The Intentional Writer

Why Do You Need a Concise Writing Ministry Statement?

Why do you write? How does what you write benefit others? Have you identified the purpose or ministry of your writing efforts? If so, can you explain your writing ministry in a sentence or two?

Why is this important?

Imagine this scenario:  

An event planner asks the person beside you what they write about, and they reply:

I’m a breast cancer survivor, and I help families impacted by cancer to process their emotions in a healthy way through children’s stories, poems, and informational blog posts.

Next the planner turns to you and asks the same question. Your answer sounds something like this:

I blog about stuff like cancer, and how it affects families, and all the emotional junk that dealing with the disease can cause, and then I’ve also written some manuscripts for children about how it feels when their mommy or daddy has cancer. And I also have a collection of deeply emotional poems that I wrote when my sister was going through treatments for breast cancer.

If the event planner was looking for a speaker for her next event, which one would she choose?

That’s one benefit of crafting a clear and succinct writing ministry statement. Other valuable benefits include improved focus and clearer author branding. The clearer you are on why you write, who you’re writing for, and what you can do for them, the easier it will be to stay “on brand” and do what you do best.

How to craft a writing ministry statement

A ministry statement has several basic building blocks, which you bring together into a single sentence or two. I will cover some of these building blocks in more detail in future posts, but for now, here’s the basic format.

Some of these building blocks will easier for you to identify than others. That’s fine

Maybe you know the target audience you are called to write for, but you haven’t fine-tuned your message. Or maybe you understand your message loud and clear, but you need more clarity on your ideal target audience. Start with whatever part is clearest in your mind and work from there. The goal is to make an attempt at defining them, not to get it perfect.

Your Why, or your area of expertise.

What qualifies you to teach or advise in this area? What is the spark that causes you to care about this subject or the needs of this audience?

Don’t panic if you aren’t an expert! As in the example above, your “expertise” can be a life trauma you’ve gone through. Alternately, your “expertise” might be something you are passionate about, such as Civil War history, caring for infants, or making people laugh.

In my example, the expertise was being a cancer survivor. If you’ve survived cancer, then you know much more about that subject than anyone who hasn’t. That makes you an expert at surviving cancer.

The Who, your target audience

Who is your message for? Who will most benefit from what you write?

Consider your answer in terms of the needs they have that will draws them to your message.

In my example, the target audience is families that have been impacted by cancer. That is a broad audience in terms of things like age, but it is specific regarding the core issue: cancer.

What problems or pain points does your writing solve?

How does what you write help your audience? What does your target audience need that you can provide? Do you help them solve problems? Do you help them overcome pain in some way?

In my example, the families have emotions from the trauma of cancer that need to be processed. Another answer might be: children in the target audience need story books about loved ones facing cancer.

What is your message?

What is the core message that you want the world to know? The message that will come through whether you are writing poetry, children’s books, or how-to articles.

 If you’re not clear on this, I suggest you read this post on identifying your core message.

In my example, the message is providing emotional healing to families impacted by cancer.

What is the desired outcome?

Your target audience has a problem or pain point. Your writing will help them. How?

What solutions does your writing provide? What is the outcome you intend for them if they read and follow your message?

In my example, the outcome is learning how to process their emotions in healthy ways.

Putting it all together

Once you have identified all the pieces, you can combine them to create a succinct writing ministry statement. Here are several variations to work with.

Hi, I’m (name) and I’m a (establish expertise). I help (who) achieve (what) by (how) so they can (desired outcome).

I help (who) solve (problem/pain point) so they get (desired outcome) by providing (your message).

I am (area of expertise). I help (target audience) who experience (problem/pain point) to get (desired outcome).

I hope these tips will help you clarify your purpose and craft a concise writing ministry statement that will help you share your work with those who need to hear it.

Focus Keyphrase: Writing ministry statement

Meta Description

Creating a concise writing ministry statement can help you effectively to impact the audience God wants you to write for.

Lisa E Betz

Lisa E. Betz worked as an engineer, substitute teacher, and play director before becoming an award-winning mystery writer. She brings her analytical mind, quirky humor, and positive outlook to all she writes. She draws inspiration from thirty-five years of leading Bible studies to create entertaining mysteries set in the world of the early church, and then she fills that world with eccentric characters, independent females, and an occasional sausage-snatching cat. Her first novel, Death and a Crocodile, was recently awarded the Golden Scroll Novel of the Year.

In addition to writing novels, Lisa blogs about living with authenticity and purpose. Visit her at  Facebook  LisaEBetzWriter Twitter @LisaEBetz and Pinterest Lisa E Betz Intentional Living.

A3 Contributor Book Release Guest Posts

Embarking on a Fool’s Errand?

We’re all familiar with phrases that warn us of danger lurking ahead.

  • Look before you leap.
  • You can’t be too careful . . .
  • I’d think twice about that if I were you.

All of these idioms are meant to ward off an ill-conceived project or advising someone to think carefully before tackling what might be considered an ill-fated trip.

But my favorite is: Every dark cloud has a silver lining.

I recently published a compilation book with twenty-two additional authors. I considered the idea a long time before I pulled the trigger. I wanted to “pay forward” the support and assistance I received when I began to write 10 years ago. I’m confident had I not engaged a writing coach and joined a professional writing community for women I might never have become the author of five books. Coupled with a certification as a writing coach, I felt confident in tackling this task.

We May Be Done But We’re Not Finished was a title I stumbled on nine years earlier. I used it as a tagline for my first website, My Purpose Now. The audience? Women 50+ who were struggling to discover their purpose once the nest emptied. They’d been all in, clear about their calling, and engaged in their families. With that no longer in demand (and rebuffed if offered) they were uncertain as to whether their best years were behind them. No. Absolutely not. God had so much more in store; they simply needed an assist to find that path.

I wanted to feature stories of ordinary women 50+ who had done extraordinary things: accomplished a long-ago dream, goal, or vision. Completed a degree. Travel. Quit the job to build a business or develop a non-profit. Serve in a homeless shelter. Dare to dance, paint, act on the stage that called them for 30 years. Some stories centered on loss – a loved one, an unexpected divorce, health issues or financial adversity. But no matter the theme, God was the hero in each story.

A friend asked, “why not write this yourself? Just interview them and tell their story. This is going to be a lot of work.” I insisted each woman’s voice was vital to the telling.

I turned to social media sites to invite those who’d been writing for at least two years. Most blogged, some wrote for local publications. But most lacked their first professional book publishing credit. I selected 25 individuals – most of whom were strangers – from a total of 80 submissions. I would write 50% of the content. I tacked on a few longtime writing friends to write a chapter—and to talk me off the ledge if needed.

I had no clue the time it would require and the effort it would demand. None. Zip. Nada.

I discovered an interested publisher and sent a proposal and sample chapters. I signed the contract two days later. I was officially the managing editor.

No turning back.

The contributing authors signed an agreement for their participation. It included their commitment to write on the specific theme, follow editorial guidelines, write to the allotted word count, adhere to deadlines, and help market the book upon release. I had the final say if an issue arose regarding “artistic license.”

As the managing editor, I did two rounds of editing and coached those who needed assistance. Some were strong writers from a technical standpoint and had good stories but needed help to make the story sing. Others brought a compelling experience but needed support to strengthen the quality of the writing itself.

It was exciting, exhilarating, and exhausting. The journey was never boring.

  • I had divas. “My mom and my friends told me; it was perfect – don’t change a word.”
  • I had debaters: “I’m not using lower case for he, him, and his in reference to Christ. It’s wrong. It’s dishonoring.”
  • I had deniers “I don’t care about the publisher’s requirements; I’m writing it like God told me to.” 

We started with 25; we concluded with 22. We parted on good terms.

From the concept development to the search for authors, from what felt like a thousand emails to release of the book – six months. We worked with a stellar traditional publisher who knows speed to market and excellence in all they do are keys to success.

And now the avalanche of advantages kicks in: I have 22 partners to help market and promote the book.

Some are teaching our group tips and tools on our private Facebook page where our primary communication exists. Many have a writing-related side-hustle: Podcasting, blogging, vlogging, or websites of their own. I was stunned by the number of social media gurus, and valuable contacts they brought with them. Our goal is to create community.

And I thought I was doing this for them.

I’ve been contacted by three writers who are interested in my coaching services. Two additional experienced writers have reached out to ask if I might be interested in teaching a workshop on this collaborative writing approach. I’m thinking that’s one to consider. I never saw that silver sliver peeking through the dark cloud on occasion.

The vision that some regarded as a fool’s errand, has been realized. Our writers are encouraging readers to resist the rocking chair brigade and press ahead to make the rest of their life the best of their life. That is a good outcome.

Nobody promised it would be easy. But then, achievement never is.

Deborah DeArmond is a recognized leader in the fields of performance development, facilitation. She is a certified writing coach as well as an executive business coach. She is also an award-winning author.

Deb’s the author of Related by Chance, Family by Choice, I Choose You Today, and Don’t Go to Bed Angry. Stay Up and Fight! All three books focus on relationship dynamics, communication, and conflict resolution. Her humorous devotional entitled Bumper Sticker Be-Attitudes was published in late 2019. Her newest release, We May Be Done But We’re Not Finished: Making the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life was released in July. She has published more than 200 articles in print and online, including a monthly column, now in her 7th year for Lifeway Magazine with an international circulation of 300,000.

Deb helps clients achieve success in becoming the coach others desire to work through through her engaging inquiry, humor, and straightforward approach. Her clients have described Deb as “candid but kind” and skilled at asking the questions that help “guide others to discover their answers and solutions to success.”


Do You Know What You Mean?

Recently, I uploaded my latest screenplay to a screenwriting website for Hollywood producers and studios to view. I was excited to finally have a completed script on this popular screenwriting website.

What I failed to realize was the specifics of the process of getting a script uploaded. Not only were there numerous categories and subcategories and tags to choose to describe my latest WIP, but there are also some specific questions in regards to my script’s purpose.

  • Genre
  • Setting/locations
  • Theme

At first glance, one might think the first and last questions are the same, but they aren’t. Genre is more of a style of storytelling with its unique aspects. Theme is the ultimate message/beliefs/morals of the story expressed through specific genres.

The site has become popular for helping outsiders break into Hollywood circles, not just for getting completed works before the right people, but helping establish the screenwriter’s platform and area of focus in storytelling.

To some degree writers keep similar themes in all of their stories, because stories are simply a means for us writers to express our beliefs and ideologies in the form of the narrative’s theme—what we mean to say!

What You Mean?

The message of your screenplay is what you hope it means to your audience, so you need to understand your purpose for telling this particular story. Once you understand that, its theme will become clear to the audience.

A literary theme is the main idea or underlying meaning a writer explores in a literary work. The plot of the story is how this theme is expressed. A writer’s theme often reveals the narrative, gives the characters a purpose and helps the audience stay tuned.

Keep in mind the theme has to be clear to more than just you. Make your theme evident to give your story more meaning. Most of us writers want to do more than simply entertain a theater of strangers. We want to use this art form to make an impact on society, to enlighten others. And even simply sway them to our ideology. The following list is reflective of common themes writers express in their narratives:

  1. Beauty of simplicity
  2. Change of power – necessity
  3. Change versus tradition
  4. Chaos and order
  5. Character – destruction, building up
  6. Circle of life
  7. Coming of age
  8. Communication – verbal and nonverbal
  9. Darkness and light
  10. Disillusionment and dreams1

My personal goal as a writer is to inspire change in my audience. I enjoy seeing the spark in the eyes or the excitement when my readers catch on to my story’s theme. (My current screenplay’s theme is humility versus power.)

Each time I start the writing process, I try to determine what I want to say to my audience —what change I’m hoping to cause.

Say What!

Not that I am the best, but the best writers know what they want to say before they began writing. The plot usually develops later in the process, even for outliners like me. Sometimes even the characters reveal themselves by what they really want to say.

Thus, knowing your them or message/message beforehand can help you write a better story in the writing process. One of the beauties of screenwriting is we get to utilize multiple senses, so we have more ways to express our store’s theme. We can say what we want without having to spell it out for our audiences. Below are a few of my favorite movies with clear themes we can see.

What message burns inside of your heart and drives you to write? Our job as storytellers is more than just entertaining. We have an opportunity to make an impact on countless lives when we know what we mean.

Martin Johnson survived a severe car accident with a (T.B.I.) Traumatic brain injury which left him legally blind and partially paralyzed on the left side. He is an award-winning Christian screenwriter who has recently finished his first Christian nonfiction book. Martin has spent the last nine years volunteering as an ambassador and promoter for Promise Keepers ministries. While speaking to local men’s ministries he shares his testimony. He explains The Jesus Paradigm and how following Jesus changes what matters most in our lives. Martin lives in a Georgia and connects with readers at Spiritual Perspectives of Da Single Guy and on Twitter at mtjohnson51.


Writer Encouragement


I won’t state the obvious about the unique situation the world is in. It’s not every year we get to fight a pandemic. Nor is it every year that writer’s conferences—the mega booster to encourage and direct writers—are cancelled. While they are tentatively rescheduled for later in the year, in the back of our minds most of us are thinking, I wonder if they will be held this year at all. I certainly hope so but none of us can foresee the future.

I think about writers of old such as Louisa May Alcott, Jane Austen, Emily Bronte, Nathaniel Hawthorne. As far as I know, they were not attending conferences aimed at their passion. Yet they still wrote. The fruit of their labors is still sitting on our book shelves.

As much as we love the camaraderie of our fellow writers in person, it is not an essential to our word crafting. I have to gulp when I write that because I LOVE meeting my fellow authors up close and personal. But this year has to be different. We have to rely on our connections elsewhere (thank the Lord for social media!) and especially, on the One Who called us to write in the first place.

Years ago, our family experienced a flood in Iowa where we lived at the time. The water treatment plant was contaminated and we had no fresh water for over a week. The National Guard came to filter river water for us. “Potable water” they called it. My pre-teen daughter thought the soldiers were cute. 😉 I had to prepare myself for THAT new phase in our lives!

My memories include incessant rain that felt like we needed to build an Ark. Sandbag filling in attempts to keep the flood waters at bay. Transporting water to a local nursing home in our mini-van. Sweat and dirt in my every pore, and longing for a shower in the heat. These are the memories of that time that persist so many years later. It was a time of community caring.

We are in such a time here and now. You can use this opportunity to help your community. Volunteer at a food bank. Sew masks and donate them to whoever needs them. Deliver meals to the elderly.

This is a time for new experiences that will make you become a better writer. In the life of a writer, these times of challenge stretch us from our comfort zone. That’s not a bad place to be.

Carry on. And wash your hands.

Elaine Marie Cooper has two historical fiction books that released in 2019: War’s Respite (Prequel novella) and Love’s Kindling. Love’s Kindling was recently named a Finalist in the 2020 Selah Awards. It is the second book in the Dawn of America Series set in Revolutionary War Connecticut. Cooper is the award-winning author of Fields of the Fatherless and Bethany’s Calendar. Her 2016 release (Saratoga Letters) was finalist in Historical Romance in both the Selah Awards and Next Generation Indie Book Awards. She has been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul and HomeLife magazine. She also penned the three-book historical series, Deer Run Saga. Her upcoming release, Scarred Vessels,” is about the black soldiers in the American Revolution. Look for it in October 2020. You can visit her website/ blog at

Embrace the Wait

Survival Tips for the Waiting Part of Writing: Tip #15 – Avoid the Tap Out, and Help Others Avoid it Too

One of my family’s favorite series to binge watch is the survival show Alone. From the comfort of our cushioned sofa spots, we love to watch as ten skillful individuals compete to survive—all alone—in the wilderness. Each participant is dropped into their own little corner of a remote island and equipped with nothing but basic survival gear. There they must battle the terrain, weather, wildlife, and hunger to create a habitat for themselves that can sustain them longer than any of their competitors. The contestant who remains the longest wins $500,000.

All the contestants have been carefully chosen from thousands of applicants. Each possesses the skill, health, and mental stability needed to succeed. But in every season, there are always a few of the ten who “tap out” within the first week. The others usually dwindle gradually until you’re left with the final few.

It’s easy to see, from about the fourth episode, which contestants don’t have the know-how to make it until the end. But the most surprising element of the show is that very rarely does the contestant with the highest level of skill win. In fact, the most skillful often tap out early. Why? Because while the other contestants are still struggling, the greatest survivalists have already built a masterful shelter, secured a food source, and solved the wildlife problem. Then, with all other distractions gone, they must deal with the real challenge—isolation.

While munching popcorn in our PJs, I admit my family and I have been known to roll our eyes and make fun of those muscle-bound pansies who tap out and throw away a half-a-mil just because they couldn’t bear to go to bed another night without kissing their wife. Why must they get into their own heads that way? My husband and I think that it’s because when all the work is done, and they are left without a purpose, the boredom drives them to loneliness. Yes, I know it’s easy to throw stones when you don’t have to sleep on one. But to have the prize in the bag and quit just because you’re lonely seems crazy!

Well, it did seem crazy until … quarantine.

We were created for fellowship. Just like our bodies need food for nourishment, our souls require the support and encouragement of others to keep us going. Last month I talked about ways to stay connected even while apart. That’s important. But it is just as important for us to use this opportunity to build up, encourage, affirm, and support people around us.

As writers we have the unique ability and responsibility to make our words count for something good. Instead of wielding our well-crafted words to cause further division, we can choose to give people a reason to hope. This applies to fellow writers and people in general. Let’s be the reason people choose to keep on reaching for the goal. Armed with that driving purpose, we will be less likely to tap out of our own writing journey and continue toward the prize set before us.

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9:24, 2 Timothy 1:7, Proverbs 18:4, Proverbs 12:18

Fun Fact or Helpful Resource: For several years I have enjoyed the inspirational devotionals emailed to me through the Joni and Friends ministry. If anyone has the experience and credentials to speak to challenges involved with isolation it would be Joni. If you need a pick-me-up geared to encourage you to push past your obstacles toward the finish line check out her daily devotional.

Annette Marie Griffin is a award-winning writer who speaks at local women’s group meetings and women’s retreats on the topic of biblical womanhood and finding our identity in Christ. She is the Operations and Events Coordinator at a private school for special needs students and is the editor of their quarterly newsletter. She has written custom curriculum for women’s retreats and children’s church curriculum for Gateway Church in San Antonio, Texas where she served as Children’s Ministry Director and Family Program Director for over twenty years. She and her husband John have five amazing children and two adorable grands. She’s a member of Word Weavers International, ACFW, SCBWI, and serves on the Board of Directors for The Creative Writing Institute.

Devotions for Writers

Personal Directive

“Lord, what about him?”

John 21:21 (NIV)  (Read John 21:15-22)

Have you seen someone reach quick success? Maybe you’ve been writing for years and struggling to get your name out? But they come along and effortlessly get published.

It’s easy to be jealous of someone else’s success. I’ve wasted a lot of energy on the green eyed monster, and can tell you first-hand, you never win at that game. There will always be someone more qualified/talented/prettier/more popular than you. Peter questioned Jesus about John’s future in comparison to his own. Basically Jesus responded, “It’s none of your business, Peter. What is important is that you do what I’ve planned for you!”

The Lord has a specific design with you in mind. Each opportunity adds a stepping stone in the journey of self-awareness and understanding of what that design entails.

On a flight by the coastline of Georgia, I looked out the window and saw boats way down on the water. Actually, I couldn’t see the miniature vessels themselves, but I could see the white foam streamers left in their wake. I may feel miniscule, like the boats viewed from the airplane, but I can leave big waves and make a difference in the lives of others. You may not see me, but you may see where I’ve been and benefit from what I’ve done.

You, too, leave a wake behind you. God has a different plan for each of us. Don’t compare yourself to Peter or John. Do obey the Lord in what He has given you to do!


Do you wonder what you have to say, that someone else might want to read? Do you compare yourself with others? God has given you a writer’s voice that is uniquely you. Your assignment is from the Lord and needs to be said by you, because no one else could say it quite like you.

Have you found your voice, yet, that particular bent that affects your style of writing? A friend once commented, she knew my devotionals before seeing who wrote them. She knew my “voice.”

Pull out old journals. You’ll hear your voice, there. Read through them to appreciate how you’ve grown in wisdom and in humility toward God. Note answers to prayer and situations resolved. Stop to write down thoughts that trigger story ideas. How can you help someone who might be facing the same struggle? 

Learn from Peter, that each one has an important assignment from God!

Over 140 of Sally Ferguson’s devotionals have been published in Pathways to God (Warner Press). She’s also written for Light From The Word, Chautauqua Mirror, Just Between Us, Adult Span Curriculum, Thriving Family, Upgrade with Dawn and Prose Contest Winner at 2017 Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference.

Sally loves organizing retreats and seeing relationships blossom in time away from the daily routine. Her ebook, How to Plan a Women’s Retreat is available on Amazon

Sally Ferguson lives in the beautiful countryside of Jamestown, NY with her husband and her dad.

Visit Sally’s blog at

A Lighter Look at the Writer's Life

A Whale, A Worm, and A Writer

What do a whale, a worm, and a writer have in common? Remember the story of Jonah in the Bible? When Jonah took off running for the hills after God called him, the Bible says God provided a whale to swallow him. Actually, it says “a great fish,” but that messes up my alliteration, so we are going with a whale for the time being.

Coming off conference season, it often feels like we writers have been swallowed by a whale of information. Yes, we know God provided it, but we still have trouble wading through it.

We plod along, trying to bring to the forefront what applies most to us and set our writing priorities based on our new wealth of knowledge. After, we pray our distress prayer from the belly of information. We come out, maybe with a few sprigs of seaweed in our hair, but we are out and ready to continue our writing journey.

The worm is from the story of Jonah, too. When Jonah got out of the whale of a situation, he was “all in” and did what God told him to do in the first place; he still had attitude problems. Imagine that—someone who doesn’t learn the lesson the first time.

God allowed the tree to grow for shade and then sent the worm to destroy it after Jonah pitched his temper fit because God was being God.

As writers, we may feel like an insignificant worm, but if we are appointed by God, we have a big job to do, a God-designed job.

Remember, the whale’s job was to swallow Jonah, and the worm’s job was to gnaw away little by little at the tree. So, the next time you feel like a worm instead of a whale in the world of writing, just start gnawing away at your appointed place. That tree will fall before you know it, and you will be doing what God designed you to do.

Sue Davis Potts is a freelance writer from Huntingdon, Tennessee. She is mother to her beautiful college-age daughter, Jessa.

Sue enjoys writing for both children and adults. She worked for years as a preschool teacher but feels most at home these days with other writers who speak her language. She has been published in local magazines, anthologies, Ideals, Southern Writer’s Magazine and Focus on the Family’s children’s magazines Clubhouse and Clubhouse, Jr.

She authored a children’s library book and her book of short motivations 101 Life Lessons From Uno (The One-Legged Duck) is available on Amazon. Her blog, Potts Pages, can be found on her website,

Embrace the Wait

Survival Tips for the Waiting Part of Writing

Tip #1 – Keep your eye on the goal

With three seconds left on the clock all Tim could think about was advancing to the state championship finals. He’d spent his whole high school career in anticipation of this one moment in time. How many parties had he missed because of practice and workout schedules? How many hours had he spent muddling through math homework to make a passing grade? How many opportunities had he passed up for this chance? Too many. But it would be worth the sacrifice in just a few short moments.

He swiped the beaded sweat from his brow, took a deep breath, and sized up his opponent. Tim had no doubt he could tip the ball when the whistle blew. But regaining the ball and making the winning basket would take focus, skill, and more than a little luck. The shrill scream of the whistle ignited the passion burning in his muscles and fired Tim into action. He tipped. He grabbed. He dribbled. And … he scored, right as the buzzer sounded! An eerie silence filled the packed gymnasium. Then—an explosion of garbled outcries erupted from the crowd. Tim had made the winning shot …  all net, right into the other team’s hoop.

Had Tim invested the hard work required to excel at the game? Yes. Had he made the right sacrifices and set the right priorities to develop his skill? Yes. Had he given his all at crunch time to ensure a win? Yes. The problem? He had lost sight of the correct goal.

Although specifics vary, I think it’s safe to say that most Christian writers share one common overarching goal; we all want our writing to reflect our faith. We want the best of us—which is Christ in us—to shine brightly from the page no matter the genre. So we literally write our hearts out for Him. In the beginning that’s so easy. He is our muse, our driving force, the narrator of all our penned words. But when the work is done and we descend from our writing high there’s often a valley at the bottom of that hill.

It’s called waiting.

In the wilderness of waiting there are plenty of distractions that can lure our attention away from the goal. During that seemingly long stretch of time between a finished piece of work and the payoff most of us will encounter pitfalls like rejection, discouragement, comparison, self-doubt, and worse. We’ll talk more about each of those things in future posts. But above all else if we can learn how to focus on the right goal, no pitfall will ever entrap us.

So let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith … and our writing. He’s busy at work during that waiting wilderness—molding and making us into who He has called us to be. The wait may seem like a monotonous and irritating waste of time, but I love how Pastor John Piper describes the silent work of God’s sovereign hand; “God is always doing 10,000 things in your life, and you may be aware of three of them.”

Scripture—to help keep your eye on the goal:

Hebrews 12:1-2, Psalm 121:1, Psalm 123:1, 2 Corinthians 4:18, Isaiah 26:3, Proverbs 3:5-6

Fun Fact—to help keep your eye on the goal:

The famous and inspirational book Chicken Soup For The Soul ONLY became a became a best-seller and award winning series AFTER a whopping 144 rejections! Chicken Soup’s author, Jack Canfield wrote, “If we had given up after 100 publishers, I likely would not be where I am now.” He went on to say, “If you have a vision and a life purpose, and you believe in it, then you do not let external events tell you what is so.”


Annette Marie Griffin is a award-winning writer who speaks at local women’s group meetings and women’s retreats on the topic of biblical womanhood and finding our identity in Christ. She is the Operations and Events Coordinator at a private school for special needs students and is the editor of their quarterly newsletter. She has written custom curriculum for women’s retreats and children’s church curriculum for Gateway Church in San Antonio, Texas where she served as Children’s Ministry Director and Family Program Director for over twenty years. She and her husband John have five amazing children and two adorable grands. She’s a member of Word Weavers International, ACFW, SCBWI, and serves on the Board of Directors for The Creative Writing Institute.

Mastering Middle Grade

What a Retired Choir Director Taught Me About Writing

Do you ever sit in front of your keyboard, stare at the worn-out keys and wonder if anything you write will ever make a difference to anyone?

Sometimes I do.

I think everyone asks themselves this type of questions at some point. We all wonder if the tasks we do – whether related to writing or any role we play in life – will leave a lasting positive impression. We wonder whether we’re serving our purpose. 

These kinds of musings can anchor us down and drive worry, or they can inspire us to be the best we can be. I choose inspiration, so I want to tell you today about a recent celebration I was blessed to observe for someone who probably asked himself those very same questions.

We gathered in a small Oklahoma town to celebrate the 80th birthday of a man named Mr. Moore. Mr Moore taught choir for thirty years. Over those thirty years, he taught close to 900 students how to make music. My husband was one of them.

Music was Mr. Moore’s ministry, and through it, he taught his high schoolers life lessons. Some of the testimonials I heard over the weekend from my husband and his classmates included stories of Mr. Moore’s high expectations. He drove the kids to work hard because he believed excellence was within their grasp, if they would only reach for it. He taught them to have respect for themselves and others by demonstrating accountability for their mistakes. He played music for them, introducing their young ears to inspiring classical works from opera to spirituals to the Battle Hymn of the Republic. And He showed them how, with work and reverence, they could transform notes on a page into an expression of their souls.

From 1966 to 1996, this teacher taught 900 students in the public school system. A number of those students stayed in Oklahoma, but many of them left for destinations across the globe. Some of them went on to enjoy careers in music or music education, and sharing with the next generations what they’d learned from Mr. Moore. Those students reached an estimated audience of more than 42 million people.

Think about that.

Year by year, student by student, Mr. Moore planted little seeds of life in his classes that grew to reach 42 million souls. What started in 1966 as a small high school choir with 30 students became a legacy of love. At this reunion celebration, more than 600 of his former students returned to Oklahoma from around the country to celebrate him.

What does any of this have to do with writing for middle grade readers? I’ll tell you.

Sometimes sitting down to write is easy. The words flow, the critique groups are encouraging, and life is good. Right? But other times it’s difficult. Those times are when you wonder if anyone will ever read those words you wrestled to the page.

I’m not a betting person, but if I was, I’d wager Mr. Moore had similar types of days. I think there may have been rough moments when he wondered if any of his efforts mattered. Maybe he prayed for inspiration, guidance and wisdom before he walked into the classroom just like I pray for those same gifts before I touch the keyboard.

I guarantee you he didn’t teach because he expected a giant “thank you” party twenty-some odd years after his retirement. He taught music because he was called to teach it. He was faithful each day and was blessed to see some of the fruit of his efforts many years later.

We may think that we are shouting our words into the wind and that our efforts have little or no consequence. But even if only one person ever reads our work, that one person carries a piece of it with them to share with others. That can mushroom into a legacy you never dreamed possible. Just ask Mr. Moore.

Kell McKinney earned a B.A. in journalism from the University of Oklahoma and an M.S. in documentary studies from the University of North Texas. She’s a part-time copywriter, double-time mom and wife, and spends every free minute writing and/or hunting for her car keys. Connect with her on Twitter @Kell_McK or

Write for His Glory

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time, God created the heavens and earth. And God saw that it was good.

Then He created animals and plants for the earth, and saw that they were good.

THEN He created a Man from the dust of the ground and breathed Life into him, and the man became a living being. God created the Man in His own image. Then because no suitable helper was found for the Man, God created a Woman from a rib of the Man – also in His own image.

And God saw that they were VERY good.

Since the beginning of time, God has been creating life. His creative powers know no boundaries. Out of nothing, God makes beauty, purpose, and goodness.

Do you ever drive down the road and marvel at the seemingly infinite variety of trees, grasses, and flowers?

Do you ever marvel at how, with basically the same anatomy (four legs, body, head, tail), so many distinct animals exist that you can name…let alone the ones you can’t name?

And people, wow! We all have the same features – eyes, nose, mouth, ears, body, arms, legs – yet we are uniquely recognizable among thousands of people.

Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;

    you formed me in my mother’s womb.

I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking!

    Body and soul, I am marvelously made!

    I worship in adoration—what a creation!

You know me inside and out,

    you know every bone in my body;

You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,

    how I was sculpted from nothing into something.

Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth;

    all the stages of my life were spread out before you,

The days of my life all prepared

    before I’d even lived one day.

(Psalm 139:13-16, The Message)

Once upon a time, God created people – people who would be His people, and He would be their God. He loves His creation, all of it, especially the human beings He created in His own image, to reflect His glory. Oh, and the best part: when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell inside us.

Do you know what that means?

We have direct access to the creative power of the Creator of the Universe! Through us, God can create life-giving words, crafted into stories and songs and all kinds of media that will be read, listened to, and watched by whoever He determines needs those words exactly the way we write them. Our purpose is to create as the Holy Spirit leads, out of the passion God puts in our hearts.

Once upon a time, God created you. Don’t ever doubt that He created you exactly as “you”, intentionally and on purpose. Accept and love yourself, thankful for who He made you, and receive all He pours into you. Then pour out in your own way as only you can do, for His glory.


Mary Graziano Scro, a graduate of Christian Communicators Conference, is an inspirational author, speaker, and blogger who intuitively weaves analogies and personal testimony with practical biblical teaching. Whether “live” or at the keyboard, Mary loves sharing what God has done in her life to encourage others about the awesome life God has planned for us, IF we are willing to choose wisely in our everyday lives (John 8:31-32). And it’s not about us – the more we invest in our own unique relationship with Jesus, the more visible He is to a world that desperately needs Him. You can reach Mary on:

Facebook: Mary Graziano Scro

Twitter: @marygscro

LinkedIn: Mary Graziano Scro

Blogs: Life Is Not A Formula at


The Writerly Cafe

Welcome to the Writerly Cafe

a3DDmay16I’m excited to welcome each of you to the Writerly Cafe at Almost An Author. Here, you’ll find a place where writers gather to ask questions, exchange ideas, discuss hot writing topics and simply embrace the joy of writing. Being with others who share the same passion starts creative juices flowing. I hope the topics on our menu board each month will spark new writers to put pen-to-paper and experienced writers to deepen their love of this craft.

From time-to-time I will ask for your questions on issues of interest to writer’s. Please don’t feel any question is unimportant or too elementary to bring to the table. I will research the answers to your questions and do my best to be of help. I am blessed with many friends who are well versed in all areas of writing and have offered to share their wisdom concerning your questions.

“Passion and purpose go hand in hand. When you discover your purpose you will normally find it is something you are tremendously passionate about.”
Steve Pavlina

Using the word passion above prompted me to toss out our first question. (Hosting the column does have its perks!)

I’m assuming you’re interested in writing if you’re reading this, but would you say that writing is your passion? If no one ever read your work, would you continue writing, or would you consider walking away? Please share your answers to these, or any other questions you might have, in the comment section below.

But first, I need to let you in on a secret. You never know when a special guest might join us at the café to offer encouragement, give glimpses into their writing journey, or share their best writing tips. Be sure tocoffee-1111666_640 keep your eye on the door!

Again, welcome to this new place in town. As in any café, we can always pull another chair to our table. The more writers, the better. Pour a cup of coffee, find a seat, and let’s tackle these questions and topics with gusto.

Please return each month to check the menu board. In the meantime, I welcome and appreciate your comments. Follow-up questions are encouraged.

Blogging Basics

Six Questions for Effective Blogging

Very few people take a trip without a destination in mind. When we travel, good planning makes for a good trip. When it comes to blogging, there are key questions to planning an effective blog.

[bctt tweet=”Defining purpose, audience, and style creates a foundation for successful blogging.”]

Purpose and niche keeps bloggers focused and consistent with content.

When I started blogging, my purpose was to discover voice, learn craft, and share inspirational thoughts. As I got started, I learned the value of having a plan and a focus.

I would have benefitted from understanding the value of defining purpose and audience. With today’s massive volume of how-to information on blogging, it is worthwhile to do some research and planning before you get started.

Six questions to build a strong foundation for your blog:

1. Why am I blogging?

Begin with the why. Effective blogging requires commitment, time, and effort. If you don’t have strong reason for writing, you won’t stick with it. Answering the why, is the cornerstone of a purposeful blog.

2. What is the purpose of my blog?

Purpose gives focus to blogging. Are you creating a community, teaching ideas, inspiring action, selling a product, encouraging hope, sharing truth, swaying opinion, expressing passion, or exploring ideas? A strong purpose attracts an audience. Purpose also provides motivation to keep writing on the hard days.

3. What is my niche? 

Motivation and purpose relates to the niche, or the topic of your blog. What are you knowledgeable about? What are your interests? Passions? Needs? In today’s world you can find a blog on nearly any topic, so choose something that you  enjoy writing about.

4. Who is my audience?

Designate your audience. Who are you writing to? Why should they be interested in your blog? Audience relates to topic, tone, and perspective. Are you writing to men, women, or a mixed group? What is the demographic and age range of your target audience? What are their needs and interests? What will compel them to read? Understanding your audience is key to creating relevant content for your reader.

5. What 3-5 topics will I write about?

Choose 3-5 main categories for your blog. Choose topics broad enough that there are plenty of ideas in each topic. Understanding your audience is helpful in refining the scope of your content. People who read mommy blogs are not reading for technology how-to’s or stock market tips. They are looking for content that relates to parenting. Audiences of food bloggers don’t want to read political opinion or unrelated book reviews.

Brainstorm ideas that relate to your topics and are of interest to your audience. Keep a running list of possible ideas and prompts. Use your list to plan content. It can also be a resource list to overcome writer’s block. I frequently use my list of ideas to inspire my writing when I struggle with what to write about.

6. How will I present myself (voice/personality/tone)?

What is your voice? What persona will you use? Think through the personality you will present to your audience. Are you an expert on your topic? Do you want to come across as a friend or confidante? Are you marketing a product?

Whether you are starting or refining your blog, take time to build a strong foundation. [bctt tweet=”Purpose, topic, audience, and personality are crucial to good blogging that appeals to readers.”]

Which of these questions will be most helpful for you?