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The Value of Investing in Networking by Cindy Saab  


Networking; what comes to mind when you hear that word? Are you groaning? Are you having a flashback to that awkward moment when you entered a  room full of strangers? Were you expecting people to be your next best contact or your new best friend?  Were you successful in an engaging conversation that played out rhythmically like a game of ping pong?   Okay, so maybe it didn’t play out as well as you had planned.

In reality, you were standing there like a soldier petrified and paralyzed? When you scanned the arena, did you realize that everyone else seemed to be in the deep conversation?  The only conversation you were engaged in was the one playing out in your mind—the implementation of your exit plan.

Now imagine others are waiting in deep anticipation for the event to begin.  They consider this event a personal invitation to them, for them. The time has arrived.  You see someone coming, and as they enter the room, there is a shifting in the atmosphere. The lights seem more brilliant, music starts to play, conversations stop,  and as they enter they are giving the impression that they sing Ta-Da I am here, let the party begin. As she speaks, people are hanging on to her e v e r y syllable, every word. Everyone gravitates toward her. Every person wants to be her. They want to be her friend, and before the night is over, she has hundreds of new best friends.

But for most, networking is often more realistic in-between both extremes.   A place that is more functional and purposeful.

Networking is work.  Alan Collins reminds us that “Pulling a good network together takes effort, sincerity and time.”

For me, networking is all about connections.  Connections are all about relationships; relationships with yourself, others and God.

Torry Martin says it best, “networking is all about working together to build God’s Kingdom.

When done right networking is a powerful tool! It is not just meeting people and growing your contact databaseIt’s an investment with great returns.  When you invest your time in others with the right motives, you build relationships that last a lifetime.

The term networking means a variety of contrasting things. Perhaps you have heard, observed or experience some of the following terminology related to networking:

WIIFM                 [ what is in it for me].

Transaction           An exchange of services or interaction between people.

Reciprocate          Respond with an equal or alternate interchange.

Bartering              Exchange goods and or services.

Trade                    Business, barter, contract, dealings

Traffic                  Coming and going

Seasoned People   People more successful of you in the speaker/writing world.

Or even worse, another popular version of networking is to socialize for professional or personal gain;  encouraging you to circulate, hobnob, make contacts,  meet and greet, mingle, rub elbows and schmooze.

Some simply choose to limit the networking process to a two-handed exchange; a  handshake with your right hand and a  new shiny business card with your left hand.   While that may ring true as the initial contact, however, if that is all you have done, the only take away you’ll have will be a stack of business cards.  It is not just about meeting people and growing your contact database

For networking to be of value to you and others, you need to make an investment. Susan Rona tells you that “Networking is an enrichment program, not an entitlement program.”

Effective networking is an investment.  It is not about what you can receive.  It is about what can you give.  You invest your time in others. Your focus point is how can I  give? How can I serve? While serving others,  you build relationships, and if done right they will last a lifetime.

Some view networking more as a two-sided coin.  More of a give-and-take situation.  As stated by Bob Burg, “Networking is simply the cultivating of mutually beneficial, give and take, win-win relationships.  It works best, however, when emphasizing the “give” part.”

But in God’s economy, He instructs us to be a giver. When we give, God honors our obedience.  When we choose to be obedient to what God has called us to do and called us to be, the results are always blessings.  So often we experience overflowing joy during the transaction of giving to others.

Henry Drummond says, “The most obvious lesson in Christ’ teaching is that there is not happiness in having or getting anything, but only in giving.”

Here are some ways that we can give to others:

Recommendations: I know a person that would be perfect for …..

Referrals: Describe how another person  brought great value to you  [ accountant, copywriter, web designer, publisher, editor, agent, etc.]

Mentors:  Find a mentor to share their struggles, knowledge, and  accomplishments. Be a mentor to someone else and do the same.

Randy Alcorn has stated that “God prospers me not to raise my standard of living, but to raise my standard of giving.”

Writing/Speaking: Share writing and/or speaking opportunities. Pass on an assignment to another person who is better suited.

“Networking is not just connecting people.  It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities.” as shared by Michele Jenna

As we develop our networking skills, our net will grow.  The Lord will continue to give us many opportunities to cast our net to others:  to serve, to give, to encourage, to be a bridge from one person to another.


Zig Ziglar  says “You can have everything you want in life, if you just help enough other people get what they want.”

“When we keep the ‘others’ mentality we discover the true value of networking doesn’t come from how many people we can meet but rather how many people we can introduce to others”  – Simon Sink

Journal Entry & Prayer Assignments:  The Value of Investing in Networking

  1. REFLECTION PRAYER – Sit quietly before the Lord and let the Lord speak to you.  Listed below are some prayer starters:

Praise the Lord for your personal relationship with God himself.

Thank God for the people that he has brought into your life.

Thank God for the places he has brought you to.

Thank God for the many opportunities he has placed before you.

Confess and ask for forgiveness for times when you have been a taker only.

Ask Him what is your next step.

Ask Him to give to another person the encouragement they may need.

Ask Him to give to another guidance for their next step.

Ask Him to give you the opportunity to invest and bless others.

Ask Him to give you many opportunities to serve.

Ask God for wisdom to be a good steward of your time.

Ask God for wisdom to be a good steward of your talents.

Ask God to give you many opportunities to invest in others.

Ask God to give you opportunities to share what you have learned.

Pray for opportunities to share what God has most recently taught you.

Pray for opportunities to share a new method that has been helpful to you.

Praise God for the favor that He has shown you and blessed you with.

Always give all praise and glory to Him.

  1. Read  Acts 20:35 “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

Write out your thoughts as to how this verse speaks to you today.

  1. Read scripture verse Matthew 6:19-21.

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal,  but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be      also.”

What do you currently value?

What do you consider treasure?

What does storing up Treasure in Heaven mean to you?

How are you investing in God’s Kingdom?

  1.  Albert Einstein says, “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to  become a man of value.”  What is the difference between a man of success and a man of value?
  1. Givers are blessed because  they:
  • Choose obedience over selfish gain
  • Are being conformed to the image of the Lord
  • Have established forever friends
  • Are people of faith
  • Exercise their trust muscle
  • Choose to give to others
  • Are growing in their relationship with the Lord
  • Are developing new friendships/relationships with others

Add other “Giver” statements.

Be generous in your giving. Keith Ferrazzi reminds us that “The currency of           real networking is not greed but generosity.”


Write out a Commitment Prayer in Investing in Networking.

Sign and Date your Commitment Prayer.

Other Networking / Connection Resources:

Networking Workshops by Cindy Saab

Biblical Networking ~ Examples of effective networking relationships

Effective Networking ~ Before, During and After Conference Workshop

Cindy Saab



Cindy Saab is a passionate communicator sharing Biblical truths as a speaker / teacher for over 25 years. Cindy is writing a Bible study “Journey By The Sea, Traveling through Unexpected Seasons. retreat series, and a Networking Conference Workshop. Cindy is a graduate of She Speaks and Speak Up Conference and a team member of reNEW and staff member of Asheville Christian Writer’s Conference. She is a Meet and Greet co-coordinator for NE Christian authors. A certified coach encouraging women to discover their next step. She was also the ministry coordinator for Christian Film Festivals of America, Inc. for 24 years. She resides in New Hampshire with her two adult children.










By Cherrilynn Bisbano - Managing Editor A3

A3's Managing Editor Host, Genre Chat. Junior Agent for Cyle Young
Winner of Flash Fiction Weekly. Published in MTL, Christian Rep and other online Magazines, Cherrilynn strives to write for the Glory of God. Currently, she is working on a series of non-fiction books and a YA mystery novel with her son. She is a Speaker with “” and “By Design Ministries". Cherrilynn resides in East Greenwich, RI with her husband and 15-year-old son, both named Michael; her M&m's.

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