The Efficiency Addict

Using Pinterest for Ministry

March 19, 2016
Pinterest for Writers: Part 2 - Using Pinterest for Ministry

Pinterest for Writers: Part 2

When I teach computer classes for Christian writers and speakers, many attendees are surprised that I suggest using Pinterest for ministry. I think they envision one of two extremes—1) having a separate ministry account that is filled with only scripture verses, Bible studies, and worship albums or 2) having to remove all the special interest boards they have on their personal accounts so everything becomes ministry focused. Neither extreme is necessary. In fact, it is our unique personal interests, as shown through our Pinterest boards and pins, that can help us reach people who might never connect with anything “churchy”.

Think about how Pinterest works. Our feeds are filled with pins based on our likes and the boards we follow. When a user finds a pin of interest, he or she will pin it, take a look at its board, and visit the pinner’s home page to see if there are other intriguing items. This is a great opportunity for ministry.

Consider this real-life example:
A woman I know loves all things related to tea and tea parties. She has boards dedicated to tea recipes, table decorations, being a good host, teapots, and tea sayings. Many of her 500+ followers found her because they, too, like tea. However, this woman also has boards for scripture verses, encouragement, and women’s ministry. Those who choose to follow her because they like her tea information will receive the pins from her other boards. Those who only follow her tea boards will still be exposed to scripture because some of her tea pictures include Bible verses. This woman draws people to her page through the things she likes. She gets to share Jesus with pinners because she doesn’t separate Him from the other things that make her who she is.

So, if you have a Pinterest account, consider how you can minister to others. Don’t worry about creating something formal. Simply, collect pins and create boards based on who you are. If you like Corgi dogs, have a board for that. If you’re into camping, gather up those tent-pitching pins. If you’re studying kindness in the Bible, compile verses and articles that remind you of God’s graciousness. People can connect over the strangest things. Show others what and Whom you love on Pinterest, and let God direct the rest.

The farmer plants seed by taking God’s word to others. ~Mark 4:14 (NLT)

If you’d like to see Pinterest ministry in action, check out these Pinterest home pages created by fellow writers and speakers:

Carolyn Knefely, The TeaCup Living Lady –

Maureen Hager – Christian speaker, lover of Corgis & Harley Davidson motorcycles

Beth Bergren – Passionate about God, food, family & fun

Sharables – Because sharing is fun!

[bctt tweet=”Our Pinterest hobby boards can help us reach people who might never connect with anything “churchy”. #Ministry”]

[bctt tweet=”Using Pinterest for Ministry – How writers can connect and minister to readers with Pinterest. #WriteToInspire”]

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  • Reply Cathy Baker - Have Words, Will Travel....Travel Writing 101 March 19, 2016 at 12:55 pm

    Great post, Cynthia! Somehow I missed Part 1 so I’ll be perusing the site soon to find it. 🙂 You always offer quality content. Thanks!

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