The Intentional Writer

What’s the Big Deal About NaNoWriMo?

If you are a writer, you have probably heard of NaNoWriMo—National Novel Writing Month.

Maybe you’ve tried NaNoWriMo in the past.

Maybe you’re in the middle of it right now. (If you are, Bravo! I wish you success.)

If you haven’t participated, you may have decided it’s too intense, or doesn’t apply to your genre, or it’s just not your style. Maybe so, but there are good reasons so many writers join the movement, and the rest of us can apply some of those benefits even if we’re not participating.

Here are some principles from NaNoWriMo that all writers can apply to their work no matter what they write or what month they write it in.

A good writer benefits from:

  • Pre-planning: It is much easier to write when you know the main point you want to communicate or where you want the story to end. Whether you are trying to complete a manuscript in one month or a weekly post for your blog, appropriate pre-planning will help you succeed more confidently and efficiently. How much foundation do you need to write a good story?
  • Concrete goals: Most of us work better when we have well-defined, reasonable goals to shoot for (such as the typical NaNo goal of 1,667 words per day). What specific and measureable goals will inspire you to keep going, even on the tough days?   
  • Consistency: The best way to get better at any skill is to practice consistently. First of all, if you write consistently it will become a habit, which means you will be more likely to keep at it even on the days you don’t feel like it. Secondly, writing consistently strengthens the connection to your subconscious where true creativity comes from.
  • Accountability: Hitting your goals on a consistent basis is easier when you know others are following your progress. If you struggle to be consistent in your writing, look for someone to keep you accountable. A regular meeting (face to face or virtual) with critique partners is one good option.
  • Support: Being part of a world-wide community of writers is often cited as a key benefit of the NaNo movement. Writing is a lonely business. Even the most introverted of us need support from other humans to keep going.
  • Motivation: Some writers are motivated by goals and deadlines. Others thrive on competition. Yet others work best in a community of like-minded peers who can spur each other on with daily boosts of encouragement. If you know what style of motivation works for you, you can find fellow writers to help you keep at it.
  • Creativity without judgment: Most of us have a critical voice in our heads that wants to edit every word we write. That voice is deadly to the creativity needed in a first draft!  If you find it impossible to allow yourself to write a lousy first draft full of typos, clichés, and bad grammar, maybe you should try NaNo. Pushing through a novel in a month leaves no time for that pesky editor to meddle with your creative output. Writing sprints are another strategy that can help you work past your inner critic.  
  • Limited and achievable milestones: Part of the beauty of NaNoWriMo is that the commitment is only for one month. It’s easier to keep going when we know there is finish line in sight. And celebrating each small milestone as you reach it helps, too.

I hope these concepts have inspired and encouraged you, no matter where you are in your writing journey. Which of these principles will be most helpful to you today? What’s keeping you from giving it a try?

Award-winning writer Lisa E. Betz believes that everyone has a unique story to tell the world. She loves inspiring fellow writers to be more intentional about developing their craft and courageous in sharing their words. Lisa shares her words through speaking, leading Bible studies, writing historical mysteries, and blogging about living intentionally.

You can find her on Facebook  LisaEBetzWriter Twitter @LisaEBetz and Pinterest Lisa E Betz Intentional Living.

By Lisa E. Betz

Lisa Betz is a writer, blogger, and occasional director who lives in an empty nest perched on a wooded Pennsylvania hillside. She loves to bring characters to life, both on stage and on the page.

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