The Efficiency Addict

Write More: How Organizing Can Help

July 7, 2015
Write More: How Organizing Can Help

Looking to spend more time on your writing? A little organizing can help you write more.

Organized writers are

  • Less stressed. They know what work needs to be done and are able to prioritize its completion.
  • More productive. They move from one project to the next smoothly and efficiently.
  • Informed. They save information for their current and future projects and can retrieve it easily when it’s needed.
  • Opportunity finders. They know the areas where they excel and can search for openings in those markets.
  • Scalable. As requests for their writing grow, they can meet the increased need because of all the traits listed above.

You, too, can be an organized writer.

In this column, we’ll explore practical ways to handle the business details of writing so you can focus on your writing craft.

And let me assure you, there’s a huge difference between neatness and good organizing. Good organizing helps you achieve your goals. Neatness just looks pretty when company is coming. The key to good organizing is having systems that

  • are simple.
  • are easy for you to use.
  • save you time and stress.
  • free your mind and desk of clutter.
  • give you confidence that you know what needs to be done.

Being organized has another benefit few people recognize: it lets us be creative. It’s tough to open our minds to new ideas when we’re constantly being bombarded by all the things we need to do and information we need to remember. An effective system of work silences those nagging thoughts leaving your brain free to explore new possibilities or story lines.

Simplifying work and life—that’s my motto and it’s what we’re going to do here at The Efficiency Addict. To get started, visit this post on Simple and Easy Password Tracking.

Care to share?

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  • Reply Cathy Baker July 7, 2015 at 11:42 am

    You never disappoint, Cynthia. Your wisdom is spot-on and incredibly helpful. I look forward to your monthly posts!

  • Reply Cynthia Owens July 7, 2015 at 11:53 am

    Thanks, Cathy. If there are particular areas where you’d like tips, share them in this comments section. I’ll try to incorporate those into future posts.

  • Reply B. Bush July 8, 2015 at 6:55 pm

    I am looking forward to reading more, especially on ways to file and organize electronic files, posts, and projects. What to save and what to keep.

    • Reply Cynthia Owens July 11, 2015 at 4:26 pm

      Thanks for sharing your areas of interest, B. Bush. I’ll keep those in mind. We’ll be looking at organizing article submissions next month, and the method I’m sharing can be applied to a variety file types.

  • Reply Dee Dee Parker July 11, 2015 at 8:46 am

    Cynthia, this post was very helpful to me. I am looking forward to future posts as I work on becoming more organized.

    • Reply Cynthia Owens July 16, 2015 at 7:51 am

      Thanks, Dee Dee. If there are specific areas that you’d like discussed, leave them in the comments section here. I’ll see if I can cover them in future posts.

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