I started working as a professional writer when I was seventeen. So completely captured by the craft, I made the decision to make it a big part of my life. As exciting as it is to be a young author, I learned quickly that writing comes with a lot of unique responsibilities. Responsibilities I didn’t fully understand before I signed a contract.
Recently I went to see the new Spider-Man: Homecoming movie. As a chick flick girl, I didn’t expect the movie to touch me the way it did. But halfway through, I started to identify with Peter Parker in a way that surprised me. Outwardly, Peter was living the life of a normal high school kid, but inwardly he was carrying the burden of a heavier responsibility. Just like a teen writer.
Here are some ways that being a teen writer is like being Spider-Man:
- You’ll Miss Out on High School Fun
Peter Parker (Spider-Man) chose to skip out on parties and everyday teen life because he knew saving the world was more important. In the same way, writers choose to value their ambitions over a little teen fun. This doesn’t mean you won’t be able to relax now and then, but it does mean that sometimes you’ll have to meet that deadline instead of hanging out with friends.
(Your friends will understand.)
- Revealing Your Secret Identity Could be Devastating
Although I enjoy telling people about what I do, revealing my author identity isn’t always in my best interest. I am an introvert, after all. Many people don’t know a real author. When they find out who you are, they might crowd you. “What’s your book about?” “Is your character anything like you?” and “When can I read it?” are all common and predictable questions you’ll receive if you become a professional writer. Though these questions are genuinely appreciated, they might wear you out fast. You have a responsibility to yourself to make sure you don’t get overloaded by people’s opinions and expectations. Keep it simple. Be discerning. If you don’t feel comfortable telling someone the intimate details about your novel’s inner workings, it’s okay to cut the conversation short.
- You’ll be fighting More Than Bad Guys
In Spider-Man: Homecoming, Peter Parker isn’t only battling The Vulture. He’s also fighting against his own rebellious teenage heart, and he’s facing the world’s cruelty head-on. Every day, he looks at levels of evil that his peers don’t even know exist.
As Christian writers, our task is to ultimately share the gospel through our work. Believe me when I tell you the enemy will be attacking you like crazy. Especially during big events in your career, expect the adversity to be there. Not only will you be responsible for meeting those writing deadlines (fighting The Vulture), you’ll also be carrying the weight of the world at times (spiritual attack).
Do you remember in the beginning of this post when I said I was completely captured by writing? I am. That’s something Spider-Man and I have in common, too. Peter Parker was so passionate about Spider-Man’s mission that he was willing to sacrifice everything for it. As a teen, I chose to be a writer because I know that despite the unique challenges and responsibilities, writing is something I’ll always be willing to sacrifice for.
Stephanie is a professional writer and journalist living outside of Buffalo, New York, where it probably snows a lot. She’s pursuing publication for her first novel, Reaching Home, and she spends her quiet moments writing poetry and blogging about her adventures with God. Stephanie has a heart for sharing real stories and encouraging authors to write for Jesus and love what they do. She’s a big believer in hard work, audiobooks, and chocolate, and can usually be found changing the world somewhere.