Craft Essentials

Please Take Your Seat!

The only way to learn to write is to force yourself to produce a certain number of words on a regular basis.” 

William Zinsser

I explored the idea of writing for several months before I realized it was not my idea. The Lord tapped on my heart, and I knew I was to write. As I became serious about moving forward, I engaged a writing coach. She was highly experienced and respected in the industry. She informed me early on there was much to learn but expressed her confidence I could be successful. “Please know, Deb, writing is a discipline. There are no shortcuts to writing well.”

During our first session she explored my goals and discussed the challenges that might derail me. It was not a long list, but the single item was demanding. I owned a business that required a significant amount of travel. She asked if this was the right time to begin and if I would make the sacrifice writing would require. I nodded. “Where do we begin?”

We discussed a project I had in mind, and she agreed it was a good starting point. At the end of that first session, she asked me to track the weeks’ writing sessions, down to the minute. “What day of the week, what time did you start, and what time did you end the session?” She called them BIC hours. I thought it was a writerly term, one I had not yet encountered. I refrained from asking for the definition. No need to remind her I was greener than grass. I was certain she’d realize it soon enough.

I faithfully kept the BIC Log and sent it to her each week prior to our session. She used it to assess where in my week I was most productive. There was definitely a pattern. This helped tremendously and I was able to establish a consistent schedule and routine. That BIC Log became my planner of sorts. I treated it as though it had been heaven sent; I didn’t question the process. I leveraged those productive times, blocked them on the calendar, and honored my commitment to show up at the keyboard when it was time to write. I sensed a pattern and rhythm that worked. On good days and bad, I wrote. I established words written as my goal marker rather than time in the chair.

My coach served as a wealth of information about everything related to writing. But it was the BIC Log that most impacted what I did and when I did it.

BIC, I learned several months later, was her abbreviated version for “butt in chair.”

“Eighty percent of success is showing up.” There are many variations on this quote, but The New York Times attributed it in August 1977 to Woody Allen and Marshall Brickman, co-writers of the Oscar winning screenplay for the movie Annie Hall.

Showing up. Butts in chairs, my friend is what the craft requires. Every line that never gets written is guaranteed to never be published.

The days your fingers fly over the keys, and you can barely contain the rush of words, are victories. It feels effortless and you emerge feeling victorious Those days happen. They just don’t happen often enough. Relish them. It’s the contrast to the days you decide to clean out the fridge or rearrange the pantry instead of facing the keyboards that are treacherous. Definitely not BIC days.

Why does this happen?

Two major challenges become hiccups along the way: procrastination and distraction. When we feel uninspired, we avoid the keyboards. Procrastinators are often labeled as lazy. Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s not a lack of interest or commitment. In fact, science suggests most procrastinators are perfectionists. The lack of inspiration or confidence is the factor that pushes us to avoid writing in those times.

“If I am not clear about the next steps in my story, I can’t move forward.” Or “I can’t locate the research I need to proceed.” And for many, the only solution is to avoid sitting in that chair altogether.

What to do?

Here are a few tips to help you settle into that seat and forge ahead—regardless of your emotion in the moment.

Bring to mind something related to your writing you’re putting off right now — you’ll probably find the task has many, if not all, of the characteristics that identifies it as procrastination-worthy. Here are four top examples.

  • Imposter Syndrome: “I’ve told everyone I’m writing a book. What was I thinking?”
  • The task is boring: “I thought writing a book would be fun. This is a lot of research!”
  • The task is difficult: “I have request for a proposal, but it’s complex. I can’t do this.”
  • The task is ambiguous or unstructured: (Vague, confusing, unclear). “I don’t even know where to start!”

What’s the impact of these statements and why it is important? Because it’s what we’re telling ourselves, about ourselves. And it’s all dangerous self-talk that tries to convince us to quit. To clean out the pantry and rearrange the potted patio plants instead of pushing through.

Today you can increase the odds of achieving your writing goals, whatever they might be. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Put your sitter down in that chair and write!

Deborah DeArmond is a recognized leader in the fields of performance development, facilitation. She is a certified writing coach as well as an executive business coach. She is also an award-winning author.

Deb’s the author of Related by Chance, Family by Choice, I Choose You Today, and Don’t Go to Bed Angry. Stay Up and Fight! All three books focus on relationship dynamics, communication, and conflict resolution. Her humorous devotional entitled Bumper Sticker Be-Attitudes was published in late 2019. Her newest release, We May Be Done But We’re Not Finished: Making the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life will be available in late July. She has published more than 200 articles in print and online, including a monthly column, now in her 7th year for Lifeway Magazine with an international circulation of 300,000.

Deb helps clients achieve success in becoming the coach others desire to work through through her engaging inquiry, humor, and straightforward approach. Her clients have described Deb as “candid but kind” and skilled at asking the questions that help “guide others to discover their answers and solutions to success.”

William Zinsser was a writer, editor, and teacher whose book, On Writing Well sold more than 1.5 million copies over three decades by employing his own literary craftsmanship to urge clarity, simplicity, brevity, and humanity. Monthly we’ll tap into his insights and perhaps you too, will find life-changing messages in the wit and wisdom of William Zinsser.

Book Proposals

The Covid Affair

Well, here we are. Or … here I am, and there you are. We’re social distancing. This is new for many folks. For everyone if truth be told. It’s new, exhilarating, exciting, exhausting. Draining!

For most of us, as writers, this isn’t a burden whatsoever. We’re used to being holed up in our offices, working by ourselves (if we’re lucky and get the peace and quiet we crave).  In fact, we’ve been training for moments like this as long as we’ve been writing.

So how is it affecting us? A couple folks have said, “Just knowing I can’t go out, if I wanted to, is somehow interrupting my ability to write!” “I can’t get enough of this! It’s awesome!” And others tell me about how difficult it is to know massive work is expected of them during the shutdown. As if writers just turn on a switch and wrote.

I’ll be honest, while I thought it would be just another day at the office, my office, my in-home office, instead, I’ve found it really difficult to work. Oh, I get it done, but I find myself tuning in to much more news than before, being drawn to the outside (where absolutely nothing is happening) through my two office windows, and wanting to get up and move around more than before. Maybe it’s the sourdough starter tempting me to bake for the fifth time this week, and it’s only Wednesday. Sigh. My good intentions of getting a lot more writing done, reading of submissions completed, working on edits for clients, have gone by the wayside, along with that last batch of cinnamon rolls which haven’t gone by the wayside, but directly to my hips.

So what do we do? We can whine, complain, bake another batch of … who knows what, or we can plunk our behinds in our seats and get to work. There will always be distractions. We will have deaths, divorces, births, school papers due, problematic relationships, deadlines with “other” writing, and even friends asking us when we’re finally going to be published. We can freeze under the pressure, or we can press on. Press through. Press beyond what is expected of us. We can persevere and get the job done.

Life is filled with … well … life getting in the way. And in that will come excuses. Excuses to wait till the next day, wait till the virus clears the country, wait till we have more ideas … wait, wait, wait. And the writing never gets done.

As artsy folks, writers have, if you’ll pardon the play on words, “unimaginable” imaginations. Our minds work like the fastest core processors available. While we’re supposed to be writing, we’re already thinking of the sequel, prequel, and possible novellas to give away free for promotion. We’re picking out the publisher that we KNOW will want our novel, the actors who will play the lead rolls in the movie version, and even what to wear while attending the Oscar to see our made-into-movie novel win the best picture award.

Okay, so here I sit. There you sit. Yes, we are. We’re social distancing. I’m writing about what we might do to help during this Covid-19 thing, and you’re reading about it. Neither of us is writing.

C’mon. Let’s get on the shtick and do what we’re supposed to be doing: writing. Doing our best to make life a little better for the folks stuck at home, reading! Just waiting for our next great American novel that might tell … the unbelievable story of an entire world brought to its knees by a tiny virus. Why not? Somebody’s got to write it.

Linda S. Glaz is an agent with Hartline Literary Agency, and also the author of eight novels and two novellas, so she “gets” writers. She represents authors in both the Christian and secular communities. She speaks at numerous conferences and workshops around the country each year. Married with three grown children and four grands, she lives in a small town where everyone is family.

The Ministry of Writing

Souls Perish from Procrastination in Writing

One of the most beautiful passages in Scripture that expresses God’s providence, as well as, being one of the most challenging passages to me is Esther 4:14,

             For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family            will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?

I am sure you are familiar with the story, but Esther who is a Jew is providentially brought into the position to be the Queen of Persia. Esther’s uncle receives word that a plan was underway to exterminate all of the Jews. He approaches Esther and requests that she speak to the King and intervene on behalf of her people. The words recorded in verse fourteen are the words her uncle used the encourage her. He tells her that God has placed her in her position at the right time for the very purpose of saving her people.

Esther’s privileged position as Queen now is a double-edged sword. She has a dreaded and difficult task of approaching the King. The buck could not be passed she had to be the one to do this, and to cut the suspense — she did it.

But what if Esther had drug her feet?

What if she continued to question God, asking if it really was what He wanted her to do?

What if she lingered praying to make sure she was hearing God right?

What if she spent time waiting on the right words?

What if she didn’t think her speech was good enough and never spoke to the King?

What if she just put the task off?

If she had procrastinated for any period of time, regardless of how good her reason would have been then her people would have perished. Esther had been given a task. It was difficult. It could be considered unfair. She faced it alone. She was in unprecedented territory. She might be mocked. She might even be killed. Esther’s God-given task was vitally important, and so are the words God has told you to write down.

It is easy to feel as if our writing is no big deal and that we have valid excuses, but [bctt tweet=”souls hang in the balance in need of the words we have not put on paper.”]

I just finished a blog post I was “given” over a month ago. Heck, I just began taking writing serious three years ago when I have felt I needed to for fifteen years. I am the chief of procrastinators. I also have good excuses.

  • I am not the best writer.
  • I need to become better at my craft.
  • I am busy as a pastor. I am already doing ministry.
  • My family needs me.

I could go on. All valid excuses. All reasons to procrastinate. All causes for souls to perish.

If God has given you something to say, then it is important.

He gave it to you. Therefore it is your responsibility. At the minimum if you don’t do it, someone else will get that chance.

But even at that souls will perish in the meantime.

But it could be that the message is not given to someone else.

Our procrastination in writing is costly.

Souls hang in the balance. You better get to writing because “who knows but that you have [been given this story or message] for such a time as this.”