Guest Posts

The Inspiration Behind the Idea

It can happen in an instant!

That swell of energy that has your brain cells sparking like loose cable wires on an out-of-control train.

Or at least in my head it does.

Though I can hardly say I am, “wired correctly…” Something happened up there. A smack in the head. A fall off the bike. A sports injury. Mother says it’s, “a gift.” But that’s mom’s for yah — always trying to insist that you are one of the special ones.

Truth be told, I have no clue how my brain works. Nor do I understand ideas… So what help can I be? Well, for one thing, I can recall where these ideas originated from.

For instance…

The other day I was sleeping next to my beautiful Guatemalan wife. Born in, you’ve guessed it, America. When suddenly she started sleep talking — but not in English – in Spanish. And like the ignorant fool I am, I understood nothing.

But it sparked an idea, which got the gears turning.

Dreams are a great place to spark ideas.

A fascinating article on dreams states that we dream, on average, forty minutes a night. Just think about how many ideas you can spark from all those dreams! Hardly any… Why? Because the article also states that we forget 95% – 99% of those dreams.    

So why tell you then?

Because there is still that one to five percent.

Now, before you roll your eyes at me, which I know some of you are doing, hear me out on this…

If you keep a small notepad and pen next to your bed (or in my case, my phone with Google Docs quickly accessible) when you have one of these ahah! dreams, you can quickly jot it down before you lose that idea completely.

Something that has happened to me on more than one occasion…

…at one time, a hit song that could’ve made me a Rockstar. 

Now what if you’re not a dreamer or you don’t have a wife who speaks Spanish in her sleep… Then what?


Get away from the computer and get your tail outside.

Like you see me doing here 🙂

Nature is powerful — a place of dreams — And, you guessed it, ideas.

In my novel The Iron Alchemist our hero, Boone Rigger, lives in a city called Lone Creek. Surrounded by lush forests, jagged peaks, and… wow! It’s just like the image above. Hmm… You see what I am getting at here? Where I get my inspiration?

If you want to make your settings feel real you must be willing to explore outside your mind — to find places that spark new ideas.

But that’s not enough…

You must also submerse yourself in Culture.

Now I’m not telling you to live with the natives of Guatemala, and connect with their ancestors, in order to write a best-selling novel about Mayans.

Though that would be pretty impressive.

What I am saying is to get out there and try new foods, watch documentaries about different cultures, travel outside your neighborhood; just do something out of your comfort zone.

Luckily for me, I am blessed.

I live in LA and work at a hospital where I get to connect with people every day — from all across the world — born in different times of the 20th and 21st century. All with knowledge, ideas, and stories of their own–

That sparks ideas that inspire me.

People, nature, culture, and conversations are just a few things that will inspire you… But the key is to pay attention. Don’t stay lost in your head. Stop and allow yourself to embrace the world around you.

Now get out there and take action!

And let me know in the comments below what inspires your ideas.

Erich Whiteside is a successful Wattpad Star who is currently part of their Paid Stories Program. He also writes folklore for the video game Rift of Raigard. And is in the process of finishing his novel ‘The Iron Alchemist’  which can be found on Wattpad. He is married to his beautiful wife, and together they spend their time going on adventures and exploring the world.

Find me on Twitter @ErichWhiteside

By Lisa E. Betz

Lisa Betz is a writer, blogger, and occasional director who lives in an empty nest perched on a wooded Pennsylvania hillside. She loves to bring characters to life, both on stage and on the page.

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