
Suspenseful Settings

Authors begin a new story by creating and building their characters—the hero, heroine, and villain, but shouldn’t we also consider the setting as a character? Furthermore, can the author use it to create suspense? How? Here’s what I’ve learned recently on this subject.

Setting is where your story resides. Could be a town, city, castle, beach, office, etc., and should be looked at in the same way as we do characters by using the senses and physical traits. We want to draw our readers in by transporting them to another world. The character of the Overlook Hotel in The Shining created suspense and haunted the reader. Middle Earth in the Lord of the Rings did the same. We want to learn more about the surroundings as it keeps us on the edge of our seats, turning the pages.

What can we use to formulate suspense in our settings?

Five senses – sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. The creaking of the stairs in a haunted mansion or the howling wind echoing in the corridor gives the reader goose bumps. How about the taste of coffee in our character’s favorite café or the smell of mildew in an old estate? The touch of a sharp knife as the killer holds it against his victim’s throat or the character catching a glimpse of the eerie castle blanketed in fog. The senses are powerful and ushers the reader into the story, capturing their attention.

Nature – Does the snow sparkle in the moonlight of the quaint small town or the fireflies flicker on a warm summer night in the campground? A slithering snake or an owl hooting in the middle of the night can create suspense in our settings.

Weather – It can form tension, but don’t overdo it. Picture how a stormy night in an eerie town could add angst to your character. Also, the weather can help solve the crime. Were there footprints in the mud outside the castle’s window or a trail in the snow leading away from it?

Parts of speech – Similes and metaphors are a great way to help describe your locale and enhance the suspense, but use them sparingly.

Powerful words – Pick the right words when describing the setting. Use strong verbs and nouns. The rain pelted or the trees swayed.

In the following scene, I used sensory plus a simile to produce tension and suspense:

The wrought iron gate creaked open, revealing the brick mansion in the distance. Ominous twin turrets towered at opposite ends while cypress trees lined the lane like sentinels protecting the property from outside forces.

Setting is a powerful character that can be used to create suspense and establish the mood the writer is trying to portray. Choosing the right one is the key and we must go beyond the obvious to describe it. When we do our settings will come alive and stay with the reader long after the story is finished.

Darlene L. Turner writes romantic suspense and won the 2017 Genesis award in the Romantic suspense category and was a 2018 finalist. She was a finalist in the 2017 Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense contest and won in 2016 (Inspirational Unpublished). She’s represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency. Visit Darlene at where she believes there’s suspense beyond borders.

The Creative Tool Kit Uncategorized

3 Simple Ways to Boost Creativity

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Welcome to The Creativity Kit!

Each month tips and tools to help boost your creativity skills will be found in The Creativity Kit. Sensory workouts, exercises, and dare I say, fun ideas await!

So, let’s get started by learning three easy ways to increase creativity in your writing endeavors.

One: De-Stress.

Art therapy studies show that patients suffering from cancer and other chronic illnesses find respite from their suffering by engaging in creative work. This could explain why sales from adult coloring books skyrocketed in 2015.

As expected, relaxed people tend to have an easier time being creative but interestingly enough, the opposite is also true. Creative activity is an effective way to combat stress.

Adult coloring books are fun but they also offer the mind an experience known as the “flow” which is a mental state in which a person is so immersed in an experience that nothing disrupts the moment.

One of my favorite Pinterest pages is Adult Coloring Books. Would you like to try adult coloring books at no charge? There are a lot of free online pages ready for printing, like this one.

Two: Take  a Shower.

Okay, hopefully this is already on your list of to-do’s but for an entirely different reason. Still, it’s one of those menial tasks that forces our conscious mind to to take a break. After all, it’s the conscious mind that’s on duty throughout the day. Decisions are made constantly and without the conscious mind, we’d be lost. Literally. So when we perform tasks like taking showers, exercising, or petting the dog the conscious mind takes an audible sigh and relinquishes control to the subconscious. And when the subconscious takes over, so does the creative part of our brain. Seriously, how often has an idea or solution to an ongoing problem come to you while rinsing out the shampoo? You may even want to try Aqua Notes, a waterproof writing pad. I picked up at our local Mast General Store but it can also be purchased online.

Three: Do the Opposite for One Day. bloga3seinfeld

Pretend your George Constanza. Do the opposite of what you would normally do for one day. Do you normally take the highway to work or school? Take the back way, as we refer to it here in the South. Eat breakfast food for dinner and drink tea instead of coffee. Change up as many things possible for one day. Who knows, you may begin declaring one day a month George Constanza day!

I hope these three ideas will get the creative juices flowing. But there’s one more thing I can’t help but ask…

If you were to try a George Constanza day, what would your favorite “opposite” thing be?


If you’re interested, there is a random drawing for an adult coloring book, In The Beginning, being given away on my site this month. Simply comment on my blog to add your name to the drawing!



Have Words, Will Travel....Travel Writing 101 Uncategorized

Making Your Travel Writing More Memorable

glasses-431376_640Andrew McCarthy, guest editor of The Best American Travel Writing 2015, says that the best travel writing is “the anonymous and solitary traveler capturing a moment in time and place, giving meaning to his or her travels.”

Capturing a moment in time—and sharing it in a way that captures the very imagination of the reader—is the goal of every writer. Below are four tips to consider in making your next project a memorable one:

  • Make your prose sing. Read a little poetry every day. Yes, poetry! Read it aloud. Feel the cadence and you’re sure to gain a new understanding, as well as a fresh appreciation, for the value poetry can bring to your prose.
  • Make it impossible for readers to turn away. Engage a person’s five senses and you’ll go straight for the emotional jugular. Include as many of the senses as your piece will sensibly allow—especially where the sensory of scent is concerned. It’s a powerhouse player on the sensory team and unfortunately, often overlooked.
  • Make your point. If you don’t know the focal point of your travel story, chances are your reader won’t either and who wants to ride a merry-go-round of endless details? Most of us enjoy the scenery but we all expect to land at a particular destination.
  • Make continual learning a must. Howard Hendricks once said, “I’d rather have my students drink from a running stream than a stagnant pool.” When we as writers hone our skills by furthering our education through classes, increasing our time between the pages of quality travel books, or joining a local or online writer’s group, our readers will drink from a running stream, leaving them refreshed… and wanting more.

Is there one tip, either from above or from another source, that you plan to integrate into your writing to make it more memorable?



photo credit: <a href=”″>Tricycle Club of the Century Village Retirement Community Meets Each Morning.</a> via <a href=””>photopin</a> <a href=””>(license)</a>