Whether you are writing your first mystery/thriller or have become a seasoned veteran, one thing remains true. Writing in this genre is hard! It’s work. That’s also why it so satisfying. According to the old adage, if it were easy, everyone would do it. Statistics tell us that many people have a desire to write a novel but doing it can be more elusive. Mysteries and thrillers can be doubly hard to write.
Here’s a look at why.
A story without a mystery element can go any direction based on the character’s choices. A mystery/thriller, however, enters the world of deceiving, convincing, and fooling, running parallel with the story. As the author, you must both engage and outsmart your worthy opponent. No, it’s not the villain. It’s the reader! Too easy, and you’re judged as not challenging for the discerning sleuth who bought the book. Too hard or not plausible, and you’re deemed as esoteric and unrealistic. You have to find your Goldilocks moment and get it “just right.”
More hard work?
You are tasked with becoming an expert about things you probably know very little about. Speak in the voice of a medical specialist? Sure. A government bureaucrat, a judge, a forensic pathologist? All on your plate. Temptations abound. You may be tempted to overshare based on your research simply to impress your readers. Your brain is muddled with anguish, wondering if that red herring is too obvious or oblivious. Will no one figure it out?
Will everyone figure it out?
If your book turns into a series, even more is asked of this world you have created as a basis for mystery, suspense, and thrills. Your characters start to have expectations beyond what you’ve envisioned—instead, your readers call for actions based on their interpretation of the characters. The challenge grows while giving enough background information for a newbie to your series while not boring your existing readers. Because of boredom and a desire to do something outrageous, you can be tempted to cause things to happen. Your readers aren’t having it! They demand your people stay “in character,” or you have to good a darn good reason why this or that was allowed to happen.
While every novelist’s goal is to move a story forward, mystery/thriller/suspense writers know that each scene is a piece of a maze of detection in addition to the baseline story. Bottom line? You’ve chosen to write in a genre that often asks you for double duty.
So, yes. Writing a mystery/thriller/suspense novel is hard. But really, why does anyone do it? If it’s your thing, you already have an answer. There’s that moment when reader feedback lets you know they didn’t see that twist or turn coming, they couldn’t put the book down, and they were surprised by the ending. Getting it just right is a very satisfying goal. Those Goldilocks moments are priceless—enough to make you go out and do it again.

Michele Olson writes stories set on Mackinac Island in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan filled with suspense, romance, friendship, faith, and quirky characters. A top seller in Mackinac Island Fiction to the million people who make a trip to the island every year to experience life with no cars, amazing scenery, and the glorious Grand Hotel, she enjoys opening up this incredible island to even more visitors. Incorporating her work as an artist and a voice professional into her writing whenever she can, she enjoys creative endeavors of all genres and fueling faith with fiction.
Michele lives in the shadow of Lambeau Field in Green Bay, WI with her husband and thoroughly enjoys being a wife, mom, and “Gee Gee” to two adorable grandsons.
Visit her:
- Website: www.LakeGirlPublishing.com
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