

Over the last three years, Almost an Author has had hundreds of comments on different posts. Certain posts generate more comments than others.

We thought it would be interesting to share a few comments we’ve received, both in the beginning, and more recently.


Great post! I’m definitely a dabbler at this point in my life. I write stories for my own personal enjoyment. I’d like to become more committed and see my writing as more than a hobby one day, but it’s just hard right now because I’m so busy with college and life. I guess I just feel like the important thing for me right now is to make sure I keep writing, even if it’s just for me. After all, writing is never done in vain. What doesn’t get published is still great practice. 🙂

Ashley commented on “Committed Writer or Dabbler.”


Souls Perish from Procrastination in Writing, by Jake McCandless. Published on August 7, 2015. There were 17, yes seventeen comments on it. The only other post that had more was about our first Blue Seal Contests. That had 21.

Here’s a sampling of those 17 comments:

Leigh Ann Thomas: Wow, thanks Jake! Now THAT’S motivation!

Cherrilynn Bisbano: Jake, this is an amazing article. My blog post this week is about procrastination. God must be telling His children to stop dragging their feet. I would love you to read it and let me know what you think.

John Christopher: Jake, that was really good stuff. You wrote it well in a small amount of space, and that is hard to do. And it also convicted me. I have felt that same calling, and I put it off all the time. A few articles were published a few years ago, but then got derailed. I know I need to get back into it. So, I appreciate the encouragement and pointed exhortation to do what I know I should. Keep up the good work.

Marva Atterbury: Thank you so much for that word. I believe that God allowed me to see this website. Every time I try to write I freeze up. After reading this I know that I have to write and believe God that it will bless others. God bless you for your obedience in encouraging others to do the same.

Tessa Emily Hall: This was so good! I think many Christian writers view their craft as a hobby–something they try to squeeze in when they can–rather than a priority, or a ministry. But the enemy will do everything he can to prevent us from putting words to paper and continue furthering our career as a writer. Thank you for this reminder! Tessa Emily Hall


Link to post:

Elaine Cooper’s post, “Focus on One Thing at a Time,” garnered the most of the most recent comments.

Janet Grunst: Excellent advise, Elaine.

Elaine Cooper – Writer Encouragement: Thanks, Janet. I still have to remind myself, almost daily!

Leslie DeVooght: So needed to hear this today. Thanks

Elaine Cooper – Writer Encouragement: Thanks for the feedback, Leslie. So glad it was helpful. I still need to remind myself most days! May the Lord bless your writing!

Diana Derringer: Wise words, Elaine. Thank you.

Elaine Cooper – Writer Encouragement: You are more than welcome, Diana! Thanks for reading and leaving a comment! 🙂

David F: Now that you explain it that way, it makes so much sense. Looking back, I’ve definitely gotten bogged down due to lack of focus. Sometimes it takes days to start focusing, but that’s a lot of wasted time. All because I didn’t realize focusing was the solution. Thanks!

Elaine Cooper: You’re very welcome, David. I’ve swirled around in the waters of confusion so many times, I have to remind myself to focus on that one important thing: The lifesaver!! Hope this blog helps you.

You never know what will spark a comment on a post. Most posts don’t receive any comments at all. Many of us comment on each other’s posts. That’s always fun. My encouragement: enter into the discussion and We Love Your Comments!

By Donna L.H. Smith-Managing Editor

I'm a prairie girl from Kansas transplanted to Amish country, Pennsylvania. I'm married to a wonderful man since 1987, a member of a great church, where I serve as a greeter and on ministry team. On Sunday afternoons, I stand a two-hour prayer watch at our local 24/7 House of Prayer. I also enjoy reading, occasionally reviewing books, and of course, writing. A graduate of Christian Writer's Guild's Craftsman program, and holds both bachelor's and master's degrees in communication. I seek to encourage beginning writers in learning the craft. I am currently the Mid-Atlantic Zone Director of American Christian Fiction Writers and serve as Managing Editor for A3. My debut novel, Meghan's Choice, published in late 2017. Her second novel is in the editing process. She also teaches workshops on writing and inspirational.

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