We’ll take a break from adding more confusing words to our list this time and focus only on the two verbs lie and lay. They are often confused because they’re both irregular verbs, and the past tense of lie is lay.
(present tense) Lie Lay
(past tense) Lay Laid
(past participle) Have lain Laid
*To lie means “to recline.”
I hope to lie down to sleep at 9:30.
Last night, I lay down at 10:30.
I had lain in bed for two hours before I gave up and turned on the light.
*To lay means “to put down.”
Colleen, lay the baby in the crib for a nap, please.
Colleen laid the baby in the crib twenty minutes ago.
Colleen had laid the baby in the crib before the phone rang.
Next time, we’ll continue with more confusing words.