You’re a lover of books and in you burns a desire which you cannot ignore. You want to write! At the same time you think, “There’s a gazillion authors out there. What makes me think my writing would be good enough? How will my writing stand out among so many? How do I write in a unique enough way to set me apart from other writers and successfully grab reader attention?” Before I answer with a do, here’s a vital don’t.
Don’t try to be unique.
It doesn’t work! You’ll end up with a bland and boring – generic, story. So don’t try to be unique. I assure you that every writer has their own special voice and style of writing. That includes you! Yes, we must submit to editorial changes (a topic for another day), but your voice should never be taken out of your story. Think about this for a moment: If each of us were to write a story with the same starting line, would we all write the same story? No. Everyone would write very different stories. Why?
Every writer’s story is unique.
Our personalities, our life experiences, our family and local cultures, and even our belief systems vary in so many ways. These factor in to our writing, giving each voice it’s own distinct flavor. So as you sit down to write, let the words flow and I guarantee your story will be unique.
Just for fun:
Start with the line below and write a short in the comment section. Let’s see just how unique everyone is.
Vance Scaggs stumbled in the dark. …
Have fun with that!
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