Guest Posts

How Authors Can Market a Book with No Budget

The biggest misconception that most authors have is that they need to have hundreds or thousands of dollars to market their work. This is not true. Spending a lot of money on marketing is not a guarantee that people will buy your book. In our world today, there are lots of opportunities for authors to connect with their readers and make more sales.

You need not be a marketing expert to connect with your audience. Marketing is all about connecting with people who share similar interests with you. With this fact in mind, marketing becomes a simple puzzle. The best thing about marketing is you can connect with anyone in the world. If you don’t have enough money to market your book, here are a few tips that will help you make rapid progress.

1. Start immediately

Don’t wait to complete your book to start marketing it. If you do, it might be too late. When you start marketing the book while writing it, you’ll have enough time to build relationships and bond with your readers. According to best custom essay, connecting with your readers will help you know their needs and expectations. You can also put yourself in their shoes while writing the book. Knowing your target market and their interests in advance will make it easier for you to market the book.

2. Focus on a few promotions

To market your book effectively, you need to pick a few promotions and focus on them. When you spread yourself too thin, you’ll have a hard time marketing your book effectively. Focus is a key ingredient of success. Picking lots of promotions will not only affect your performance but also lead to stress and anxiety.

3. Small audiences are great

When you compare yourself to famous writers, you might think that you have a small audience. However, a small audience is good. Remember, we all start with nothing. According to essay writing service, every person who signs up or buys a book plays an important role in your success. You should treat them like royalty. Find out where they buy their books, how they find new books, and which blogs they visit frequently to name a few. A small audience will help you discover more details and insights that will help you reach other people.

4. Make plans

Don’t just throw everything together and expect great results. You need to think things through before acting. Think about your goals and how your book can help you accomplish them. Create a clear strategy that will help you reach your destination. People who write down their plans and goals are 42 percent more likely to realize them.

No matter how small your budget is, the one thing you should do to make your book a success is to invest in time. Set aside at least two to three hours every week to focus on your book and marketing.

5. Know your reader

I cannot emphasize enough on the importance of knowing your ideal reader. When you write your book with your ideal reader in mind, marketing will be a simple puzzle to solve. Remember, you are not writing for yourself but for your readers. As assignment writing service reports, failing to know your ideal reader will make marketing extremely difficult. No reader wants to invest in a book that he or she will never read.

6. Focus on opportunities in your area

In most cases, writers tend to focus on the big opportunities that they’ll find in cities and international libraries whilst ignoring their own backyard. There are lots of opportunities around you that will help you generate money without having to spend a fortune. Think of the local bookstores, libraries, schools, festivals, breakfast, and literary organizations around you. These institutions will not only provide local support but also help you connect with other bigger merchants.

7. Contact publications and local news outlets

Writers often overlook local news when it comes to attracting the attention of the public. This is the best place for writers to start if they want their efforts to pay off in the long run. A Google search will help you get contact info for the local newspapers, talk shows, websites, and blogs to name a few. Remember to look at their requirements before making your submission.

8. Use your hobbies

How do you spend your free time? Do you draw, knit, garden or paint? You can use your hobbies to connect with other people. According to the essay writers, the more people you connect with; the more people will be aware of your work.

9. Create amazing visuals

Human beings are visual creatures. We all love looking at beautiful pictures. The first thing people look at before buying a book is the cover. A great book with poorly designed visuals will not sell. You need to take your time to design a book cover and your posters to market your book easily. Apps such as Adobe Spark will make your work easy. And the best part is, most of these great apps are free!

10. Don’t forget family and friends

One of the biggest challenges most writers encounter is getting book reviews, particularly on Amazon. Your family and friends can help you with this. Most of the time, our loved ones are ready and willing to help. However, they have no idea what they should do. Give them a copy of your book and ask them to review it.

11. Connect with other authors

According to custom essay help, you shouldn’t see other authors as the competition but allies. Connecting with other authors will allow you to get mentored and also promote your work. You can help each other progress and grow your audience.


Effective marketing is all about creativity. You need to know the strategies that other successful authors are using and adapt them to get similar results. Always start simple. Start by knowing your ideal reader and using the opportunities in your own backyard. In the end, your book will sell without having to spend a fortune.

Kurt Walker is a skilled freelancer and editor at a professional writer service and resume writer review service in London. He is one of the many UK essay writers specialized in essay writing and assignment help. In his spare time, Kurt plays the guitar and takes his dog Shay for a walk.”

Embrace the Wait

Survival Tips for the Waiting Part of Writing Tip #14 – Stay on Mission

I’m writing this post at a time when our world is in shut-down mode. Stores are closing their doors, travel has been restricted, and the term self-quarantine has suddenly risen from the shadows of the past and roosted in our everyday vernacular. Life right now seems like a sci-fi WIP—being written by a pantser. And yet again there’s the … waiting. Waiting for answers, waiting for a cure, waiting for some assurance that this virus won’t be the tiny straw that breaks the world’s hope.

Ah, but we know the true author of the story, and we know that He is where our hope lies. None of this has taken God by surprise. He’s still on His throne and still in control. So, what do we do during our time of waiting?

Here are a few tips to help us stay on mission.

  1. – Social distancing does not have to keep us apart. Can you imagine how much more difficult the separation would be if we did not have the benefit of technology? I shudder at the thought. Now is the time to take full advantage of every online networking opportunity available. Our connections with each other are vital to God’s plan. He created each of us to fit together like puzzle pieces for His purposes. Wouldn’t it be just like the enemy, that schemer, to use this time to divide and conquer us? We can’t let him. We must choose to band together in every safe and possible way. I’ve added some links below to help with this.
  2. It has been said that the instruction to fear not occurs exactly 365 times in the Bible. I’ve not counted these occurrences for myself, but I believe it. It’s as if God doesn’t want us to live one single day in fear, so he gives us a verse for each day.  One important thing I’m learning about fear is that it has zero power in my life when it is brought into the presence of God’s perfect love. His perfect love casts out all fear. But wrangling that fear from the confines of my worry and anxiety and casting it into the truth of God’s love—requires trust. In this time of uncertainty, when it’s hard to discern truth from fiction, one thing is sure. We have a God who can be trusted. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. May we all move into that trust and away from fear.
  3. Many of us have extra time on our hands now that the demands of our overly-busy lives have been temporarily suspended. With fear out of the way, let’s use the spare time to move forward into our callings. Let’s draw near to God, deepen the relationships we have with our families, write something every day. Remember, this period of waiting is not a bump in the road—It’s a springboard. As C.S. Lewis once said, “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.”

Scripture: 1 John 4:18, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

Fun Fact or Helpful Resource:

Here are some great ways to connect with others online:

  1. Join a critique group where you can share your work with other writers and receive valuable feedback. There are many out there. But Word Weavers Intl. is my fave.
  2. There are private writers’ groups and clubs you can join online. Serious Writer has a club that I love. They not only provide networking opportunities, they offer training and other amazing perks.

Annette Marie Griffin is a award-winning writer who speaks at local women’s group meetings and women’s retreats on the topic of biblical womanhood and finding our identity in Christ. She is the Operations and Events Coordinator at a private school for special needs students and is the editor of their quarterly newsletter. She has written custom curriculum for women’s retreats and children’s church curriculum for Gateway Church in San Antonio, Texas where she served as Children’s Ministry Director and Family Program Director for over twenty years. She and her husband John have five amazing children and two adorable grands. She’s a member of Word Weavers International, ACFW, SCBWI, and serves on the Board of Directors for The Creative Writing Institute.

Mastering Middle Grade

Writer, Educate Thyself

Last month we talked about the basic steps involved in getting your manuscript ready for submission. This month, I want to talk about something I struggle with, and that’s keeping up.

I don’t mean keeping up with laundry or keeping up with the neighbors’ fabulously maintained lawn. If those are your things, high fives to you, but what I mean is the constant challenge to stay current in an industry that’s always changing.

I’m by no means an expert at this. I feel like I’m just starting to get my head around it, so don’t be shy about commenting here with suggestions or corrections.

I’m always curious about a) who/what is getting published, b) what are my readers reading? c) are there any new hints/tips/tricks for writers I need to know about?

You might be thinking, yes, but I can get all this at a conference, shouldn’t I just go to a conference or two and call it good? Why do I need to spend precious writing time on industry info?

Yes, you can and should get yourself to as many conferences as possible. They are an excellent and much needed resource. However, conferences can be expensive endeavors. My budget doesn’t allow for me to attend nearly as many as I’d like. Plus, working parents can’t always get time away from day jobs or find appropriate child care.  

And guess what happens when the conference is over? The industry keeps moving. If you rely only on conference info, you may find yourself out of touch sooner than you’d like. That’s why you need to invest a little time and energy each week.

How do we do it? How do we supplement the education we get at conferences?

As I mentioned, I am figuring this out as I go. I have found three resources (aside from Almost an Author, which obviously I love) that consistently turn up new, reliable information.

1) SCBWI – Society of Childrens Book Writers and Illustrators. My local SCBWI chapter has been a fountain of information, connected me with critique groups (whom I love dearly), and hosts local quarterly events where we can meet other writers, editors, and agents, and exchange ideas.

2) PODCASTS – What better way to be productive during your commute than listening to podcasts about writing? I’ve recently discovered a delightful middle grade book review podcast hosted by a pair of Australian children’s authors called Middle Grade Mavens. A few others that I like are the SCBWI Conversations Podcast, Matthew Winner’s Children’s Book Podcast, and the Middle Grade Ninja Podcast by Robert Kent, and The Manuscript Academy.

3) SERIOUS WRITER – I subscribe to the Serious Writer Club, which I highly recommend for the access to content and frequent Q&A sessions. The SW Club is only open for enrollment a couple of times a year. Check out their website and subscribe to their mailing list for open enrollment dates.  

Whether you spend a little time each day or a little time each week, the point is the same: immerse yourself as much as you can in your reader and writer life. Staying as connected and current as possible will help you step closer and closer to your goals.

Kell McKinney earned a B.A. in journalism from the University of Oklahoma and an M.S. in documentary studies from the University of North Texas. She’s a part-time copywriter, double-time mom and wife, and spends every free minute writing and/or hunting for her car keys. Connect with her on Twitter @Kell_McK or