Romancing Your Story

Writing Romance 101 – Five Basic Elements

October 23, 2017
Love writing

Girl Meets Boy. Lots of problems. Finally, Girl Gets Boy. That’s my new formula for romance writing. Most readers of romance in any genre, historical or contemporary, are women. [bctt tweet=”We women love our plucky leading ladies. There must also be an equally astounding, strong, sensitive, and courageous leading man to compliment her.” username=”@donnalhsmith @a3writers”] #amwriting #writingromance101

Five Basic Elements

There are five basic elements romance readers expect when they pick up a romance novel, be it contemporary or historical.

  • A sympathetic heroine. The heroine is the key to any romance. Because women are the biggest readers, we need to be able to identify in some ways with the heroine, to draw us and keep us turning the pages. She must be strong, without being hard, vulnerable, but not weak, intelligent, ethical, interesting (some sort of personality ‘quirk’), and capable. As if that isn’t enough, she must also be beautiful, but not like a Barbie doll. She must be human and likeable.
  • A strong, irresistible hero. Your heroine and your reader must both fall in love with the hero. Strong, but not overbearing, not abusive, vulnerable enough to need the heroine, as intelligent, capable, fascinating, and good-looking.
  • Emotional tension. This is the heart of every romance. The emotional conflict that keeps the heroine and the hero from being together throughout the story––even though they want to be. The tension must be complex, interesting, believable, and grows from the interaction of the two characters themselves. Allow the characters to work on these obstacles as the story unfolds. This journey is the whole point of the story.
  • A believable plot. The plot is the context of the two characters’ emotional journeys. It must be logical, credible, realistic, and interesting. The story world is the backdrop and the canvas for the emotional journey.
  • A happy-ever-after ending. Of course. They must commit to come together as a couple, whether or not you actually write the marriage ceremony. Happiness is part of the promise of a romance. One thing you never want to do as an author is to disappoint your readers, by breaking a promise to them.

What Do You Like in a Romance?

Think about the romances that you love to read the most. For me, it’s all about the depth of the romantic tension, the harder the obstacles, and yet, how they journey together and find each other. [bctt tweet=”Every girl’s dream is to find her soulmate. Romance is the avenue where this dream comes true.” username=”@donnalhsmith @a3writers”]. #amwriting #romancewriting101

What do you like about romance? Leave a comment and let me know.

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