Writers Chat, hosted by Jean Wise, Johnnie Alexander, and Brandy Brow, is the show where we talk about all things writing, by writers and for writers!
“Because talking about writing is more fun than actually doing it.”
Finding Support as a Writer with Tina Yeager
Radio scriptwriters created a character named the Lone Ranger who didn’t actually work alone. George Lucas developed Hans Solo as a hero who was never actually solo. Why couldn’t these characters be written as solitary heroes? Whether or not they know God, observant writers can recognize the relational elements of our divine design. God created us for fellowship, wordsmiths included. Writers might recognize our need for community, but our solitary work can serve as barriers to connection. Join this Writer’s Chat episode to discover how to develop a whole-life network of professional, practical, and spiritual support when you feel isolated.
Watch the June 20th Replay.
Award-winning author, speaker, and life coach, Tina Yeager hosts the Flourish-Meant podcast devotional. She has been licensed as a counselor since 2005. Look for her books, Upcycled: Crafted for a Purpose and Beautiful Warrior: Finding Victory Over the Lies Formed Against You. Get your free downloadable Upcycled inspirational flip book template at upcycledbook.com. For life coaching services or to book her as an event speaker, visit tinayeager.com.
Platform vs Community: Do Writers Really Need Them? With Becky Antkowiak
Writer and speaker Becky Antkowiak joins us to talk about the importance of community for writers. Though platform is necessary for marketing purposes, Becky encourages us to remember that we’re here to share God’s message to the one person who needs it most. She compares our need for community to Jesus’ need for community—He surrounded Himself with those who had talents needed for His ministry. Our focus should be on eternity, and our trust should be in God’s perfect timing.
Watch the June 27th replay.
Becky Antkowiak (ant-KO-vee-ack) is a writer, speaker, editor, Compassion International advocate, enthusiastic Grammar Floozy, and is the Chief Encouragement Officer of 540 Writers Community. A lifelong serial extrovert, Becky believes strangers are friends she hasn’t met. Fair warning: make eye contact only if you want a friend for life.
Writers Chat is hosted live each Tuesday for an hour starting at 10 AM CT / 11 AM ET on Zoom. The permanent Zoom room link is: http://zoom.us/j/4074198133