The Writerly Cafe

A Large Serving of Muse, Please


Here at the café, I’ve received several questions on what a writer’s muse is and where writers can find it. The questions have been heavy on my mind during these hot summer days when my muse seems to have abandoned me for a hammock somewhere in the shade.

So let’s begin with a simple definition for a writer’s muse:  It is a source of inspiration for a creative work.

Now for the fun part! Pull up a chair and let’s throw out ideas as to where we can find our muse. I’ll get us started. Please join in via the comment section.

Some ways I stir my muse:

  • I always have a small notebook with me in case inspirations strikes. I have been known to pull over in a parking lot after seeing something that I knew would make a great story or devotion.
  • One sentence from an article online can spark an idea for a totally different subject. An overheard conversation can lead to a short story plot.
  • I live in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains where every bend in the road offers inspiration for a writer. A writer friend of mine rents a cabin near me where she writes poetry.
  • I’ve found children and animals inspire me. One of my next projects will be a story inspired by a young girl and her gift to my daughter on her wedding day.
  • Music is high on the list as a muse. A few words from a song can inspire a story or even a melody, evoking emotions for the perfect story.
  • I am a people watcher and I often write stories in my head about a person that walks by, sits in a park, or stands outside a homeless shelter. A favorite piece I wrote was about a man I met in a thrift store whose wares funded food and shelter for people recovering from substance abuse.

Join me over at Cathy Baker’s site, Cultivating Creativity, to learn more ways I find my muse. (You will also learn about a hidden talent of mine!)

Thank you for sharing one way you find your writing muse in the comment section.