Devotions for Writers

The Gift

Writing is a gift given by God to us, but it is also a present we offer back to God. The Creator of words creates words in us, His creation! He bestows the charge and the honor on us to pen His words responsibly.

Sometimes I take that talent for granted. And, sometimes I plead with the Lord to renew His word in me. Take, for instance, the time last week when I sat down to write a devotional. All I could think about was an argument that had caused a rift. I tossed the scene back and forth in my mind. But the words I wanted to write would not come to the page. The harder I tried to compose, the less I had to say.

Matthew 5:23-24 says, “If you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.” (NIV)

I wanted to offer my devotional at the altar to the Lord, yet something else had to be settled first.


Read Matthew 5:21-26

  • What does murder have to do with anger?
  • How does anger affect your creativity?
  • How does showing mercy change your heart attitude?
  • Do you anger easily? Why does Ecclesiastes 7:9 call anger foolish?
  • When does anger turn into sin? Ephesians 4:25-27, 29-32.
  • Are there times when anger can be used for good?
  • Has anger ever fueled your writing for a worthy cause? Maybe when you wrote about abortion (Proverbs 31:8) or bullying (Proverbs 31:9)?
  • How is forgiveness a compassionate response?
  • How do you find compassion to forgive when you are hurt by another?
  • In what way could you develop the habit of listening more? James 1:19-20
  • How could you become more teachable? James 1:21
  • How does hate strangle us? 1 John 3:15
  • What kind of debt does anger create? Matthew 5:26
  • What are the benefits of reconciliation? 2 Corinthians 5:17-19

If, like me, your words are stuck, take time to clear the air. Ask God to reveal any sin that is hindering your creativity, and pay the debt of love so that you will again be free to offer your gift! 1 John 1:9

Would you share a story in the comments of a time your words were blocked because of trouble in a relationship? How did you resolve it?

Sally Ferguson

Over 140 of Sally Ferguson’s devotionals have been published in Pathways to God (Warner Press). She’s also written for Light From The Word, Chautauqua Mirror, Just Between Us, Adult Span Curriculum, Thriving Family, Upgrade with Dawn and Prose Contest Winner at 2017 Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference.

Sally loves organizing retreats and seeing relationships blossom in time away from the daily routine. Her ebook, How to Plan a Women’s Retreat is available on Amazon.

Sally Ferguson lives in the beautiful countryside of Jamestown, NY with her husband and her dad.

Visit Sally’s blog at

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