
The Power of One

Jesus Christ described the incredible power of one.

Studying for a sermon series recently called The Power of One, the repetition in Jesus’ teachings of the word “one” amazed me.

And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to ONE of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward. – Matthew 10:42

 And whoever welcomes ONE such child in my name welcomes me. – Matthew 18:5

 The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for ONE of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40

 Reading Christ’s words at face-value, I see that Jesus’ perspective is different than mine. And His perspective is all that ultimately matters.

Our world values numbers. Musicians want their albums to sell millions of copies and thus receive awards. Artists want their works to be sold to myriad people. Authors want their books to include on the cover, “More than 100,000 copies sold!” In the world of church growth, success is often measured by a quantitative amount of money and people: “nickels and noses.” Society now values worth or impact based on how many social media friends, connections, and “likes” received.

Jesus stuns me with his emphasis on one. Reward comes from welcoming one child. Recognition begins with doing a small task for one person in Jesus’ name. Doing low-profile acts of service like visiting a sick person, spending time with a prisoner, feeding or clothing a poor person, or welcoming a stranger, rank high on the important list of the King of all the earth.

Medical doctor and futurist Richard Swenson writes that Jesus “wasn’t in a speed race: He was in a love race. It is good news that we can return sovereignty back to the Almighty and resume our servant’s role of simply loving the person He places in front of us.” (A Minute of Margin by Navpress)

Ministry to Jesus was the person standing in front of Him. He understood the incredible power of one.

According to the Scriptures, God is honored when one person lives by faith and invests in one person at a time.

When we minister to one person, Jesus credits it to our account.

What if God’s purpose for your writing is not to sell thousands of copies, nor hit a best-seller list, nor have oodles and oodles of social media hits, nor win numerous awards? What if He created you, gave you lots of wisdom and discernment from spiritual truth and life experiences, and taught you how to write so that you could make a difference in a small group of readers?

What if He takes your article, devotion, or book, and uses it deeply in the life of one person?

Maybe today Jesus would say to you, If your writing touches one lonely grandmother in a nursing home, one single mom in a doctor’s office, or one struggling student in a university, than you have done that unto Me.  Well done.

 According to Jesus, there is an incredible power and reward in one.

By Rhett Wilson - A Word in Season

Rhett Wilson has loved reading and writing since his childhood when he won first place in a statewide short story contest. He is a family-man, pastor, and award-winning author. Rhett's blog, "Faith, Family, and Freedom," can be found at He enjoys doing life with his wife Tracey and their three children. The Wilsons explore waterfalls in the Carolinas, tube down mountain streams, and look forward to March Madness basketball every year. For fun, Rhett likes reading legal thrillers and Southern fiction, writing, and listening to wholesome country, classical, and Broadway music. He and his wife Tracey have released two CD’s: Lead Me On and Offered Praises. Rhett's byline has appeared in HomeLife, Thriving Family, Leadership Journal, and The Old Schoolhouse magazines as well as The Upper Room devotional.

2 replies on “The Power of One”

Rhett, this is beautiful and powerful. Thank you for the reminder! It is so easy to get entangled in the number game. One at a time… Reach one at a time–in Jesus’ name.

The quote, Jesus “wasn’t in a speed race: He was in a love race,” really touches my heart, Rhett. I can get so caught up in all the marketing stuff that I lose the goal of my writing: God’s glory. Sure, if people don’t know my Bible study exists, God can’t use it to bless them. But it isn’t my job to rustle up readers – it’s God’s job to lead people to it. I need to do my part and then surrender it to Him. Thank you for a great post!

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