I write with one desire—the transformation of lives. I believe God has equipped me over the years through various life experiences, coupled with a deep love of Scripture, to pen words of encouragement and exhortation to hurting people. God has given me a compassion for the suffering who hunger to taste the love Jesus freely offers. The love of Christ is a catalyst for transformation.
To fulfill that calling, I must have a willing heart. What’s a willing heart? I’ve been asking that same question for several weeks as a pastor and a church planter. Eagle’s Wing Church is just four years old, and I am preparing my people for a move into a new community with new challenges. But to succeed we will need a willing heart toward God in whatever he calls us to do.
You may wonder what a willing heart has to do with anything—especially writing. I would say everything. To be a successful writer you need a steady supply of powerful words, and powerful words have their source in God alone. When my heart is yielded and willing, God pours his words through the filter of my mind and a few stick and make it onto paper. Those words, which originated in God’s mind, have the capacity to change lives—if I have a willing heart. A willing heart is a heart that freely desires to go above and beyond what is required. Above and beyond always brings transformation.
Over the past few weeks, God has shown me three elements that are essential in developing a willing heart. I want to share them with you so that your words and your life find power and transformation.
A willing heart requires total surrender. I call this the gift of self. God wants all of you. He doesn’t need you, but he desires you. He won’t force you to wave a white flag, but if you do, amazing things will happen. Perception, reaction, actions, and attitudes will be transformed. You will hunger for more and God will not disappoint. When we seek God with all of our heart we will always find him.
One reply on “The Transformational Power of a Willing Heart”
Thanks for this. Transformed lives is exactly what I want from my inspirational true story that takes the reader from my suicide attempt, to how I got there, to how hope in God walked beside me through the valley and out the other side. Please pray that God uses Success Redefined – Abundant Life After Loss to transform lives. May God bless you and your readers as you write with a willing heart.