I have a good friend who often says, “I’m going to be gone this week to a “write away.”
What you may ask is a “write away?” Simply put it is a time set aside where you go somewhere and write away (in more ways than one)! During these time of staying at home and social distancing, most of us need a write away more than ever.
When you are in a writing slump and can’t seem to get the words flowing, maybe you need a change of scenery and routine. For these times, that may mean changing your writing space in your home so you have a view out of a different window as you write, parking the car by a lake and spending a few hours writing, or finding a quiet outside location near your home to write. Look for an uncrowded park that is open and “camp out” there.
You may be thinking to yourself—That’s fine for you but I don’t have a lot of places to go nearby. The good news is you don’t have to. Here are a few other suggestions.
A friend of mine lives on a lake just a short drive from my house. She has a beautiful home with an entire glass wall in her living room. The view is calming, relaxing, and extremely conducive to creativity. This sweet friend has given me an open invitation to come to her house and write any time I need to have a write away. During this time of staying away from others, I can ask my friend if I can go sit on her dock and write all afternoon. I am not around people but my creativity has a chance to flow as it comes. Do you have a friend whose yard or dock you could visit for a write away?
Look for a friend who lives in the country and take a chair and small desk to sit and admire the countryside as you write. Most people won’t mind your coming and just hanging out in their yards.
If your library or church is open, you may be able to find an indoor spot to enjoy new surroundings and increased creativity
No matter what method you choose, the benefits of taking a break from your normal routine are great. Does your creativity need a jumpstart? Plan a “write away” today.

Linda Gilden is a wife, mother, and grandmother. Linda finds great joy (and lots of writing material) in time spent with her family and enjoys every opportunity for a short “write away.” Her favorite activity is floating in a pool with a good book surrounded by splashing children!
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