Last month I shared Email #1 of my 4-part Welcome email series example. Here are the remaining 3 emails and the strategies associated with each. Create your own Welcome email series and include whatever you’d like. Be sure they’re short, clear, and welcoming to your new subscriber.
Why bother? It sets the stage for your email relationships. Be helpful. Be yourself. And connect serve your new subscriber.
In each of the three successive emails below, you’ll first see the content of my fictional email series plus red asterisks to identify which words / phrases / paragraphs have a specific strategy. Then in a separate section directly below each email, one-by-one, the strategy itself.
Here we go!

Strategies for Email #2
In the Strategy List below, you’ll find a duplicate of every sentence above shown with a red asterisk, then my strategy, so you don’t have to scroll up and down the page constantly. You’re welcome. π
#1: [*Info you requested]
When sending information your new subscriber requested, it’s very important to include this phrase, or one like it, as part of your title.
Why? They may have forgotten their request. Can that really happen…after all, it was only 24 hours ago! Yep. It happens. Not because they’re stupid…they’re B-U-S-Y. We need to cut through the never-ending noise in their mind to get their attention.)
#2: **Slide Deck
This tells the subscriber what to expect when they open this email. Scammers have taught us not to open emails that don’t explain what’s in them first.
The phrase “slide deck” does that. It’s not cute. It’s clear.
#3: Publish (send): One day after Email #1 (***unless it’s Sunday, then send on Monday)
(Shown to the reader in the Welcome Email #1, this need not be shown to them again. It does show you–as MY reader–when to send your second Welcome email to YOUR reader. π
#4: ****As promised, here’s the download link to the Slide Deck.
Clear as a bell so the reader cannot miss it but some will. See #XXX below.
#5: *****What’s your biggest frustration when creating a title?
My goal here is to start a dialogue. I don’t want to be the only in this two-way conversation. We can’t make our readers respond, but we want them to know we welcome it.
#6: ******Tell me what’s challenging you in this area and I’ll respond in a future email that will help everyone.
This sentence explains what will happen if they do respond. They’ll help other readers by asking me a question others might be timid to ask.
#7: Enjoy the slide deck, and *******I’ll talk to you in a few days!
A duplicate link to the slide deck so my reader doesn’t have to hunt for it.
After they’ve received the promised / delivered Slide Deck, what can they expect going forward? They can expect me to continue staying in touch with them!
Some send the promised resource then never send another email. Bad! B-A-D choice!

Strategies for Email #3
#1: *When We Do Our Part We Set the Stage for God to Do His Part (See Strategy #3 below.)
#2: Publish: **3 Days after Email #2 (unless it’s Sunday, then send on Monday)
This point has been mentioned already. Repeated here for clarity. Yes, you’ll see it again in Email #4. π (Shown to the reader in the Welcome Emails #1, this need not be shown to them again. It does show you–as MY reader–when to send your third Welcome email to YOUR reader. π
#3: ***It’s another beautiful day to serve Jesus!
New subscribers see immediately that I write for Christians. They can guess I’m a Christian. This is core to my message, so I reference God three times before the content even begins. That doesn’t have to be your strategy. Follow His leading. What or who is most important to you related to your audience? Identify that person or concept early on in your email relationship.
#4: ****Questions? Comments? Hit reply and I’ll answer.
Another invitation to new subscribers, letting them know I’m open to a two-way relationship.
#5: *****In case you haven’t had time to download my FREE RESOURCE TITLE GOES HERE yet, here’s that LINK GOES HERE again.
Many of us intend to download that great “thing” we requested, but we get distracted and forget. So I’m gently mentioning it again to help my reader remember…without badgering or chastising them.

Strategies for Email #4
#1 (Last time to see this… *3 days after Email #3 (unless it’s Sunday, then send on Monday)
This point has been mentioned already. Repeated here for clarity. π (Shown to the reader in the Welcome Emails #1, this need not be shown to them again. It does show you–as MY reader–when to send your third Welcome email to YOUR reader. π
#2: **Grab a pen and paper so we can make two short lists.
In this fourth Welcome email, my reader sees that I don’t offer fluff. We’re here to work while having a good time. I’ll walk them through the task step-by-step so they can 1) see the value of it and 2) know how to do it themselves next time.
#3: *** Write down 3 (three) strengths your audience has on the first list and 3 (three) weaknesses they have on the second list. (See #2 above.)
#4: **** Now, create one piece of content (blog post, social media post, email, Reels, whatever) for each strength and each weakness. (See #2 above.)
#5: ***** Do you have another free or a paid resource that could help further? Mention it and share the link to it.
Many people have content already created in a blog post, an interview, a free resource called a Lead Magnet, but they don’t think to offer access to it in another medium. Do it! π
#6: ****** No resource that fits? That’s okay. Find someone else’s applicable content on this topic and share the direct link on their website.
My reader may be brand new to writing / speaking, or highly accomplished. Sharing someone else’s content–if applicable and spot on–tells their subscriber they’re primary goal is to serve them, not impress them.
#7: *******P.S. Last invitation to download my FREE RESOURCE LINK GOES HERE Enjoy!
The goal is to give readers every chance to download the free resource. Added this last time separately, away from other content so it’s not lost to the reader.
If you haven’t used a Welcome email series before, give it a try!
Welcome Email Series Ends
Regular Email Content Begins Next Email

Patricia Durgin is an Online Marketing Coach and Facebook Live Expert. She trains Christian writers and speakers exclusively, helping them develop their messaging, marketing funnels, conversational emails, and Facebook Live programs. Patricia hosted 505 (60-minute) Facebook Live programs from 2018-2020. That program is on indefinite hiatus. Sheβs also a regular faculty member at Christian writers and speakers conferences around the country.
Facebook: MarketersOnAMission
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