The subject of creativity has always fascinated me. Where does it originate? How can I access more of it? Am I born creative or can I develop into a creative person? It’s because of these questions (and many more) that I’ve collected quite a few books on the subject and look forward to purchasing more in the future.
Three Top Picks Currently on My Shelves:
- Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, Elizabeth Gilbert. It’s no surprise this was an instant #1 New York Bestseller. One thing I’m most enjoying about Big Magic is Liz’s intentional focus on incorporating creativity into our daily lives.
- Steal Like An Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative, Austin Kleon. This is a fun, clever, and dare I say, creative, book. From cover to cover, you’ll be exposed to fresh ideas on the subject of creativity. Nothing boring here, folks!
- The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron. This book was originally published in 2002 but the audience and appreciation for it has only increased with time. I will forever be grateful to Julia for introducing me to the concept of Morning Pages.
Three Top Picks on My Wish List:
- Creativity, Ink., Ed Catmull. I was sold on this book the minute I realized who Ed was — co-founder of Pixar Animation Studios. Enough said.
- It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again: Discovering Creativity and Meaning at Midlife and Beyond, Julia Cameron. This is Julia’s most recent publication (April 2016) and in all honesty, I need only see her name on a cover to purchase it. The fact that the subject is on discovering creativity at every stage of life is a bonus.
- Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman. The title intrigued me but it was the 4.5 rating from over 2200 people that proved to be the catalyst for my pushing the “Add to Gift List” for a future purchase.
I hope these six selections will stir up your creativity as it has mine.
Do you have a favorite book on creativity? If not, is there a book mentioned in this post that sparks your interest? Please share!
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If you enjoy the subject of creativity, I’d love for you to stop by Cathy Baker…Cultivating Creativity.
2 replies on “6 Must-Have Books On Creativity”
Thanks. I will check these out.
I also maintain a list of books for creatives on my website.
Great to know, Jean! I look forward to reading your list as well. Thanks for stopping by.