As this series draws to a close, here are a couple practical exercises you can do at home to learn and practice your own seamless self-editing. Cutting word usage in half, and a proofreading exercise will assist you in learning more about how to edit your own manuscript. Because our object is to become “publish-ready.” #amwriting #publishready #seamlessediting
Tag: publish-ready
We all want our manuscripts to be the best they can be. In the past, we’ve relied on unskilled critique partners, groups, and professional editors to do our work for us. But, [bctt tweet=”Prospective authors must learn how to edit their own work to the point where a publisher will consider it as it.” username=”@a3forme @donnalhsmith”] #amwriting #publishready
Seamless Self-Editing—Part I
You hear it more and more these days. [bctt tweet=”Your manuscript must be “publish-ready” in order for it to be considered. ” username=””] What does “publish-ready” mean? How can self-editing help? #amwriting #publish-ready #self-editing
For the next few blog posts, we’ll look at this and how you can improve your raw writing into something closer to “publish-ready.” I’ll be using several resources for this.