The Poet's Pen

What Makes A Good Poem?

All writing is about “words” but poetry uses concise words in a concise order. One word in a  poem can make a drastic difference in how the poem is perceived. Sometimes changing one word can make or break a poem.

Look at the following example from THE EAGLE by Alfred Lord Tennyson

He  clasps the crag with taloned hands (my version) or–

He clasps the crag with crooked hands (the way Tennyson wrote it)

Do you see how much smoother Tennyson’s version reads?

Which of the following two poems by an anonymous writer do you think is better?

The spoken or written word
Should be as clean as a bone,
As clear as is the light,
As firm as is a stone.
Two words will never serve
As well as one alone.


The written word
Should be clean as bone,
Clear as light,
Firm as stone.
Two words are not
As good as one.[1]

A Good Poem:

  1. comes from the poet’s heart.
  2. touches your heart.
  3. makes you want to read it again…and again.
  4. like the Bible, each time you read it you see/learn something different.
  5. creates a new image by juxtaposing different things together.
  6. uses clear, memorable, concrete images
  7. tells a story.
  8. creates a world inside the poem

The next time you write a poem, think about how the words fit together. Try replacing a word of phrase with a different one to see which one is better.

[1] Perrine, Laurence, LITERATURE Structure, Sound, and Sense, Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., New York, 1970. p.565.

Darlo Gemeinhardt writes middle grade novels. She believes that there is a story in every dog. In her spare time she takes care of 1 husband (of 40 years), 29 dogs and trains with TALLAO, K-9 SEARCH AND RESCUE. Visit her at From the dog

A Pinch of Poetry

Haiku: Poetic Forms II

We’re going to explore a very short Japanese form of poetry known as haiku. This type of poem reflects a simpler side of Japanese culture.

And you know me. Simple is just my style.

A haiku poem consists of 3 lines with a pattern of syllables arranged in 5, 7, 5. Usually the lines don’t rhyme, but in this type of poetry, sounds are not as important as the imagery anyway. Typically the subjects of these poems are about nature but not always.

When I write haiku, I personally focus on a natural scene that touches me in a unique way. Nature has a way of speaking to a poet’s soul without using words.

So how do we take those impressions and translate them into poetry?

[bctt tweet=”Nature has a way of speaking to a poet’s soul without using words. #poets #poetry”]

First, when writing haiku, it’s always important to use vivid figurative language (such as a simile or metaphor) to paint a picture of whatever scene or object you are observing. And you should always use concrete imagery to describe your subject, meaning you need to use language that appeals to the five senses.

I suggest you jot down words and phrases about your subject using the above techniques. Then begin to arrange the words and phrases into lines.

Because the form limits you on lines and syllables, you have to choose your words very carefully. It might appear an easy poem to write, but don’t be fooled. You may find that it takes some extra thinking to arrange the right words in an order that will speak poetically.

The point is that you want to show the reader what impacted you in order to let them experience that same feeling or emotion. You don’t want to tell them. Hence the golden rule of writing in general.

There’s a great description and examples of haiku poetry on and Shadow

If you need a little more guidance, Creative Writing Now also has excellent tips for writing haiku poetry.

You should probably take note that because haiku came from Japanese culture and language, it may be perceived and written a little differently in English. I am only conveying the accepted English guidelines for writing this type of poetry.

However, if you’re interested, Shadow Poetry also covers some of the cultural and language differences. As a bonus, they offer a host of resources for writing many other kinds of poetry as well.

 [bctt tweet=”Simple is just my style. Learn to write haiku poems. #poetry #poets”]

Now it’s your turn.

Take a walk or find a quiet place to sit and observe an area outside. What inspires you? Do you notice anything that creates a unique impression? See you if can jot a few observations and create a haiku.

Feel free to post your poems or questions in the comments below!