Platform and Branding 5 Questions Writers Should Ask Before Joining a New Social Media Network by Susan Stilwell @susanrstilwell Social media is a part of life and savvy writers stay on top of the… January 2, 2017
Platform and Branding 3 Ways a Virtual Assistant Can Help Your Writer Platform When building a writer platform, few of us consider hiring a virtual assistant, or VA. Most of us are… September 3, 2016
Platform and Branding 3 Tips to Grow Your Writer Platform When You Need a Break Everyone needs a break from time to time. For a writer building a platform, taking a social media break… June 21, 2016
Platform and Branding 3 Can’t-Miss Tips For Steady Platform Growth Smart writers invest in workshops, courses, and conferences. Smart and savvy writers will also invest time in building their… May 16, 2016