Devotions for Writers

Will You STep into Your Bethlehem?


Do you realize you have something in common with Ruth the Moabitess?

We’ll explore that in the exercise. First, let’s refresh our memories about her story.

Ruth was married to Naomi’s son. They had a sweet life together and Ruth was drawn to Naomi’s simple faith. Then, tragedy struck the family and left the women as widows.

Ruth decided to go with her mom-in-love back to Naomi’s homeland. There, Ruth labored behind the barley and wheat harvesters and caught the attention of the owner of the field. He became her link for protection and provision.

There is so much more to this story, so stop now and read all four chapters in the book of Ruth.


  1. Ruth left her homeland and culture. She ventured into unchartered waters and endeavored to get acquainted with her new community. Ruth 1:16-17

Writers must leave their comfort zone to unite with readers, writers and editors.

Writers who work with writers become better equipped to navigate the marketplace of words.

How will you stretch yourself? Will you join a writers group or attend a writers conference? Will you send in a new submission every month or every week? Make a note of your intent and post it as a daily reminder.

  • Ruth was known for her loyalty. Ruth 2:11. She was dedicated to Naomi and worked hard to provide for them both.

Writers require a stick-to-itiveness to tackle the words they’re seeking.

What steps can you take to guard your writing time? How will you solidify your commitment to the hard work of the writing life?

  • Naomi told Ruth that Boaz had a special connection to their family. Ruth 2:20. He became her link to the line of King David and later the Messiah. Matthew 1:1-16

Who you know is often a catalyst in the writing business.

We’re told to build our social media and meet agents and editors. We may never guess who will be in our family lineage of writing kinsmen, but it will be a great reunion of minds later!

Brainstorm ways you can join and support other writers. Research writers conferences and faculty members. What can you learn from these contacts?

Take a lesson from Ruth and leave your comfort zone. Be loyal to your time with words. Develop connections with people who may later introduce you to your manuscript-redeemer. You will be blessed to be a part of the writing family.

Are you ready to venture out like Ruth?

Sally Ferguson

Over 140 of Sally Ferguson’s devotionals have been published in Pathways to God (Warner Press). She’s also written for Light From The Word, Chautauqua Mirror, Just Between Us, Adult Span Curriculum, Thriving Family, Upgrade with Dawn and Prose Contest Winner at 2017 Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference.

Sally loves organizing retreats and seeing relationships blossom in time away from the daily routine. Her ebook, How to Plan a Women’s Retreat is available on Amazon.

Sally Ferguson lives in the beautiful countryside of Jamestown, NY with her husband and her dad.

Visit Sally’s blog at

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