The Intentional Writer

The Power of Our Words

We writers understand the power of words. Words can wound or heal. Educate or mislead. Give hope or cause despair.

How are you using your words?

Everyone is stressed right now. People are frightened, lonely, and going stir crazy. Our world needs all the encouragement and hope we can give them.

Are you ready to use your words to combat fear, encourage kindness, and inspire hope?

Three ways we can use our words for good.

1 Excel at your craft.

It does not matter what genre you write, there are readers who need to read your stories and articles. The more you hone your writing skills, the more people will enjoy and respect your words, leading to more people listening to your message. Whether overtly or not, your faith and your worldview shine through your words and are lived out through your characters. Even if you write science articles or ad copy, you can still promote whatever is good, true, admirable, or praiseworthy.

2 Watch what you say.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Ephesians 4:29 (NIV)

What message are you sending into the world? Be aware of every message you post, pin, or retweet. Are you spreading hope and encouragement or something else? Do your words build others up? Do your words benefit others in some way?

Ask yourself, “How will this benefit others?” every time you consider sharing social media content, blog posts, or comments to your friends. Be the positive change by wielding your words wisely.

3 Look for listening ears

If our focus is solely on our books, articles, and blogs we are missing out on other opportunities to serve our world through our words. Don’t neglect to use your gift of words and your heart to serve through engaging with those around you. Every text, phone call, note, or kind comment makes a difference to somebody.

Who needs a gift of life-giving words from you today?

Award-winning writer Lisa E. Betz believes that everyone has a unique story to tell the world. She loves inspiring fellow writers to be more intentional about developing their craft and courageous in sharing their words. Lisa shares her words through speaking, leading Bible studies, writing historical mysteries, and blogging about living intentionally.

You can find her on Facebook  LisaEBetzWriter Twitter @LisaEBetz and Pinterest Lisa E Betz Intentional Living.

Polishing Your Message

“Hi Their” – First Impressions

“Hi Their [sic]” were the two words I read. “Bye There!” was the instant reply in my head.

Really? Someone sent “Hi Their [sic]” popping onto my screen?

Only two words had travelled from his electronic dating profile to mine.  It took one second for them to occupy their chat box space, and it took two seconds for me to decide his fate.