Grammar and Grace

It’s or Its?

Almost three years ago, I wrote a post about using apostrophes. If you want to read it, go here.  The explanation was supposed to help eradicate the wrong placement of the apostrophe. Admittedly, the it’s/its bit is buried in the middle. Maybe that’s why I keep seeing wrong apostrophes everywhere, even on boxes of tea!


This is the whole back of a box of tea.


This picture shows the first line of copy with the wrong word.

I almost didn’t buy the tea in protest, but I wanted to try the licorice flavor.

Using the correct word will be forever easy if you remember, it’s is a contraction for it is. That’s it, people. That’s why the copy on the back of the box–A legend in it’s own right–is, well, stupid. Sorry. I’m dealing in facts here.

The line really reads, “A legend in it is own right.”

Unless a sentence makes sense with it is for it’s, NO APOSTROPHE IS NEEDED. ADDING AN APOSTROPHE IS WRONG.

Good luck and happy writing!


Hope Toler Dougherty holds a Master’s degree in English and taught at East Carolina University and York Technical College. Her publications include three novels Irish Encounter and Mars…With Venus Rising, and Rescued Hearts as well as nonfiction articles. A member of ACFW, RWA, and SinC, she writes for She and her husband live in North Carolina and enjoy visits with their two daughters and twin sons.

Author of Rescued Hearts
               Irish Encounter
              Mars…With Venus Rising
Visit Hope at
Journeying through the Writer's Life

For Writers: 7 Tips to Silence the Negative Voices in Your Head

Following the dream of becoming a writer involves so much more than just learning how to write. Sure that’s a biggie and without learning the craft of writing we’re sunk. But not knowing the basics is just one thing that can defeat us before we get started. We also have to silence the negative voices.

Yep, one of the biggest obstacles writers face is found inside our own heads.

[bctt tweet=”One of the biggest obstacles #writers face is found inside our own heads #writing”]

We spend a lot of time alone—just us, ideas in our heads, words, and voices. Yep, we all have those little voices that whisper in our minds. They say all sorts of things, some positive, but the majority negative.

I’ve heard them say things like:

  • You know you can’t write, why are you even bothering?
  • Others more talented than you have already written that, what could you possible add?
  • You’re wasting your time and your family’s money.
  • You’re a failure.

If we listen to these voices and give them the opportunity, they can keep us from writing. They can defeat us before we even begin. Instead, we need to learn how to overcome them and become resilient.

Today I have some tips to silence the negative voices in your head.

[bctt tweet=”7 Tips to silence the voices in your head #writing #writer”]

  1. Remind yourself about the WHY. We all have a reason we want to write. That was what gave us the impetus to begin.
  1. Replace the negative with the positive. Studies continue to show that negative self-talk has a huge impact. Instead of reinforcing those negative voices, replace them with positive.
  1. Find yourself a writing tribe. We writers aren’t good at evaluating our own work. We need objective opinions from those we trust. Band together with other writers and reinforce your defense against those voices.
  1. Get out. Not out of the writing biz, out of your office. Take your computer (or pen and paper) on a field trip. Go to a coffee shop, a park, where ever you feel comfortable. So often just the act of changing locations can give us the boost we need.
  1. Let your tribe know you’re struggling. It’s not enough to be part of a writing tribe, you also have to reach out when you need help. Yes, they’re there to critique and read. But they’re also there to help one another succeed.
  1. Face the fear. So often those negative voices play off the fear we feel. Maybe we’re afraid what we write will be junk and unpublishable. I’ll let you in on a secret, even best-selling authors write junk. So go ahead and write the junk. Get it out of the way and keep writing.
  1. Write down what you’re hearing in your head. The voices whispering in our souls often seem big and powerful. When we write down what we hear, they are revealed as the ridiculous things they are.

If you’re trying to write, you’re hearing these voices. I know because I hear them, and so does every other writer on the planet. You aren’t alone and you can over come them. These are the things I do to silence the negative voices in my head. I’d love to hear how you cope. Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Grammar and Grace

Adjectives are Cool!

This month at Grammar and Grace we’re studying adjectives. Adjectives are words that tell something about a noun or a pronoun.

An easy point to remember about adjectives is that they normally come right before or right after the noun or pronoun.

*The red wheelbarrow rests beside the path.

*The donkey–tired and stubborn–refused to finish plowing the field.

Adjectives that come after a verb (usually linking verbs) modify or describe the subject. These adjectives are called predicate adjectives.

*The pesto is yummy.

Adjectives can tell something about appearance–spectacular, nubby; color–black, gold; condition–bashful, intelligent; personality–victorious, ditzy; quantity–empty, packed; shape–snake-like, plump; time–early, retro; taste–sour, bland; touch–sizzling, velvety. (Yes, I agree. Some of these adjectives fit in more than one category.)

Do you notice anything about the adjectives? They don’t end with similar letters that shout, “Hey, I’m an adjective.” Just remember, if a word gives more information about a noun–how many fingers? Five–or if it makes a noun distinct from another noun–the red car, not the blue one–it’s an adjective.

Happy writing!


Magazine and Freelance

Jobs in your “Inbox” and more

Magazine writing jobs sent straight to your inbox? Yes, it is true. I get them every morning. So how can you get them?

We know that surfing the internet can wipe us out.   With millions of articles, and people contributing to this sea of information, how do we fish out what we need?  As I began my search, I was overwhelmed by all the sites on freelance writing; I felt like I was drowning. I made the pond smaller by narrowing my search to, “list of freelance writing jobs.” To save you time, I hooked a few valuable sites, along with other resources, that could land you writing jobs.


There are many websites that you can subscribe to that will send writing opportunities directly to your email. Some sites charge a small fee to apply for the job or use the site. Most are free. Here is a very short list to get you started.–   I subscribe to their Morning Coffee enewsletter. It is a great resource for writing jobs. Brian Scott has done all the work for us. His morning newsletter has sections for contests, writing gigs, and a Call for Submission section.   From time to time he sends out an email with time- sensitive requests. He lists magazines needing a last- minute article. This e mail comes to you every morning.– A great place to find writing jobs. Check out the “Resources for Writers” tab while you are there. This website allows you to bid on freelance jobs. The variety of jobs is amazing. Everything from blogs, magazine articles and medical magazines. This is a free monthly trial website. Ultimately you will pay to submit for jobs.

Remember, this is a very short list. For more information you can brave the waters and do your own internet search for writing jobs. Don’t forget to subscribe to each sites job list. Writing jobs can also be found in your local newspaper, online Job sites (i.e. Indeed, Monster, etc.) and also craigslist will post freelancing jobs.

Books-    Although these books do not send information directly to your inbox, you can find a list of magazines along with the submission requirements.

2015 Writer’s Market: The Most Trusted Guide to Getting Published- This book is a wealth of information for every writer. There is a section just for magazines.

The Christian Writers Market Guide– Similar to the Writers Market Guide, this book is specific for the Christian writing community.   You can only order on line at


Let others know that you write. You are your best resource. You have an intimate knowledge of the subject. I attended a local social media class, stated I was a writer and was approached by two people to write for their publication.

No matter where you are in your writing career there will always be more to learn. The number of websites and people looking for writers like you increases daily.   Keep learning and growing.   Please share your successes and bumps in the road.   We are all here to learn from each other.

My next article will describe the Query letter and its importance. Your Query letter sells you and your article idea.   Please pass the word to your friends. A3 is the place to be.

Grammar and Grace

What are Nouns?

This time we’ll discuss nouns. Nouns can be common or proper. A common noun is a person, place, or thing. A noun also includes a quality, an idea, or an action. A proper noun is a specific person, place, or thing.

  1. A church sits at the curve of the road. We have three common nouns in that sentence—church, curve, and road.
  2. Love Memorial Church sits on the curve of Rains Mill Road. Notice the changes in this sentence. Church has become specific by being named. When it is specific, it’s capitalized. The same thing happens to road. Curve is still common and doesn’t take a capital letter.

Nouns are typically used in a sentence as the subject, the object of a verb, or the object of a preposition. In the first sentence, church is the subject. Curve and road are objects of the prepositions at and of.

  1. We ate the chocolate mousse before dinner. In this sentence, mousse is the object of ate.

An important thing to remember is to capitalize proper nouns.

  1. I took a math class. Math or class isn’t capitalized because it’s not specific.
  2. Breanna almost failed Calculus III in high school. Calculus is capitalized because it’s the specific name of a class.

Exceptions to capitalizing courses are language classes. Always capitalize language classes like English, Chinese, and Arabic.

Nouns are pretty easy to understand, but they’re also very important in a sentence. Having a handle on what nouns do will help you understand more complex grammar points later.

Happy writing!





Write Justified

Is that a Question? Or Not?


This may seem hard to believe, but[bctt tweet=” … not every question requires a question mark” username=””.]

How often don’t you ask a rhetorical question. One that you really don’t expect an answer to. (Like the first sentence in this paragraph.)

So when does a question need a question mark?

When you expect an answer.

Direct questions—the kind journalists ask to get a story—demand an answer. We call them the 5 (or 6) Ws: who, what, when, where, why and how.

What happened? Who was involved? When did it happen? Where? Why? How? Direct questions almost always begin with some variation of the 5 W’s. If one of them isn’t the first word in the sentence, it’s probably in there some place, like: “Well, just what are you doing in there?” or “Just who do you think you are?”

Sentences that begin with a being verb like are, is, were and the like also indicate a direction question.

Are you alone?

Do you love me?

Is this the best you can do?

All these questions demand an answer and a question mark.

Sometimes we pose indirect questions—questions that we really don’t expect an answer to.

They may be questions you’re posing to yourself:

Now, why did I come in here? (Then again, you may be looking for that answer.)

They may be relating something in the past tense:

I asked her what the problem was.

They may be rhetorical questions, like–
What’s up with that.

No one really expects an answer to a question like that. And neither do these indirect questions require question marks.

Got it?

Write Justified

Beware These Confusables


Because spellcheck, wonderful as it may be, doesn’t catch words used improperly …

And because the English language has more than its fair share of homophones …

This month’s post alerts you to five sets of words that are prone to misuse.

Let’s start with a 3fer.

  • Imminent – eminent – immanent

The most common of the three is eminent, meaning “distinguished, of good repute.” It is commonly replaced with imminent, meaning “certain, very near.”

The arrival of the eminent professor is imminent.

Immanent is primarily a theological term. It means “inherent,” or “restricted to the mind.”

John Brown’s immanent belief in abolition motivated his attack on Harper’s Ferry.

  • Complacent – complaisant

These two adjectives with corresponding nouns (complacency, complaisance) share a Latin root, complacere, meaning to please or be pleasant. In English, however, they have morphed into different meanings. To be complacent is to be self-satisfied or so pleased with yourself that you’re smug, self-righteous, conceited.

Complaisant, on the other hand, refers to a desire to please to the extent one might be considered a pushover.

“I’m worried that Junior is too complacent about his grades and won’t be able to get into an Ivy League school,” Mrs. Jones complained.

 The widow’s complaisance made her an easy target for scammers.

  • Descent – decent  -dissent constitute another threesome that are sometimes confused.

Use the adjective decent to describe something wholesome, in good condition, appropriate, or modest.

The newlyweds’ apartment was in a decent part of town.

Descent is a noun that refers to a downward slope or in a downward direction as well as birth or lineage.

The descent may seem like the easiest part of a mountain hike, but experts say that’s when most falls occur.

In the ancient world, the line of descent was usually to the oldest son.

Decent and descent are not true homophones because they are not pronounced the same. Decent rhymes with recent, with the accent on the first syllable. Descent and its homophone dissent are pronounced with the accent on the second syllable: di SENT.

Dissent can be a verb, meaning to disagree, or a noun, meaning to have a different opinion.

The administration seemed unprepared for the level of dissent the executive order generated. Dissenting opinions were voiced throughout the country.

  • Altar – alter

Not only do these words have distinct meanings, they are different parts of speech.

Altar is always a noun—a place or structure on which sacrifices or incense are burned in worship. Alter is a verb, meaning to change or make different. Altar may also be used figuratively to describe something of great value or that is valued at the cost of something else.

Queen Elizabeth’s coronation took place at the altar in Westminster Abbey, forever altering the life of the young woman. Some suggest she sacrificed her own desires on the altar of the monarchy.

  • Rack-wrack

Finally, if you’ve ever racked your brain over the use of rack and wrack, well, you’re not alone. Even the experts concede this a confusing and complicated word pair.

The two words have different origins and meanings. The verb rack likely comes from the Dutch and means “to stretch,” while wrack comes from the Middle English for shipwreck. As a noun, rack has multiple meanings—a set of antlers, a frame for setting up pool balls, a horse’s gait, and the one applicable for this confusing twosome: a framework for stretching used as a medieval instrument of torture. And this is where we get the sense of suffering i.e. racking your brain, rack and ruin, though you’re just as likely to see wracking your brain and wrack and ruin.

What to do? It’s nerve-racking, for sure. Some advocate dropping the use of wrack. It’s an archaic term, they argue. Others, like Merriam-Webster, acknowledge wrack/rack as alternate spellings for the same word. Isn’t it nice to know that at least in this case, there’s more than one acceptable way to spell a word?

Write Justified

The Common Comma – Part 3


Bryan Garner, author of A Dictionary of Modern American Usage, and a raft of other books on English language usage and style, calls the comma the least emphatic punctuation mark of all. While it may not have the impact of a period or semi-colon, marks that call for a full stop or pause, the comma’s primary role is a separator. And when it comes to clarity, that’s an important role.

Garner identifies nine uses for a comma. We’ve covered

We’ll finish this series with Garner’s final five.

  • Qualifying adjectives

When more than one adjective is describing a noun, separate them with commas if both can be true of the noun.

John’s worn, red sweater won the award for the company’s annual Ugly Christmas Sweater contest.

Since John’s sweater is both worn and red, the qualifying adjectives are separated with a comma. Note the tip here. If the comma could be replaced with and, the comma is needed.

When the adjectives describe the noun in different ways, or one adjective describes the other no comma is needed.

Repainting the bright pink walls was the first item on the new homeowners to do list.

Bright modifies pink, not walls. No comma.

  • Direct vs. indirect speech

When writing dialogue, use a comma to separate direct speech from indirect speech.

“My goodness,” Marjorie exclaimed, “look how that child has grown.”

  • Participial phrase

Introductory participial phrases are set off with a comma.

Famished after their ten-mile hike, the scouts lined up early for dinner.

Waiting for the bank to open, Margaret caught up on Facebook.

No comma is needed if the sentence is inverted and the phrase immediately precedes the verb.

Facing down the monster was the prince himself.

  • Salutation

I know it’s becoming a lost art—letter writing—that is. But should you have occasion to write a note or informal letter, insert a comma after the salutation. Dear John, Dear Sally,

That’s not a bad practice to carry over into those emails you dash off, either.

  • Parts of an address

Separate the elements of an address, as well as dates, when they are run in the text.

The package was shipped to 758 Potter Street, Hamlin, Missouri, by mistake.

The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 3, 1776, not July 4.

Punctuation, like language itself, evolves over time. What was once a preference for more commas— “close” style, has given way to an “open” approach using fewer commas. Some have gone as far as saying, “When in doubt, leave it out.” Keep in mind that[bctt tweet=” the whole reason we use punctuation is to make our writing as clear as possible” username=””]. You’ll be on the right path if you adhere to Bryan’s nine uses.


Grammar and Grace

Let’s Talk About Verbs

Last time, I introduced the eight parts of speech. This time, we’ll focus on verbs.

I’m beginning with the verb because to be a complete sentence and not just a phrase or a fragment, a group of words has to have a verb. A verb is the action part of the sentence or the part that talks about being.

I am. That’s a sentence.

Steelers won. That’s a sentence, too. Of course, a better, more descriptive sentence might be something like—The fantastic Pittsburgh Steelers shut out the stinkin’ New England Patriots and won the Super Bowl.

To understand verbs, we must understand more than just the definition that a verb is a word that describes a state of action or being.

Agreement—A verb must agree with its subject. We’ll discuss this idea more in later posts once I introduce nouns.

Tenses—A verb tense tells the time of the action. To keep things simple, we’ll discuss past, present, and future tenses.

Present—I enjoy avocado on toast.

Past—I enjoyed avocado on toast yesterday.

Future—I will eat avocado on toast tomorrow.

Notice that the spelling of the verb changes for the past tense. Usually, adding the suffix -ed to a verb makes it past tense. For the future tense, I added a helping verb will.

Linking verbs—These verbs join a subject to its complement. Common linking verbs are be, am, is, are, was, were, been, being—forms of the verb to be. Verbs of the senses are also linking verbs—feel, smell, sound, look, seem, and taste.

Her voice sounded shrill. (Sounded links voice to shrill.)

She is the Olympic swimmer. (Is links she to swimmer.)

Helping verbs—These verbs are also called auxiliary verbs. They help form proper tenses. Common helping verses include the linking verbs as well as have, has, had, shall, will, may might, can, would, should, could, must, and ought.

Beth has invited several people to the Parade of Tables, but only two have accepted.

Irregular verbs—These verbs do not take an addition of the suffix -ed to form the simple past tense. Some irregular verbs include the following: eat/ate/eaten, see/saw/seen, come/came/come, drink/drank/drunk, drive/drove/driven.

This post is an attempt to remind readers about the function of verbs. Understanding the function will help make your writing clear, correct, and concise.

Do you have questions about verbs?

Happy writing!

The Writer's PenCase Uncategorized

Seamless Self–Editing––Part VIII

As this series draws to a close, here are a couple practical exercises you can do at home to learn and practice your own seamless self-editing. Cutting word usage in half, and a proofreading exercise will assist you in learning more about how to edit your own manuscript. Because our object is to become “publish-ready.” #amwriting #publishready #seamlessediting

Grammar and Grace

Introducing the Eight Parts of Speech

For 2017, let’s understand the basics of English grammar by learning the eight parts of speech. They are the following:









All words are classified by the role they play in a sentence, or the work they do. Some words may be classified as two or three different parts of speech, but no word can be all eight. Some words will be classified as only one.

Here’s an example of one word in three different parts of speech. Brown can be an adjective, a noun, and a verb.

*The brown four-wheeler slid into the snow-covered ditch. (adjective)

*The brown in the painting overwhelmed the mood of the composition. (noun)

*Before placing the roast in the crock pot, brown the meat on all sides. (verb)

The word brown is used differently in all three sentences.

In the upcoming posts, we’ll learn about all the different parts of speech. Understanding the parts of speech will help in understanding future grammar and punctuation problems.

Happy writing!

The Ministry of Writing

Know Your Manual — Seminary in 5: Old Testament Survey

Save money. Learn theology. Become a better writer. Minister more effective. That’s my hope for you. In this second year of my column, The Ministry of Writing, I want to take you to seminary — writing seminary. If you have had the chance to go to seminary, then let this be a refresher. If you haven’t please soak up this tuition free theological education given each month in 5 points. God has called you to write. You want to glorify Him and reach the world, but the problem is that we can easily be false teachers and not know it. Therefore, growing and learning in biblical and theological knowledge is vital to your writing ministry.

One of the beauties of being a Christian writer is that we have a manual for all the instruction we provide and all the stories we tell. This manual is, of course, the Bible. Yet, this beautiful resource should also reign us in. For our, writings should be based on an accurate use of that manual. The manual is authoritative and therefore we are not to manipulate it for our own ideas. Therefore, it vitally important that you know your manual. Even the first half of this manual — the Old Testament.

Knowing this manual begins with reading it — reading it all, but we must also go deeper into an intensive study of the Bible. Even when this deeper study occurs sometimes we tend to jump to the details of particular books, passages, narratives, principles, or persons; and, by doing so we miss the big picture. I urge everyone to take a “survey” class or pick up an Old Testament and New Testament survey book. A survey study gives a bird’s eye-view of the text. It helps see the greater picture of what God is up-to and how each individual book fits together. There are also Bible Studies out there that accomplish this task such as The Story and The Gospel Project. The Story focuses on the greater history narrative in how all of the Bible fits together. The Gospel Project aims to trace salvation history throughout Scripture. I highly recommend Paul House and Eric Mitchell’s survey of the Old Testament book. There may be books that give more details, but this book perfectly pieces the books in the Old Testament together.

Here are five key points that you would learn in a survey of the Old Testament.


  1. The Bible (therefore, the Old Testament) is about God.

After reading this point, it’s likely you replied, “duh.” But before you skip to the next point, take a minute to think about how you utilize and approach the Bible. You may know the fact that the Bible is about God, but very few people actually approach this supernatural text in such a way. We read the Bible for inspiration, historic truth, or life principles. All of those things are there, but they are secondary.

First and foremost, the Bible is a revelation of the eternal God to his creation. The common cliché, that “It’s not history, but HIS STORY” is so true. The person and nature of God, along with His interaction with mankind is the purpose of His Word. We shouldn’t read “us” so much into the text, but rather look for God to reveal himself to us.

Throughout, the Bible and especially the Old Testament we learn characteristics of God. In the Old Testament, we learn He is the Creator and is sovereign over that Creation. We learn that He is just and punishes sin, but more than anything He desires to show grace, mercy, and love. The list could go on and on. By following, God’s relationship with Israel presented in this testament we receive a large sampling of how God works. The prophet Malachi instructs that God does not change. Our God is the same today as He was in the past.


  1. The Bible (therefore, the Old Testament) is Supernaturally Composed .

This is a reiteration of my posts on bibliology and interpretation of the Bible, the Bible was inspired by God. Throughout, the Old Testament this is revealed in notes on each book’s composition. Often the prophets speak on behalf of the Lord when they say, “Thus says the Lord.” We get insight in how God’s people like Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Daniel, and others communicated with God.

This first testament in God’s Word was penned over 1,000 years by over 30 different authors from different backgrounds and locations. This is a task that is impossible by man alone.

I point out the supernatural nature because biblical scholarship has difficulty accepting the prophecy which has been fulfilled, the miracles, and the scientific knowledge displayed. Various explanations are made to undercut these supernatural aspects, but doing so goes against over a millennium of accepted understanding. Many books on the Old Testament that you might pick up would present ideas and conclusions that does discount its transcendent claims.


  1. The Old Testament tells of the Special Calling of Israel.

If you read the Old Testament literally and straight-forwardly, it becomes unarguable that God has a special relationship with the nation of Israel. Drastic changes to how one interprets the Bible has to be made for anyone to believe anything on the contrary. For in the first 11 chapters of Genesis, the foundation of the world and all the nations are presented, but following chapter 12 the rest of the Old Testament zeros in on the descendants of Abraham — Israel.

In Zechariah 2:8 and in other similar passages, God declares directly this special relationship. Zechariah 2:8, “For this is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘After the Glorious One has sent me against the nations that have plundered you—for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye’.” This is also seen in the calling of Abraham found in Genesis 12. Then in following passages, this special relationship unfolds. The law is given to them, their history is shared, and prophets come to call them back to God and His law.

This special calling does not cease in the Old Testament, but that section of Scripture makes that calling crystal-clear.


  1. The Old Testaments Show the Centrality of the Covenants.

 There are many details and different narratives throughout the Old Testament, but this portion of the BIble cannot be understood apart from the covenants God makes with Israel. Three of these stand out. The Abrahamic and Davidic Covenants provide the background for the direction of history and the words of the prophets. The Mosaic Covenant is a thread that stitches each and every facet of the Old Testament together.

The Abrahamic and Davidic Covenants are unconditional promises God makes to both Abraham and David along with their descendants. We find the Abrahamic covenant in Genesis 12:1-3. Paul House and Eric Mitchell write in their survey textbook that God promises three things to Abraham. God promises an heir, land, a relationship. It is promised that Abraham’s name would be made great and he would have many descendants. This would require an heir. Next, God swore to give the land in which he would lead Abraham to find. Lastly, this covenant stated that the people of Abraham would be blessed and those who blessed them would also receive that blessing.

The Davidic Covenant is recorded in 2 Samuel 7. This covenant guarantees the lineage of David to be the rightful kings of the nation of Israel. God promises to establish David’s throne forever. Through this covenant the promises to Abraham are reiterated and connected to David.

These covenants are like a computer app that continually runs in the background while the display on the screen frequently changes. The law taught the Israelites how to live in the land, the history books showed the unfolding of these promises, and the prophets constantly referred to these covenants as a source of hope.

The Mosaic Covenant is the law. This covenant is summarized and formalized in Deuteronomy 26 – 30. This covenant was conditional. If the law was obeyed blessings would follow, but if God’s law was broken there would be curses. In the pages of the Old Testament that follow this Mosaic Covenant is front and center. The history books showed this fleshed out. The wisdom books called the people to follow the law. The prophets preached judgment because the covenant had been broken.


  1. The Old Testament Consists of Multiple Genres.

 One of the key principles in interpreting the Bible is to realize the different genres that are used. Each genre has its own set of interpretative rules. The Old Testament is full of multiple genres. There are basically four divisions in this first half of Scripture.

Genesis – Deuteronomy presents the Law.

  • Understanding that these five books make up the Law helps in interpretation. This was the foundation on which Israel’s history was judged, and the basis for which the prophets preached.
  • These books are prose, but feature declarative statements of the actual law mixed with narratives of history.

Joshua – Esther are the history books.

  • These are narrative history of Israel.
  • All those these books are prose, they do contain elements of poetry at times.

Job – Song of Songs are the wisdom or poetry books.

  • These books are forms of poetry and lists of short proverbs.
  • It is important to understand their prominent poetry structure, as well as, the nature of wisdom proverbs.

Isaiah – Malachi are the prophets.

  • These are divided into two sections the major prophets and the minor prophets. The only distinction in this classification is their sizes. The 13 minor prophet books were one book in the Hebrew canon.
  • These books contain prose and poetry. Most of them are divided into “oracles” which were spoken messages by the prophets.

Understanding these different genres is vital for the correct interpretation.



These points fall flat in capturing all that needs to be known about the Old Testament, but one of the strongest concepts that needs to be taken to heart is that the Old Testament should not be neglected. The Apostle Paul stressed that he preached the “whole counsel” of God. [bctt tweet=”We need to include the “whole counsel” in our writing.” username=””]

So, first of all used the manual God has given us. Then don’t skip the first half, but know this part of your manual.

Create. Motivate. Inspire.

On Writing: 5 Insights from C. S. Lewis

Need a bit of insight as you ready the pen or laptop today? Consider the following from one of the greatest writers of all time:

  1. “Take great pains to be clear. Remember that though you start by knowing what you mean, the reader doesn’t, and a single ill-chosen word may lead him to a total misunderstanding. In a story it is terribly easy just to forget that you have not told the reader something that he needs to know—the whole picture is so clear in your own mind that you forget that it isn’t the same in his.”
  2. “When you give up a bit of work don’t (unless it is hopelessly bad) throw it away. Put it in a drawer. It may come in useful later. Much of my best work, or what I think my best, is the re-writing of things begun and abandoned years earlier.”
  3. “Always prefer the plain direct word to the long, vague one. Don’t implement promises, but keep them.”
  4. “Don’t use adjectives which merely tell us how you want us to feel about the things you are describing. I mean, instead of telling us the thing is ‘terrible’ describe it so that we’ll be terrified. Don’t say it was ‘delightful’; make us say ‘delightful’ when we’ve read the description. You see, all those words (horrifying, wonderful, hideous, exquisite) are only like saying to your readers ‘Please, will you do my job for me.’”
  5. “We must not of course write anything that will flatter lust, pride or ambition. But we needn’t all write patently moral or theological work. Indeed, work whose Christianity is latent may do quite as much good and may reach some whom the more obvious religious work would scare away. The first business of a story is to be a good story. When Our Lord made a wheel in the carpenter shop, depend upon it: It was first and foremost a good wheel. Don’t try to ‘bring in’ specifically Christian bits: if God wants you to serve him in that way (He may not: there are different vocations) you will find it coming in of its own accord. If not, well—a good story which will give innocent pleasure is a good thing, just like cooking a good nourishing meal. . . . Any honest workmanship (whether making stories, shoes, or rabbit hutches) can be done to the glory of God.”

Who is your go-to author for inspiration?

Get inspired and keep writing!

[bctt tweet=”5 Writing Tips from C. S. Lewis @A3forMe #amwriting #writer” via=”no”]

[bctt tweet=”Any honest workmanship (whether making stories, shoes, or rabbit hutches) can be done to the glory of God.” C.S. Lewis @A3forMe @lthomaswrites” via=”no”]

(1, 2) C. S. Lewis letter to a girl named Thomasine (December 14, 1959).

(3, 4) C. S. Lewis letter to Joan Lancaster (June 26, 1956).

(5) C. S. Lewis letter to Cynthia Donnelly (August 14, 1954).

More insight from Lewis:

The Writer's PenCase

Seamless Self-Editing––Part V

Writer's PenCase-2Writers write because we love to use words, but let’s face it––even though we say we write for ourselves, we all want to be published and have many others read what we’ve written, for the mutual benefit of ourselves and our readers. That’s why self-editing is important. [bctt tweet=”We must do everything we can to get our manuscripts ready for publication.” username=”@a3forme @donnalhsmith”] #amwriting #publishready

Grammar and Grace

How to Pluralize Names for Christmas Cards–Re-Mix

We’re still a few days away from Thanksgiving, but we sometimes receive Christmas cards a few days after celebrating with turkey and dressing. For all the super organized people who like to get things done early, I’m re-posting  the following blog from last year–and because I’m still seeing names with apostrophes in all the wrong places.

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!

I love Christmas. I especially love sending and receiving Christmas cards. We send out a lot from our house, and we receive a lot in return. We always include a picture of the whole family. The pictures we receive from our friends find a place on our refrigerator and adorn it all year.


I don’t, however, love the envelopes addressed to The Dougherty’s or closings that read, Love from the Jones’. Ack!! I’m happy to hear from old friends, but I can’t stop my toes from curling when I see those errant apostrophes.

Here are some simple rules to follow so that you can write names correctly and make sure your cards convey the happy messages you intend.

  1. Add an s to a proper noun that doesn’t end in s to make it plural.

Langston = Langstons
Maurer = Maurers
Tate = Tates

  1. Don’t change the spelling of a proper noun to make the plural.

Dougherty = Doughertys (not Dougherties)

3.  Add es to a name that ends in s, x, z, ch, or sh to make it plural.

Capps = Cappses ( I know it looks strange, but trust me.)
Edwards = Edwardses
Fox = Foxes
Rakiewicz = Rakiewiczes

Notice that at no time have I used an apostrophe. I haven’t used one because I’m making the names plural, not possessive.

Three rules.

That’s all you need to write your Christmas cards correctly. If you can’t bring yourself to add the es to someone’s name or you can’t bring yourself to leave off the apostrophe, there’s always an easy fallback…Love from The Dougherty Family.

Fantasy-Sci-Fi Storyworld

World-building From the Eyes of a Character

The carbine was still jammed and Jim couldn’t do anything to fix it. He finally tossed it aside and cursed the shoddy Adronni weapon manufacturers – maybe their world would be next on the alien invasion tour. A shrill whine filled the air, and Jim pressed himself tighter against the debris-covered groundcar. A scant thirty feet away the earth erupted in blue smoke. As the remains of a prefab shelter rained harmlessly over his powersuit, Jim took inventory. A Gilgamesh repeater pistol, a single frag, and a suit of armor with a busted rebreather. As long as the reptilians didn’t gas him first, he’d probably live long enough for one of their walker units to plasma-blast him in the chest. He sighed. No, there was one last thing he possessed – the souls of his charred comrades pushing him on to avenge them. Jim unholstered the pistol and peered around the corner. Time to move – vengeance would be his!

On the surface, the above paragraph looks like an action scene. It’s dripping with tension, and Jim’s fate looks pretty bleak. But even an action-packed paragraph can be used to build your world. In fact, study it a minute and try to identify some of the foreign storyworld elements.

We’re not sure what kind of weaponry Jim has (laser? projectile?), but his attackers clearly have plasma weapons that explode in puffs of blue gas. And we can guess based on the grisly state of his allies that either the plasma weapons burned them alive or that the aliens have some other kind of burning weapon.

Let’s look at some of the subtler elements though. Take the use of the word “groundcar.” What is the implication there? Obviously a “groundcar” is a type of vehicle distinguished from some other type. An aircar? A hover car? We don’t know specifics, but use of that word reveals that methods other than ground-based vehicles are used for transportation in this world.

We also get a glimpse into the intergalactic relations. First of all, these reptilians are not only invading Jim’s planet but have apparently been on “tour,” invading many planets. We don’t know if “Adronni” is a company or a race of aliens, but we do know that either Jim or his military outfit purchased firearms from otherworldly suppliers. This establishes that the storyworld has interplanetary trade.

All of this could be done from a detached, third-person omniscient perspective, but the story is told from a deep, although third-person, POV. This not only conveys the gobs of storyworld information above, but it also does two other things: 1) it gives the action emotional impact. Sure, the battle scene is only a paragraph long, but you’re emotionally involved in the character. It inspires you to read onward and learn Jim’s fate, even as your imagination processes the alien elements. And 2) the world is shown with Jim’s particular biases. A comment like “shoddy Adronni weapon manufacturers” shows us Jim has preferences in firearms and the Adronni-supplied weapons are apparently not among them. This doesn’t mean his preferences are necessarily right, and a different character’s POV may reveal a different perspective on the carbine and its manufacturer. Your storyworld’s inhabitants, like those in the real world, won’t always agree on things.

This isn’t to say that every paragraph in your 90,000-word manuscript must be packed with exotic storyworld elements, but the first few chapters should do so as much as possible. And if you’re trying to get your audience attached to your characters in that same timeframe, doing so from a close, ground-level perspective can really help.

mhi1-posterLast year, my favorite novel was Monster Hunter International written by Larry Correia. A contemporary fantasy novel like this doesn’t need as much storyworld explanation as a distant-future sci-fi novel, but the author does equally amazing jobs at world-building and deep character exploration. I’ve also just started Marc Turner’s When the Heavens Fall, an epic novel with some well-developed fantasy elements and several great POVs. A final verdict will have to wait since I haven’t finished it yet, but thus far it’s a great read and exemplifies some of what we’ve discussed here.

That’s all for now. Next month we’ll kick off a series on alien and fantastic biology. Until then, let me know if there are any other storyworld elements you’d like me to explore in this space. Thanks for reading!

The Ministry of Writing

What do you believe about the Bible? — Seminary in 5: Bibliology

Save money. Learn theology. Become a better writer. Minister more effective. That’s my hope for you. In this second year of my column, The Ministry of Writing, I want to take you to seminary — writing seminary. If you have had the chance to go to seminary then let this be a refresher. If you haven’t please soak up this tuition free theological education given each month in 5 points. God has called you to write. You want to glorify Him and reach the world, but the problem is that we can easily be false teachers and not know it. This is why growing and learning in biblical and theological knowledge is vital to your writing ministry.

As Christian writers, we are constantly Scripture is front and center in all we do. Our Bibles stay open — as we teach it by writing Bible studies, devotionals, and Christian living books. We study the text to frame-in our worldviews and take-a-ways in our fiction. It is used to reinforce what we believe, but what do you believe about the Bible.

It’s highly likely that you are like me and you’ve taken for granted the nature of the Bible, but I am so thankful for professors like Dr. Ron Mitchell of Central Baptist College who began his theology and apologetics courses with a study of Bibliology (the doctrine of the Bible). Along with writers like Dr. Norman Geisler, who began his systematic theology with the doctrine of the Bible.

Since Scripture is the launch pad not only for our writing, but also our calling — we need to secure in our minds and hearts the framing of that platform.


  1. The Bible has a divine origin.

We refer to the Bible often as the “Holy” Bible. The word “holy” means to be set apart — special. The Bible is special, and it’s not because it is merely a good book, but because it is the Word of God. It has a divine origin even though actually  penned by human hands, those writers were directed by God.

In 2 Timothy 3:16-17, we read that the Bible writers were inspired by God. The actual Greek word for “inspired” means God-breathed. These men were not merely motivated by God as we think of inspiration, but they were moved by him. This inspiration went further than an idea of something good to do. Peter describes this vividly in 2 Peter 1:21, when he writes they were “carried along” by the Spirit.

The origin and the preservation of the Bible belong to God. Jesus instructed that the Bible does not merely contain portions that can be considered God’s Word, but every word is His Word. In Matthew 5:17-18, Jesus states that every jot and tittle of Scripture was important. These represented the smallest of pen strokes in the Hebrew language. Elsewhere in the Gospels we find Jesus recognizing the Bible as God’s Word.


  1. The Bible has a human origin.

Most of you reading this are already convinced of the divine origin of Scripture, but those who do not hold the Bible in high esteem focus on the fact that people actually penned it. Many have found it hard to wrap their mind around how something that claimed to be God-breathed, but written by fallible people could be the perfect guide for us. Yet, the Bible is not the only revelation from God to show such a paradox.  The Bible actually parallels the nature of Jesus. While on earth He was 100% God and 100% man all wrapped up in physical flesh.

The Bible, too, shares that tension. Even without trusting the claim from Scripture that it is God’s Word, the book displays a miracle within its own pages. On the human end over 40 authors wrote in a span of 1,500 years. Those 40 authors were drastically different from one another. Some were kings, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, poets, statesman, or scholars. They wrote in different places spanning across three different continents.

The fact that the Bible would have any cohesive thread is a miracle in of itself. To illustrate this while teaching I have had a roomful students from the same time period and walk in life try to write a cohesive story independently. The result would be a train wreck.

The nature of Scripture is this tension of being written by God through men. This understanding is essential when we seek to understand and teach the text. Those who focus only on the divine aspect view the book as supernatural and search out hidden meanings unique to their own time period. While those who focus merely on the human authorship treat it as only history or a list of good ideas. The two must be blended.


  1. The Bible is inerrant and infallible in its original manuscript (Autographa).

Although since in the creation of the Bible God used human authorship in a way that allowed the writers’ personalities and styles to be expressed rather than mechanically dictating to them in a robotic form, we must still understand it to be perfect. When we talk about the Bible being perfect it is in reference not to the leather-bond translation sitting on our desk, but rather the original manuscripts penned thousands of years ago. Manuscripts that no longer exist, but have been translated with great accuracy. There have been few scribal errors in translations, but the claim of God being the author calls for perfection. In that perfection, Scripture is without error — in factual and spiritual.  Also being God-breathed means that the message and promises from Scripture are incapable of failing.

The Autographa or original manuscripts are long gone, but there is remarkable evidence of today’s translation being accurate. For example in looking only at the New Testament there remains more than 24,000 ancient manuscripts. These manuscripts take us back as close to 250 years from the Greek originals. Syriac and Latin versions place us only 120 years from the autographa In those, only 40 lines are in question. This is remarkable when compared to the ancient work with the second most ancient manuscripts which is the Illiad by Homer. There only over 600 ancient manuscripts. It appears God not only authored the Sacred Text, but He is preserving it.


  1. The Bible was canonized.

Reading between the lines in this post, you have probably realized a final form of the Bible did not fall out of the sky. It took a 1,500 years for the book to be written. This ran from possibly Job, then Moses writing the Pentateuch, and closed with John penning Revelation. The Bible is a collection of multiple books. Throughout history, these books were pulled together. Ezra is credited with compiling the Old Testament. The Old Testament was in a canonized form by the time of Jesus, and had been translated into Greek in what we know as the Septuagint.

The New Testament also began as individual books and letters. These works circulated through the early church. Eventually they were collected and compiled into the New Testament. There is evidence that at least by 367 AD canon was complete. It would be made official in later church councils.

The term used for the complete “line-up” of the books in the Bible is canon. Canon means “standard”. Therefore, we have the standard of those books believed to be Scripture.


  1. The Bible should be authoritative to our lives.

 It is vital for our use of the Bible to realize it is this miraculous blend of divinity and humanity, but as we seek to apply the interpretation to our life the understanding of God’s inspiration should guide us. Since this is God’s special revelation to us, since it is His very words — they should not be merely suggestions or advice. Scripture is to transform our lives. We bow our lives before the text and respond in obedience. The Bible should be authoritative. It is the last word on how we should live and on matters of truth.

Craft Writing with Humor

5 Easy Steps To Make Readers Laugh Using The Absurd

Ever laughed in an absurd situation or at an absurd time?

Sure you have. We’ve all done it.

Our friend trips over his feet, falls flat on his face, and instead of helping him up, we fall over laughing, lamenting we didn’t get it on video.

America’s Funniest Home Videos makes a living on our laughing when we “shouldn’t.”

They knew we’d laugh — and we do.

Why do we laugh at the absurd?

The absurd is unexpected, and the unexpected is funny. It’s that simple.

You can find more scientific answers to explain it, but that’s the bottom line.

We’ll laugh at the absurd as long as it doesn’t offend our sensibilities, such as laughing about 911. Not funny. Period.

But even in the midst of turmoil, we like to laugh. We need to laugh.

Comic relief eases pain and sadness.

The absurd makes for great humor material when done right.

Imagine laughing at a funeral. Who would do that?

The writers of the 1970’s TV series The Mary Tyler Moore Show thought it was a great idea. And it was because they did it right.

Using five easy steps, they reaped reruns of laughter even from a funeral.

5 Easy Steps to Make Your Reader Laugh Using the Absurd:

Let’s look at how the writers of The Mary Tyler Moore Show incorporated the five steps into their heralded episode Chuckles Bites the Dust.

1. Know Your Audience.

What’s funny to some may be offensive to others.

The writers of The Mary Tyler Moore Show knew their audience tuned in to watch comedy and expected absurd situations, but they never crossed the line into callousness.

Had their audience been a group of grieving parents, it would’ve fallen flat, even with a clown for a character.

2. Think of an Absurd Situation.

Absurd situations make us laugh. The more common to humanity the situation is, the wider the audience you’ll reach and the more they’ll relate, leading to bigger laughs.

A humorous situation about parenting may be funny to all, but they strike a parent’s funny bone harder.

Find a situation that’s common to the vast majority.


Then find a way to make it absurd.

The death of a clown named Chuckles, who was dressed as a peanut when an elephant tried to shell it.

You now know the premise of the Chuckles Bites the Dust episode. And you see how a common situation can suddenly become uncommon and absurd.

3. Add ridiculous timing.

Ridiculous timing can raise the absurdity to a higher level.

This step is similar to the idea in writing of building tension by thinking of the worst thing that can happen to your main character and then making it worse.

Without conflict there’s no story. Ridiculous timing increases conflict and laughter.

The writers of The Mary Tyler Moore Show raised the stakes and the laughter by placing the climax of the episode in the middle of Chuckles the clown’s funeral.

4. Place your characters smack in the middle of it.

Place your main characters into the middle of the absurdity and let them react.

If they react opposite of how the audience would expect, even better. That’s called juxtaposition, and it’s a great humor technique.

The main characters of this episode sit together at Chuckles the Clown’s funeral. Once the pastor begins the eulogy, Mary–the only character to have shown respect throughout the episode–suddenly finds the situation unbearably humorous. Despite her best efforts, she can’t contain her laughter.

5. Have fun, but don’t cross the line.

Even if some audience will laugh at anything, writers should behave with decency.

Some subjects should remain off limits as objects of humor. (Child pornography for instance.)

Other subjects need only be handled with care. (Sickness and death.)

Throughout the episode, various characters respond with appropriate sadness by the news of Chuckles the Clown’s death.

Mary consistently responds in the most appropriate manner. Thus when she loses self-control at the funeral, the audiences’ sensitivities aren’t offended.

If she’d been known to be a callous jerk, the audience wouldn’t have been surprised by her laughter and again wouldn’t have been unduly offended.

Chuckles Bites the Dust

The entire Chuckles Bites the Dust episode is a fun lesson for writers on how to use absurd situations and timing without crossing the line. The fabulous twist at the end (the juxtaposition I mentioned earlier) pulls it all together.

Watch the full episode by clicking the link above, or watch the short clip below: Laugh for Chuckles

Notice how the writers incorporated these five easy steps and made their audience laugh using absurd timing and situations:

Grammar and Grace

Misheard, Misused, Misspelled Words

This month’s post is all about words you might be hearing and saying and, consequently, writing improperly. We’re not talking about homophones this time. We’re talking about misheard, misused, and misspelled words.

The idea occurred to me when I received a message from whom—before this ill-typed group of sentences appeared in my inbox—I considered an educated, real adult.

Here’s the problem. She used prolly instead of probably. This construction is not a typo. It’s a made up, wrong word. Maybe that’s how she pronounces it, but it’s still wrong, wrong, wrong. And the little red squiggly line that shows up underneath—even in Facebook messages—indicates a warning people—especially writers—should heed. (I apologize if my old English teacher, persnickety self is shining through here.) (A little bit.)

What about should of? NO! The correct use is should have. The problem probably stems from the contraction, should’ve. I agree. It sounds like should of when we speak. When writing, however, use should have or should’ve. Have is a helping verb: I should have paid attention in English class.

Suppose/supposed has a couple of problems. Here are the correct usages:
I suppose I can cook dinner tonight if you wash the dishes.

I am supposed to cook dinner tonight if I have time. (Don’t forget the d on the end.)

Supposedly, I am a good cook. Not, not, not supposably. Supposably is not correct—even if you hear everyone you know say it this way.

All of a sudden is correct. Years ago when I was teaching, a student wrote, “all of the sudden.” I stopped reading. I shook my head. I’d never heard that phrase before. I marked it as wrong. The student was irritated. A wiser colleague mentioned that all of the sudden was a colloquialism. At its worst, it’s wrong. At its best, it’s informal. Use the accepted all of a sudden in your writing.

Finally, here’s one just for fun. One of my students wrote chester drawers in an essay. I don’t believe she capitalized the C either. Again, even if in quick, slurred speech, the words sound like chester, they really should be written chest of drawers.

Now that I’m thinking about it, chester drawers could make for some interesting dialog in my next work in progress.

Happy writing!

The Ministry of Writing

Remember Your Christian Foundation: Seminary in 5 – Spiritual Formation

Save money. Learn theology. Become a better writer. Minister more effective. That’s my hope for you. In this second year of my column, The Ministry of Writing, I want to take you to seminary — writing seminary. If you have had the chance to go to seminary then let this be a refresher. If you haven’t please soak up this tuition free theological education given each month in 5 points. God has called you to write. You want to glorify Him and reach the world, but the problem is that we can easily be false teachers and not know it. This is why growing and learning in biblical and theological knowledge is vital to your writing ministry.


If you are a Christian writer this post may seem unnecessary, but I want to help you remember your Christian foundation. Believe me, Spiritual Formation class in seminary seemed unnecessary to me. I’d been a Christian for over ten years and in ministry for half that, and there I was in a class that taught the basics. The basics I knew. The basics I had experienced, but it was the basics I needed to remember. And I imagine it wouldn’t hurt you to remember them.

As Christian writers we can get so wrapped up in our projects and the message we are trying to get across that we can easily forget that original joy of our salvation. We can forget the basics that each one of our readers need to know.

So let’s go back to the basics, to the foundations of our faith.


  1. We Need a Savior

I trusted Christ as Savior and became a Christian at age 12. Some of you it may have been much younger, while for some of you it was when you were older. After a long time of conviction, I placed my faith in His sacrifice on the cross for our sins, but it wasn’t until I was studying theology that I realized my dire need for that salvation.

No matter how long you have been a Christian it is vital that you see the absolute need  we have for a Savior. Matthew 5:48 states that we must be perfect to enter Heaven. This is impossible because as we know too well, and Romans 3:23 tells us — we all have sinned. In Ephesians 2:1, we read that we are dead spiritually because of our sins. Therefore, we can not be saved by any merit of our on.

When I was in early elementary grade I almost drown at a cousin’s birthday party. I couldn’t swim well and I ventured into the deep end. Fortunately, someone saw me and jumped in.

I couldn’t rescue myself — I had to be rescued. We, too, need to be rescued in light of our sins and in regards to eternity.

So no matter how much we grow in Christ, we can’t forget we are still completely reliant on His grace and mercy for salvation.


  1. We Can Be Born Again

As I stated it is vital we realize that the core of our Christian walk and then our expression of that in writing is that we were spiritual dead. Romans 6:23 states that this spiritual deadness results in a spiritual death for eternity. Although a strong punishment is foretold, it is followed by a “but”. Paul records in Romans that although our sin leads to death, a gift of eternal life is available. We also read in Romans 5:8, that although we are sinners Jesus came and died for those sins. The price has been paid. An acquittal is available. Jesus has done all the work. The rope of eternal rescue has been let down, then by faith we can take that rope. When we place our trust in Jesus, repent of our sins, and commit to follow Him we are born again.

In that new birth, we receive the promised new heart. A large part of us being made new is that we are given the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. The power of Christ becomes a guide, counselor, comforter, and convictor in our lives.


  1. We Can have a Relationship with God

When we celebrate our salvation in Christ, we think of the forgiveness of sin, but what I believe is the most amazing part is that we’re able to have a personal relationship with God. We’re no longer separated from Him by sin. We can walk with Him.

The Christian walk is not following a list of rules, but living in a relationship with Christ. It is not following the prescribed steps A and B, but rather staying in step with the Holy Spirit. In Galatians 5, the Apostle Paul instructs the believers in Galatia to walk in the Spirit.


  1. We Need to Use Spiritual Disciplines

In our western mindset we actually would prefer that set of rules to follow as Christians. We prefer the methodology of science over the ebbs and flow of art, but walking in the Spirit is an art. It is a practice in which we grow into. It is in this frame work we must understand the spiritual disciplines. It’s said that if one was to ask a puritan preacher for counsel, he would reply, “Put yourself in the way of the Lord.” The preacher would mean for that parishioner to read their Bible, pray, meditate, fast, attend church, etc. Then in seeking God the parishioner would then encounter God. This is taking God at His word when He promised in James 4:8, “If we draw near to Him He will draw near to us.”

The believer actually already has God near since they possess the Holy Spirit. So spiritual disciplines are tools to help us stay in step with Spirit, so that the He can show us how to live.


  1. We Need to have a Regular Quiet Time

 Each morning I begin with what I call a quiet time which includes prayer, a devotional reading, and Scripture reading. I know others call that time by different names. Whatever you call it, you need to have it. Basically, it is a regular time in which you seek the Lord. It’s through a regular time that we are able to have our steps directed by the Holy Spirit. It is through hearing the direction from Him, that we are able to live out our lives as a follower of Christ.


The Ministry of Writing

Five Dangers of Theological Training: Seminary in 5 — Orientation Part 2


Save money. Learn theology. Become a better writer. Minister more effective. That’s my hope for you. In this second year of my column, The Ministry of Writing, I want to take you to seminary — writing seminary. If you have had the chance to go to seminary then let this be a refresher. If you haven’t please soak up this tuition free theological education given each month in 5 points. God has called you to write. You want to glorify Him and reach the world, but the problem is that we can easily be false teachers and not know it. This is why growing and learning in biblical and theological knowledge is vital to your writing ministry.



You are reading this because you want to be a better minister through your writing, and I believe that necessitates intentional biblical and theological training. That training does not have to be in a formal seminary, but the teaching must be correct. Last month I wrote on five reasons why you must receive training. Again I can’t stress enough the importance — when you go to a doctor and your physical life is on the line you definitely want someone who has been trained. Right? So shouldn’t we desire that as much or more with the minister who is sharing eternal life.

Even though I am strongly for theological training, I agree with your grandmother, uncle, neighbor, and that guy at church who has warned you that seminary messes up good ministers. Training can and has messed up good writers — good servants of the Lord. Yet the risk far outweighs the dangers, but I do want to warn you of five dangers of theological training.

The Five Dangers…  

  1. The Danger of Puffing Up (Pride & Self-Righteousness)    

 Not only is the danger realized by countless examples we have witnessed with our own eyes, but Scripture directly warns of this. In 1 Corinthians 8:1, we are warned that knowledge can puff up while love builds up. The difference between knowledge and love expressed in this passage seems to be on their reach beyond ourselves. Although our possession of knowledge can help others, it can also cause us to become prideful and full of ourselves. Yet, love for one another builds each other up in Christ.

The context of the passage is instruction on how these newly converted Christians should deal with eating meat that had been served to idols. Paul is trying to explain Christian liberty, but he knows legalism is the enemy of that liberty. It seems in history and today the religious people or churches who focus on knowledge and sincerity of doctrine tend to be those who are the most mean spirited. They are the churches full of truth, but void of love. This was the nature of the Pharisees in the Bible.

Not only can knowledge make one legalistic or not loving, but it can make one prideful.

Gaining knowledge through theological training does not have to puff one up or cause them to be legalistic, but the danger has been proven over and over.


2. Danger of Not Relying on God

This danger of theological training has been gained by personal experience, and I have heard others express the same sentiment.  Although this is gained from experience, Scripture makes clear that as followers of Christ we are to rely on God. In John 5 we read Jesus say that He could do nothing without the Father. In which He was pointing to the God sized results. We can use human efforts, but only God can bring the supernatural harvest.

I would not trade the theological and ministry training I have received, but I look back on the early days of my preaching with great joy. I began preaching at 16 and had no clue with what to do. Armed with a Bible and an A-Z Topical Concordance I went to work. I have to rely on God for everything and He delivered. It was amazing messages were given to me more spontaneously. God showed me things in unique and surprising ways. Messages came to me almost verbatim. Then I had to pray through every aspect of any ministry work.

Through seminary I had a greater understanding of the Bible. I learned teaching and preaching techniques. I learned how to do it in my strength. I was a better preacher, but I struggle with the temptation to rely on my training and not God.

As a Christian writer you need theological and writing training, but still only God can bring the supernatural harvest and transformation that you desire to see. Rely on Him.


3. Danger of Doing Ministry in Own Strength and Not Letting the Spirit Work Through You

This is very similar to the last danger, but I share it to make a point. The more we learn, the better we get as writers and ministries, the more we get in the way of the Holy Spirit. Again it God who is the Lord of the harvest. We are just His workers. Although we may have learned to correctly divide the Word of God, and to effectively convey it in writing, we should still desire to see the Holy Spirit work.


4. Danger of Losing Your Own Personality

As you probably can tell from my writing, I was trained in preaching not writing. I had a preaching class in which you would preach before the class, and then the professor would you evaluate you. One particular professor pushed each of us to follow this certain pattern, I hated it. But we took it as the way one must preach. So I went through a phase where I threw out my creativity and sense of humor to preach a “certain way.” I lost my personality. This can happen in our writing. Training can push us to do it a particular way, but we still need to be us. Don’t lose your personality.


5. Danger of Losing Evangelistic Zeal

First and foremost you are ministering through writing because the Lord has called you to do so. Then I imagine the second reason is that you hope others would come to Christ and experience a relationship with Him. You are driven by your evangelistic zeal. I have watched over and over as fervent soul winners lost their fire in seminary as they became wrapped up in knowledge and forgot what mattered most. Don’t let that happen to you. Listen to this warning given by the Apostle Paul in 1 Timothy 1:6, “Some have wandered away from these and turned to meaningless talk.” Don’t get wrapped up in the secondary, please focus on the primary.


Promise Me…

Although there are dangers to theological training, you must still recieve training, but promise me that you will not lose your fire in the process. You only need to focus that fire.




Grammar and Grace

Irregardless, Not a Word?

A few weeks ago I enjoyed a lovely dinner with friends at a cool restaurant in Raleigh. The first time I ate there—decades ago—I was a young English major and ordering quiche and raspberry iced tea made me feel cool, too. Quiche was an exotic dish back then. The name of the place added to my delight because I understood the clever use of a non-word, Irregardless Café.

Yes, that’s right. Irregardless is not a word. It could be a blend of irrespective and regardless, but it’s wrong to use. Use regardless instead.

Regardless of the outcome of the soccer game, I’ll treat myself to frozen yogurt.

Another word used incorrectly is impact. Impact is a noun, not a verb.

How did the new law impact bathroom usage? Wrong. Instead write, how did the new law affect bathroom usage?

Finally, let’s consider a whole sentence that is used incorrectly. I could care less means exactly the opposite of what the speaker intends. I could care less means…I could care less. Think about it! If you could care less, care less. If you couldn’t, use I couldn’t care less instead.

Despite how often you may hear these words in daily speech or on TV, they are not correct. They may make for a cool name of a restaurant, but using them incorrectly doesn’t endear you to old English teachers, editors, or grammar police.

Craft Writing with Humor

Thou Shalt Commandments For Writing With Humor

Thou Shalt write with humor.

But how?

By following these two commandments from humor author James N. Watkins:

I. Thou Shalt Know Thy Audience

When you know your audience, you understand how far you can take your humor. You know the envelope.

Once you know the envelope, push it.

Humor that surprises — not horrifies — your audience works best.

Each audience has its nuances. 

What makes a group of writers chuckle might fall flat with a group of doctors.

What works in an article written for teenagers may leave a group of seniors scratching their 80-year old heads, or worse, wagging them in disdain.

II. Thou Shalt Not Be Ungracious

Turn on the news and opportunities to poke fun at someone will present itself in short order.

Someone in Somewhere, USA will have proved yet again a Murphy’s Law of the South which states,

Whenever a guy utters, “Hey y’all, watch this!” something stupid is about to happen that will end in a 911 call.

Watkins encourages writers to ridicule behavior, not people.

If you want to make fun of someone, make fun of yourself.

Watkins’ took his inspiration for this great commandment from the Bible. Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person” (Colossians 4:6).

Obey Watkins’ commandments for writing with humor and you’ll entertain your readers, not lose them.

[bctt tweet=”Follow The 2 Greatest Commandments For Writing With #Humor #AmWriting #Author” username=”JeanWilund”]

Check out James Watkins’ website Hope and Humor as well as his book Writing with Banana Peels.

The Ministry of Writing

Better Understand God’s Instruction — Try Triangulation

As a Christian writer in your life or in your writing it is not merely about what you want to say or do. You are an ambassador of Christ. You are a soldier in His command. Therefore, you should be seeking Him consistently, walking in the Spirit so that you know His instructions.

I have no doubt that you are doing this, but being certain we are understanding the Spirit’s guidance is not always that easy. We can hear His voice. We can know that voice as we read in John 10. This is not so much a science, but is  an art. It is something that is developed over time. Hearing God’s voice and being certain it is something you can continue to do better.

One way you could do this better is through triangulation.

I highly doubt you have heard this term in a sermon, but maybe you have heard it in an overly technical explanation about your cell phone or a GPS.

I grew up fishing on a local lake. One side of that lake was wide-open with no apparent landmarks on the surface, but underneath there were some serious honey-holes. The trick became finding those spots again after catching fish there the trip before. So to help find those spots we would locate a landmark on the shore. For example, we might chose to line up with the old concrete plant’s smokestack.

The issue would be the smokestack might put us close to the fishing hole, but not exactly. We could be in a three hundred yard circle of the key spot that was no bigger than a bucket. If we added another landmark then we would get closer. So maybe the smokestack on the east and the fourth buoy in the south. Those landmarks would get us close, but still not exactly where we wanted to be, but three landmarks put us exactly where we needed to be. The smokestack on the east, the fourth buoy in the south, and the boat ramp to the west — and we would find that exact spot. The three points of reference created a triangle.

Now days we don’t work so hard. The honey-hole is marked in our GPS and we can go right to it. The reason the GPS works so well is not because a signal from one satellite is locating us, but there are signals from at least three. The GPS uses the same principle of triangulation.

So now back to us hearing God’s voice. How many points of reference are you using to determine His instructions to you?

God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of us, through His Word, through circumstances, and through other believers. All though through each source of His voice we can know all we need to know, it can be easy to misinterpret. But if we are consistently allowing multiple avenues in which for His voice to speak into our lives, when they line up we can be certain we are hearing clearly.

Each day as I have my “quiet time” with the Lord I don’t rely on just one avenue, but I try to allow for triangulation. I have a prayer journal in which I write my morning prayer and I write down what I feel the Spirit may be speaking to me. I also list circumstances that I believe may be important in determining His Will. So that is the point of reference of the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

During my morning quiet time I read a portion of Scripture. This is a point of reference from His Word. I also try to find a reading plan that someone else has designed that way each day’s reading is objective. If left to me to pick passages I am going to consistently go to Jeremiah 29:11 and dream of that next book contract.

I also do one or two devotional type study books. This I refer to as my teacher point of reference. I am letting God use a teacher to speak into my life. I try to do two such books at a time. I like to have one that is more inspirational and then one that is more doctrine focused. I say a fun one and a boring one.

You may say all this is over kill, but by having usually four avenues for God to speak into my life if they all line up in some way then I feel with certainty I am hearing correctly.  Now they don’t always line up, but when they do — triangulation works and I better understand God’s instruction.


Grammar and Grace

Five Words or Phrases to Avoid

Lots of time we hear verbal patterns that may be acceptable (to some people) in speech, but they are considered ungrammatical in the written word. Below are five examples of words or phrases to avoid in your written communications.

  1. Being as/Being that–Don’t use in place of because or since.

Being as the cake was frosted, we had to eat it.  Wrong

Because the cake was frosted, we had to eat it.   Correct

  1. Can’t hardly—This phrase is a double negative and not acceptable in standard English.

I can’t hardly wait for the first day of summer.  Wrong

I can hardly wait for the first day of summer.     Correct

I can’t wait for the first day of summer.              Correct

 Could of/Should of/Would of—These expressions are ungrammatical uses of could have, should have, and would have. They probably originate from the contractions in speech, could’ve, should’ve, and would’ve. Use the proper form in written English.

  1. Different from/Different Than—The correct usage is different from, not different than.

North Carolina eastern style barbeque is different from western style.

  1. Due to—This expression is a wordy construction. Use because

Due to the fact that Duke lost the game, the team didn’t advance. Wordy

Because Duke lost the game, the team didn’t advance.                   Much better

 Clean up your manuscripts by avoiding these ungrammatical expressions. Clean up your speech patterns by avoiding them, too.

Happy writing!