Craft Developing Your Writer's Voice

Writer’s Voice Questions Answered for 2016

DDA3Jan16I’ve received several questions concerning how one recognizes their writer’s voice. For those of you who discovered your voice early on, it’s hard to understand why others struggle with this issue. To those who are still wandering in the writer’s desert, seemingly voiceless, it is indeed frustrating.

So let’s start this New Year off by addressing a few of these questions:

  1. What is the first thing to do when searching for my writer’s voice? Since starting this column I’ve offered many tips on this subject. Some of you have written to me saying your voice was much clearer after reading through my suggestions. Others said your voice is still illusive. My answer for you is to write, write, write, then read, read, read! Read what you’ve written, out loud, and listen to the tone of the pieces. Your voice will be recognizable after reading and comparing numerous pieces of your work. You will hear yourself coming through the words; the essence of you, and that is your voice.
  1. How can I be sure I’m using my voice and not someone else that I have patterned? I believe we read the authors whose writing we enjoy, and in doing so, we often pattern ourselves after them, at least somewhat, with our first attempts. As you settle into your writing style your unique voice will emerge. I read a lot of authors whose books were set in the Appalachian Mountains where most of my stories are birthed. My voice developed a flavor of its own with just a soft coloring from those favorite writers.
  1. Does my voice change when I write in different genres? When writing fiction, my voice shines through loud and clear. In other genres I still hear hints of my style. I am sure if I were to write technical articles my voice would be shelved…a reader would not care to hear my warm and fuzzy discussions of, lets say, heating units.
  1. Will someone else be able to tell me my voice? Other writers will often hear your voice in your work. Asking them to share their thoughts on your voice could be a great help, especially if you ask several people and their opinions are similar.

Please share your questions on discovering your writers voice in the comment section below. We will address these as time permits.

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.”

Edith Lovejoy Pierce


I wish you a happy New Year filled with wonderful writing opportunities.



By Dee Dee Parker - Developing Your Writer's Voice/The Writerly Cafe

Dee Dee Parker infuses wisps of Southern grace throughout both her writing and speaking. She is the author of a children’s book, Josie Jo’s Got to Know and has contributed to numerous anthologies, such as Chicken Soup for the Soul, God’s Provision for Tough Times, and Clothes Lines. Dee Dee writes for Christian Devotions, Guidepost books,, as well as Focus On the Family’s Clubhouse Jr. magazine. Her first Christmas novella has landed in the hands of her agent. Dee Dee lives snuggled among the NC Appalachian Mountains with her husband Jim, a retired minister, and their spoiled snoodle, Greta.

4 replies on “Writer’s Voice Questions Answered for 2016”

My challenge is that my “true” voice does not work in the genre I am published in. I love snarky, sarcastic and funny. I’ve published two message-driven children’s books and have another on the way. Even what I am currently working on for middle grade is not the best place to let my voice shine through; though I might be able to drop a bit of it into one character. Any suggestions?

Great post Dee Dee! And yes, I can hear your fiction voice even in your non-fiction! What worked for me was reading out loud like you suggested as well as keep on writing. For those of you who haven’t found your voice, get ready . . . it’s there, and it may very well surprise you!

Thanks Dee for helping others with your wisdom and knowledge.

Thank you for the comment, Cheryl. I’ve learned that a writer needs to be flexible. My voice is Southern Appalachian that suits the short stories and novellas I enjoy writing. When I write a technical piece my Southern writer’s voice vanishes. I hope you also choose to write in a genre that will showcase your “true voice” and I believe your work will shine. I love that you are able to infuse a bit of your voice into some of your middle grade work. Happy writing!

Thank you for commenting, Beth. I am happy some of my suggestions helped. I love sharing with the readers here At Almost An Author.

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