Writer Encouragement

When Plans Change

By Elaine Marie Cooper

Life can throw curveballs at you. You’re certain one moment what will take place tomorrow. Then the unexpected happens and you shake your head, wondering what happened.

Life happened. I think Scripture addresses this situation in James 4:13-17. We never know what plans God may have for our tomorrow.

The unexpected happened to me just this week as I had plans to attend a writer’s conference in Wheaton, Illinois, in June. But my knee doctor said otherwise. Surgery is in my immediate future instead. I wanted to cry but preferred to hold onto my tears until I arrived home.


Despite my grieving over this loss, I felt a deep inner peace that it would be OK. God was still in control and I could rest in Him, placing all my fears into His hands. I would miss visiting with my writer friends at the conference. I looked forward to classes and workshops. I had great plans! But God had other plans. And His ways are always best, despite my personal preference.

Christian friends responded to my upcoming summer of surgery with thoughts such as: I wonder what writing you’ll do while you’re laid up? I wonder what exciting plans God has for you instead?

Isn’t the friendship of fellow Christians a gift? They help us see the big picture; the God picture.

I pray that my “fork-in-the-road” testimony will encourage you in your writing plans. Sometimes the unexpected happens, and God redirects. Won’t it be exciting to see where He leads us?

Have a blessed—and hopefully surgery-free—summer of writing!



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By Elaine Cooper - Writer Encouragement

Elaine Marie Cooper is an award-winning author of both fiction ("Fields of the Fatherless") and non-fiction ("Bethany's Calendar"). Her usual genre is historical fiction set in the era of the American Revolution. She began writing as a child and somehow couldn't stop. ;) Her Deer Run Saga is being re-released by CrossRiver Media in 2015. "Saratoga Letters" is contracted for release in early 2016. Her work has also appeared in Splickety Prime Magazine, Prayer Connect Magazine, "I Choose You" (Romance anthology) and Fighting Fear: Winning the War at Home by Edie Melson.

2 replies on “When Plans Change”

Hi Elaine: How nice of you to share a ‘personal story’. I commend you for how quickly you transitioned from ‘grieving the loss’ associated with not being able to keep your plans, to going with God’s plan (going with the flow). I found your post to be a ‘poignant’ reminder of what is REALLY important; striving in Faith and understanding of our fellow human beings, to let go and to turn over the reins of our destiny to God so that we can experience His Love, His Gifts. I’m certain that your friends and fellow writers will be with you throughout this period. My best, Mary

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