A Pinch of Poetry

The Art of Poetry

June 20, 2015

In my opinion, poetry is the high art form of all writing.

Crafting a meaningful poem can’t be done by anyone, but I believe anyone can learn to craft an extraordinary poem.

Hence the purpose of this blog A Pinch of Poetry where we will take our poetic talent to the next level.

Let’s consider visual art for a moment.  We could agree that most anyone can draw, color, or paint even if on the level of creating stick-figure abstract art.  But not everyone will become the next Van Gogh or Picasso.

So what makes renowned artists’ work more valuable than say a third-grade rendition of family life?  What defines them as “artists” rather than someone playing around in paint?

Techniques and intention distinguish art and poetry because they create aesthetic beauty.

Professional artists employ certain techniques to create an effect on the viewer or reader.  Every brush stroke and medium or color chosen is with a purpose.  Nothing is accidental. If you study a work carefully enough, you will discover secrets hidden deep within it that the artist is trying to share with you.

So it is with the art of writing poetry.

[bctt tweet=”Authentic Poetry is truly a high art form. #art #poetry”]

Crafting a poem goes beyond penning words on a page.  Many people can write a poem if given instructions just as so many could create a drawing.  But only a few will take poetry to another level and create written art.

How so?

When creating a poem, the poet has to consider the subject and the meaning they want to get across in as few words as possible.  Then he or she chooses the techniques which will best create images to convey those messages.  Some of those techniques are metaphor, personification, meter, alliteration, etc.

While we all have had the definitions of these techniques mercilessly beaten into us by our English teachers, implementing them is not as easy as it might seem.  And not all techniques are appropriate for every poem.  A poet decides what will work just like a visual artist decides what colors to use in a painting.

Every word and technique chosen has a purpose and meaning.  Nothing is accidental.

So if you’re already a poet then you can consider yourself an artist because authentic poetry is truly a high art form.  If you’re not poetically inclined yet, I look forward to helping you get acquainted with the craft.

Consider it an artistic adventure.

Have you ever considered poetry an art?  Tell me your thoughts below.

“VanGogh-View of Arles with Irises” by Vincent van Gogh – Web Museum (file). Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons – https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:VanGogh-View_of_Arles_with_Irises.jpg#/media/File:VanGogh-View_of_Arles_with_Irises.jpg

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  • Reply CHERRILYNN BISBANO June 29, 2015 at 9:18 am

    Yes Poetry is a form of art and personal expression. When I first became a believer I worked at a Christian radio station. I was truly blessed to hear bible teaching all day. It triggered poems in my head; I had to write them down. I wrote during breaks (when I had all my work done of course). That was 25 years ago. I still have that book. Some of the writings are songs. They are very childlike; like my faith at that time.

    • Reply Heather July 1, 2015 at 11:47 pm

      Do you still write? Poetry can be very healing. More to come on that…

  • Reply Dawn Paoletta July 1, 2015 at 11:46 am

    I love to write poetry and have thought in verse since childhood…poetry gives me wings.

    • Reply Heather July 1, 2015 at 11:41 pm

      Yea!! So glad to find someone else who thinks like me. 🙂

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