keep writing on the hard days.

3. What is my niche? 

Motivation and purpose relates to the niche, or the topic of your blog. What are you knowledgeable about? What are your interests? Passions? Needs? In today’s world you can find a blog on nearly any topic, so choose something that you  enjoy writing about.

4. Who is my audience?

Designate your audience. Who are you writing to? Why should they be interested in your blog? Audience relates to topic, tone, and perspective. Are you writing to men, women, or a mixed group? What is the demographic and age range of your target audience? What are their needs and interests? What will compel them to read? Understanding your audience is key to creating relevant content for your reader.

5. What 3-5 topics will I write about?

Choose 3-5 main categories for your blog. Choose topics broad enough that there are plenty of ideas in each topic. Understanding your audience is helpful in refining the scope of your content. People who read mommy blogs are not reading for technology how-to’s or stock market tips. They are looking for content that relates to parenting. Audiences of food bloggers don’t want to read political opinion or unrelated book reviews.

Brainstorm ideas that relate to your topics and are of interest to your audience. Keep a running list of possible ideas and prompts. Use your list to plan content. It can also be a resource list to overcome writer’s block. I frequently use my list of ideas to inspire my writing when I struggle with what to write about.

6. How will I present myself (voice/personality/tone)?

What is your voice? What persona will you use? Think through the personality you will present to your audience. Are you an expert on your topic? Do you want to come across as a friend or confidante? Are you marketing a product?

Whether you are starting or refining your blog, take time to build a strong foundation. [bctt tweet=”Purpose, topic, audience, and personality are crucial to good blogging that appeals to readers.”]

Which of these questions will be most helpful for you?