“Great travel writing consists of equal parts curiosity, vulnerability and vocabulary. It is not a terrain for know-it-alls or the indecisive. The best of the genre can simply be an elegant natural history essay, a nicely writ sports piece, or a well-turned profile of a bar band and its music. A well-grounded sense of place is the challenge for the writer. We observe, we calculate, we inquire, we look for a link between what we already know and what we’re about to learn. The finest travel writing describes what’s going on when nobody’s looking.” -Tom Miller
Regardless if you’re a weekend warrior with a camera and waterproof notepad in hand, or a full-press travel writer utilizing all the apps shared in last month’s post, you’re sure to savor every moment spent perusing Wanderful World…For the Curious, the Creative, and the Inspired. (Pour a mega cup of cold brew coffee because you’re gonna want it!)
While Wanderful World offers a plethora of relevant information I’d like to share one post you’re sure to appreciate: The Different Types of Travel Writing Jobs Out There. Lizzie doesn’t disappoint!
So, hop over to her site, choose your type of writing job(s) and then, would you consider sharing it here? I chose Product Description. Okay, so it’s not a featured article for The National Geographic but writing hotel descriptions and text for tour guides? That’s right up my proverbial alley!
I look forward to reading your choice.