Write for His Glory


We all long for validation. One definition of “validate” from Merriam Webster is “to recognize, establish, or illustrate the worthiness or legitimacy of.” We read that definition and we question, doubt flooding our minds. We fear we don’t measure up.  WE know what we think, and who we are deep down inside.

With all our mess, failure, and weakness, do we matter? Are we valuable? Do we belong?

Only God can answer those questions, and He does so through His Word. When we look for validation anywhere else, we open the door to confusion and a full-on barrage of negative attitudes and feelings.

How does it start? As writers, we’re submitting our work to those who have the authority to accept or reject it. We often take it personally when our best work is rejected.

But it’s not personal, any more than a teacher grading a paper is personal. It’s about the work.

But it hurts. Especially when you did your best and it wasn’t good enough.

Yes, it hurts – a very necessary hurt that causes us to step back and evaluate, and to make changes where needed. How else will we learn and improve if everything we say, do, or submit is accepted with no questions or feedback – aka, with no rejection?

When we experience rejection and long for validation in its wake, what do we do? Where do we look for the truth? How do we move past it? How do we overcome our feelings of inadequacy?

Do we go to the phone, or to the Throne?
Do we wallow in the mire, or look to Someone higher?
Do we give up and turn back, or get up and improve what we lack?
Do we make excuses, or muster up our creative juices?
Do we take offense, or look at the scene through God’s lense?
Do we focus on the feeling of dread, or look to where we can be fed?

The only One who can validate us at our core, where it matters, is Jesus. Isn’t it a waste of precious time to look anywhere else or expect validation from anyone else…including ourselves?

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will—to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. (Ephesians 1:3-6)

When we work and submit from a place of truth and security in God’s love for us, we have the strength to endure rejection and get back up as many times as it takes to do all He’s called us to do.

What are you waiting for? Time to get that next submission ready!

Mary Graziano Scro, a graduate of Christian Communicators Conference, is an inspirational author, speaker, and blogger who intuitively weaves analogies and personal testimony with practical biblical teaching. Whether “live” or at the keyboard, Mary loves sharing what God has done in her life to encourage others about the awesome life God has planned for us, IF we are willing to choose wisely in our everyday lives (John 8:31-32). And it’s not only about us – the more we invest in our own unique relationship with Jesus, the more visible He is to a world that desperately needs Him.

You can reach Mary on:

Facebook: Mary Graziano Scro

Twitter: @marygscro

LinkedIn: Mary Graziano Scro

Blogs: Life Is Not A Formula


The Ministry of Writing

Daddy are There Potties in Heaven? — Where Do You Get Your Truth?

“Daddy are there potties in Heaven?” My two-year old daughter asked when the subject of Heaven came up. She has been potty-training so potties are on her mind. As a pastor I am asked a lot of theological questions, but I have never been asked that question.

Interesting question, right?

As her theologian-dad I could not let her question go unanswered. I had to provide her with the truth she so desperately needed.

But after Google failed to provide an answer I was stuck. So where do I go from there? How do I find the truth? And while we are on the subject — where do you get your truth?

So as I was replying, “uhhhhhhh” and my daughter was moving on to something else I had a few thoughts:


As a Christian Writer, You are a Dispenser and Framer of Truth

Although Tyndale’s dream has long been succeeded in that even every plow boy has a Bible they can read we still live in one of the most biblical illiterate times in history. Our Christian writings provide truth. If it is nonfiction then it serves as truth while in fictional works entire worldviews and understandings of life are framed.

Your readers are forming their understanding of God and a life with Him from your writings. Therefore it is important that you realize that you play a part in the formation of truth in this post-Christian environment. The Bible warns extensively about the dangers of false teachers, and we write against them. [bctt tweet=”If we are not careful we can be that false teacher.”] So where do you get your truth? Where would you draw your answer about heavenly potties if you were asked?


Truth is What is Needed

My two-year old could have lived with a cliché answer, and my wife thinks I should answer in a way that motivates her to continue using the potty. So yeah this question was not that a big deal, but our writing is important and influential. It may sound odd to talk about “truth” in terms to such a cute but goofy question. I could simply reply with an opinion or a belief. In the more important issues your readers need truth. They do not need an idea or opinion pulled out of thin air. They don’t even need to hear what you believe. Your belief does not make something truth. Rather we and our readers need to believe the truth, but how will they know the truth unless it is told. So when you want to provide the truth where do you get it?


Where Do You Go for the Truth?

The answer is simple, right? The Bible.

If it is so easy then why is it not the place we go first? Why don’t we work hard to make sure that we know what is in the Bible? If you are a Christian writer, but you have not read and studied the entirety of the Bible then your readers are in danger. They need to know the truth and you are a dispenser of that truth. Read it.

But in my case there is no Scripture reference of potties in Heaven. So what do I do? It is important to use the whole of Scripture and work Scriptural to come to the most biblical answer.

In Bible Study turn to trusted commentaries. Follow hermeneutical rules in your biblical interpretation. The Bible is not a free for all. Take the time to not only go to the right spot for truth, but search it correctly and biblical.

So go to the truth and provide the truth.

That’s what I did and I told my daughter, “I don’t know.”

[bctt tweet=”Daddy are there potties in Heaven?”]

For my complete analysis on potties in Heaven check out