Recently, I was teaching “The World of Writing for Children” at a Christian writers conference, and during the first session, a lovely woman in the front row asked, “I’ve heard that the children’s picture book market is the most difficult to break into…are there any tricks to getting your manuscript into the hands of editors?”
It was a valid question.
After explaining the importance of attending conferences such as Serious Writer events and the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators (SCBWI) workshops to connect with editors in person, I shared my slush pile success story.
“I mailed my manuscript for ‘Conversations On the Ark’ to Ideals Children’s Books without meeting any of the editors at a conference. I simply liked this company’s books, so I found the submissions guidelines in my current “Children’s Writer’s & Illustrator’s Market” and sent it off—but not before praying over it.
“I placed my hands on top of my manuscript,” I continued, “and I prayed: ‘Father, I thank You for calling me to write for children. I pray that this manuscript arrives safely and ends up in the right editor’s hands at the right time. I thank You, Lord, that Your Word says You’ve crowned me with favor, and I believe I am walking in that favor today and every day. I give You all the glory and honor. In the Mighty Name of Your Son, Jesus, Amen.’”
After sharing this story and prayer, I could tell not every person in the room agreed with praying favor over my manuscript before submitting it, so I continued: “You asked if there were any tricks to getting a manuscript into an editor’s hands, right? Well, I don’t have any tricks. I simply do all that I know to do—work on my craft, write the most engaging story I can, find the best publisher for that particular story, and most importantly, pray for the Lord’s supernatural favor.”
I don’t know if anyone from that “Writing for Children” class followed my advice, but I continue to pray favor over every piece of writing I submit for publication. In fact, I pray favor over every aspect of my life. It’s not a formula; it’s simply putting God’s Word to work in my life.
Of course it works because God’s Word never returns void. Amen? Write. Pray. Send. Repeat. Those are the steps to success.
With that in mind, here are three ways you can begin walking in the Favor Of God—the F.O.G.
- Draw near to God for Favor and Success. Matthew 6:33 says, “Seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Don’t seek favor. Seek the Favor Giver. - Forget your past. Expect good things to happen! God can give you favor—even when you’ve been WAY off in the past. Think about David in the Bible. He wasn’t exactly a model citizen. He slept with another man’s wife and impregnated her, and then to cover his tracks, he had that man put on the front lines of battle so he would be killed (2 Samuel 11). Still, God called David a man after His own heart (1 Samuel 13:14) and promoted him to king (2 Samuel 5:1-5). Now that’s favor!
- Praise God for the favor operating in your life. Praise will change the atmosphere! Begin praising God for His favor in both big and small things. For example, if you’re given the early bird discount even though you registered for the writers conference a day after the deadline, praise the Lord! Look for reasons to brag on God.
When you let success live in your spirit, you’ll experience the F.O.G. every single day. To learn more about the favor of God, read this book, “Favor The Road To Success: How to Receive Special Favor with God and People” by Bob Buess. It made a big impact on my life. I hope it will yours, too.

Michelle Medlock Adams is an award-winning journalist and best-selling author of over 80 books. Since graduating with a journalism degree from Indiana University, Michelle has written more than 1,000 articles for newspapers, magazines and websites. Today, she is President of Platinum Literary Services—a premier full-service literary firm—and co-owner of PlatLit Books. She also serves as chairman of the board for Serious Writer Inc. and teaches courses for Serious Writer Academy (online education).
1 Comment
Yes. This is so good. Every day I pray over my husband & four children: I declare the grace and favor of the Lord Jesus Christ over (& say their full name). I have seen so much positive change in many situations & God has given us an overflow of His favor—not by anything that we have done but because of His great love for us.
I have *Never* thought to do the same with my writing. Thanks for this encouraging post, Michelle. ❤️