I released a book during a pandemic. What’s new with you?
I waited years upon years to see a book with my name on the cover. That dream came true on April 7, 2020 with the release of Adventures in Fatherhood, a 60-Day Devotional co-authored with good friend (and fellow A3 columnist) Holland Webb.
When you get a book contract, you have hopes, plans, and dreams about the book release. At a writers conference last year, I even attended a workshop on “How to do a Book Launch.”
A month before the release, I received a case of books from the publisher. I scheduled a book launch party in the town where I live. I contacted venues about having one in my hometown, about an hour away. I made plans to do something special with my friends at Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference, the event where I met my co-author and where the idea for the book was hatched. I had even planned a fatherhood-themed costume for Genre Night.
And then, just like that, everything closed, all events were postponed or even cancelled (For the record, BRMCWC was rescheduled for mid-November—watch out, pals), and my day job was shifted to home.
So long, hopes, plans, and dreams. It was nice knowing you.
Seriously, people were suffering around the world with a terrible medical condition. My concern over releasing book during this time paled in comparison. My heart hurt for people dealing with the medical and financial ramifications.
The main thing I learned is that God is not surprised at the current state of our world. He is sovereign and still has a plan; He knew the book would be released in such a time as this. Rather than drop back and punt, I decided to pivot. God gave me a different, renewed vision of what a book release could look like in quarantine.
During that workshop last year, there was extensive talk about online book launches through various social media outlets. At the time, I thought, “Ehhh, maybe.” In April, when the book released, I thought, “Sign me up!”
Our publisher supplied us with spiffy social media memes and videos, along with a plan on how and when to share them. My co-author and I planned, filmed, and posted our own book release chat. I filmed and shared videos highlighting various stories from the book.
Holland and I realized that two more friends, Michelle Medlock-Adams and Jake McCandless (both of whom we met at BRMCWC), had books releasing the same day. I came up with the idea of hosting a “Book Release Pajama Party” through Facebook. Hey, we’re all living in our pajamas these days, so why not? It turned out to be a great time full of laughter, snacks (we all provided our own), and lively book discussion and readings. It was great fun, and something we likely would have never even thought about in normal times. I think we started a trend.
Releasing a book during a pandemic taught me the value of my “tribe.” My fellow writers, my friends, and my family have been extremely gracious and supportive—sharing information, hosting me and my co-author on blogs and podcasts, and sending messages of goodwill. God has shown Himself through the kindness of His people.
I leave you with two thoughts:
- Adventures in Fatherhood is available and would make a great Father’s Day gift, Mother’s Day gift, or Quarantine Boredom Buster. http://bit.ly/AdventuresInFatherhoodBook
- Look for my next book, Quarantine Conundrum: Releasing a Book During a Pandemic, coming soon.
That last one is just a joke. Sort of.

Carlton Hughes, represented by Cyle Young of Hartline Literary, wears many hats. By day, he is a professor of communication. On Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings, he serves as a children’s pastor. In his “spare time,” he is a freelance writer. Carlton is an empty-nesting dad and devoted husband who likes long walks on the beach, old sitcoms, and chocolate–all the chocolate. His work has been featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Dating Game, The Wonders of Nature, Let the Earth Rejoice, Just Breathe, So God Made a Dog, and Everyday Grace for Men. His latest book is Adventures in Fatherhood, co-authored with Holland Webb.
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