…Showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king’s palace.
Daniel 1:4 (NIV)
Daniel is a larger-than-life hero to me. He seemed to handle being transplanted to Babylon with grace and ease. He adapted to the unfamiliar culture. He was a leader among his peers. Yet, I can’t imagine Daniel was born that way. Training began, and discipline was learned, early in life. A Jewish boy was tutored in the nuances of the Torah. He was taught to submit to authority, and to respect God.
In what way does a writer submit to authority? We show respect to the Lord when we respect those who guide our writing. Editors, publishers and agents all have a job to pull the best out of writers. We’re on the same team, the one looking to create a stellar product, and when one wins, we all win.
We also have to adapt to the culture of the book world. Marketing, social media, speaking and book signings are part of the place where we reside. For those of us who would rather stay behind the computer screen than to be out front, there’s hope. Writers’ conferences are available to teach various aspects of promotion, and organizations like Toastmasters stir up confidence in public speaking.
A most curious phrase comes from the passage; Daniel was qualified to serve in the king’s palace. How does someone become qualified, except by practice? So too, with a writer, by practicing, we hone the skill. We learn the disciplines of our trade. Of us, it will also be said, “they show aptitude for every kind of learning, they stay well informed about the topic, they are quick to understand another point of view, and are qualified to serve as scribes for the Eternal King!”
Daniel honed his intellect. Self-editing is one way we can hone our skills.
Look back over yesterday’s work (or the last piece of writing you worked on). Does it still sing to you? How do the words flow? Read it silently. Read it out loud. Read it, pausing between each sentence. What do you need to edit? What could be said more succinctly?
Could you submit it to a writing partner for a critique?
Remember, our goal is to honor the King of Kings. In order to serve in His palace, let’s dedicate ourselves to represent Him with our best!
Over 140 of Sally Ferguson’s devotionals have been published in Pathways to God (Warner Press). She’s also written for Light From The Word, Chautauqua Mirror, Just Between Us, Adult Span Curriculum, Thriving Family, Upgrade with Dawn and ezinearticles.com. Prose Contest Winner at 2017 Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference.
Sally loves organizing retreats and seeing relationships blossom in time away from the daily routine. Her ebook, How to Plan a Women’s Retreat is available on Amazon.
Sally Ferguson lives in the beautiful countryside of Jamestown, NY with her husband and her dad.
Visit Sally’s blog at www.sallyferguson.net