Devotions for Writers

What Makes You Thirsty?

Have you ever noticed how thirsty you are the day after eating an Easter ham? Matthew 5:13 tells us we’re like that salt as we create a thirst for God.

Or, how about the way dry skin soaks up lotion? You can almost hear the pores say, “thhhwop,” as the moisture refreshens.

My husband has commented after trips to Uganda, “The Ugandan people are like sponges soaking up God’s Word. They take copious notes and lean into the discussion.”

I’ve also heard many authors attribute their writing success to staying close to the Lord and seeking His direction.

All these things point back to our need for a deep hunger for the Lord. What makes you lean into God’s Word? Are you fully invested in what He has to say? I notice my own thirst wanes and complacency sets in when I get settled into my own routine. I am unaware and unconcerned about what happens outside of my own sphere. I become content to just drift through life, but am not really living.

How can we kick the complacent mindset and learn how to thrive?


Four Ways to Develop a Thirst for Go

1. Pray

Ask God to nurture your tastebuds for His food. He says in Matthew 7:7 to ask, seek and knock in order to open your heart to Him. Psalm 34:8.

2. Dig into Scripture

Use your Concordance and footnotes. Where does it talk about thirst? Hunger? Seeking? Let passages take you on a rabbit trail to discover new delights. Psalm 25:14.

3. Meet with God’s Family

Proverbs 27:17 says iron sharpens iron. We wet each other’s appetites when we meet across the table to talk about passages of the Bible. We ask questions that dig into deeper truth, and hold each other accountable to the discipline of study. Author Rick Warren says, “We’re better together.” Ecclesiastes 4:12.

4. Serve

Something clicks in the brain when we meet a need for another. Service takes the focus off of our own issues to concentrate on giving selflessly. When we serve, we find freedom from what consumes us and renewal for what nourishes. The Lord blesses those who serve. Ephesians 6:7-8.

Are you thirsty? James 1:5 reminds us to ask for what we need. Let the Lord restore your zest for more of Him and your abundance will overflow to others.

Don’t get dehydrated. Reach for The Living Water!

Sally Ferguson

Over 140 of Sally Ferguson’s devotionals have been published in Pathways to God (Warner Press). She’s also written for Light From The Word, Chautauqua Mirror, Just Between Us, Adult Span Curriculum, Thriving Family, Upgrade with Dawn and Prose Contest Winner at 2017 Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference.

Sally loves organizing retreats and seeing relationships blossom in time away from the daily routine. Her ebook, How to Plan a Women’s Retreat is available on Amazon.

Sally Ferguson lives in the beautiful countryside of Jamestown, NY with her husband and her dad.

Visit Sally’s blog at

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